Pistola is the best in the ****ing game!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Sorry Maniac...

    Soooo, this section is dead and I thought it'd be fun to try and breathe some life in to it whilst H3 MLG is still going.

    I'd guess that a lot of people who watched DC will agree with me, he's just insane. He doesn't get the love of a main slayer, but still ends up going most positive on Final Boss most of the time, his +137 for the weekend being testament to this. He does everything and does it perfectly. His awareness is insane, he's as sneaky as they come, his decision making is right up there and he always commits 100% to said decisions, his shot is one of the best in the league, arguably only behind people like Naded/Hysteria/Snip3down in terms of Sniper, and Roy/Defy in terms of BR, and combined with his amazing positioning I'd say he often outplays all of those in terms of overall skill plays. He could never be called selfish and always seems to keep a cool, level head even when in intense main stage situations. He's always been my favourite player even since I got in to MLG in '08 and he got the first Running Riot I'd ever seen on the main stage, seeing him go through tD and now finding his new home on Final Boss just solidified that even further. Plus, as Insane will tell you, he has the best hair in the league ;).

    I genuinely think he's the best overall player in the league right now by a decent way, and will close out Halo 3 as such. He doesn't get the love we saw in '09 but after these past two performances I think we'll see some change on that front. So please, let's all take a minute to appreciate the genius that is Pistola.

    (P.S. This is also semi-intended as a general post-DC discussion thread, so if you want to talk about the insanity that is neither T2 or Walshy going to Nationals this year, or anything else on the subject of DC, please feel free. I just wanted to guide the discussion heavily towards how awesome Pistola is)
    #1 Pegasi, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  2. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Well, since MLG has it own forum, this section is quite useless, lol.

    But, yeah Pistola is my favorite player to watch, he is crazy good, he will be the Dallas MVP, you are going to see.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I occasionally try posting on that swamp they call a forum, but the fact that 90% of the community is only there to serve their own egos and 9% of the rest just hang around in OT talking about anything and everything except Halo (and who can blame them) kinda puts me off. If I forged anymore then I'd have more reason since the MLG Forge Forums seem pretty cool, but eh. I've recently been getting in to TLN's forums though, much more chilled and friendly. I've recently been getting in to TLN's forums though, much more chilled and friendly. Anyway, I digress.

    Gotta agree, it's funny how few people do though. Speaking of TLN, I just saw a thread over there about who your favourite Pro is and why. Names like Roy, T2, Walshy, Naded etc. all popped up time and again, with plenty of good reasons. It just seems like everyone forgets what happens when Pistola picks up Sniper, or even when he doesn't tbh. He doesn't grab snipe of start, nor does he take the full on Slaying role that FiS does on FB, but he still goes just as positive for the event overall, more if you count spread instead of ratio. He could be the main slayer on a top 1 team no trouble, but even though he isn't he still manages to put up the best numbers there are whilst doing the dirty jobs too, he can support and do objective whilst still going more positive than anyone else in the game.

    It genuinely baffles me why he doesn't get the respect he deserves, obviously people rate him as a player, but it's always a case of who's been hot for the past couple of events being hailed by all as 'the best there is.' I mean, where would Roy have been on people's top Pro's list before the start to '10 that Instinct had? But Pistola can outplay anyone and has been doing so since 2009, I'm 99% sure that if he was actually the main slayer for a team (not too focus too much on roles, but if he was the guy who grabbed Sniper off start is what I mean), then we'd be seeing much more fan favouritism towards him and people actually acknowledging how skilled he is in all aspects of the game.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Anyway, i agree with you. Pistola's been raping errbody out there, but ive liked him for two years now so its no change from normal. He doesnt have a stat-***** play style, yet he puts up amazing numbers. Imagine if he went out of his way to get medals and kills... who knows how much he could put up?
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Lol, ctrl+v fail, reshuffled and moved that sentence, must have pasted twice by accident.

    I know what you mean, it does make me miss Ambush where he got to play that slaying focused role, but he's developed so much as a player since then it'd be interesting to see him do it now, and how much better he'd likely be at it.
  6. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I always want to respond to your threads, but after your posts everything I type feels like spam, you should be a Journo *ba dum tsss*
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    No. Fearitself has the best hair in the league.

    Pistola is one of my favorite players in the league as well, but FB just isn't as good as it used to be...
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Pistola's hair is so much better.


    tell me that that isn't awesome
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Hes a little pale, and the glasses really take away from his eyes...

    other than that; bangable.
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Did someone take a car's cigarette lighter to his chin?
  11. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    yea Pistola is kewl and all. BUT
    Do you really want to be around someone with herpes.

    YouTube - Pistola has herpes!

    I already have herpes so im kewl.
  12. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Pistola is just a little kid that makes me want to punch him in the face.

    Honestly, I think snip3down played that best. Watching his games, it looks like he carried his whole team. Even though statistics only say he was 5th best out of D.C., he would have done better if it had been a different team.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Nice reasoning there buddy.

    Snip3down is a beast Slayer, not gonna deny that, but imo he doesn't even come close to Pistola as an all around player. Pistola doesn't get to play the main slayer role, yet STILL went more positive than FiS who does just that on FB. He gets in and does the dirty in the opponent's base, which is normally a role where you have to sacrifice stats in good part for the win, yet still most positive out of anyone in DC? That's just insane if you ask me.

    Snip3down started to impress me as an all around player in late '09 on Str8, despite their declining placings during this time. His BR (which had been comparatively shaky compared to his sniper, and put him against Hysteria for exmaple who has a great shot with both and always has done) significantly improved and his objective skill really started to take off, watching him play Guard Ball was really entertaining.

    But still, Pistola's always been better all around than he was getting even at this height, and since then I've seen him be very patchy. He's got intense slaying power on BtH, no doubt, but I think his nature as a great team mate as well as all around player just isn't on the same level as Pistola even now. If anyone saw Tizoxic's BtH stream pre-DC then I think they'll know what I'm talking about, all of that lineup seems to have serious attitude problems. "We're that God Squad that everyone loves to hate" really stuck in my mind (as well as "run it training!", lol Maniac). Even aside from the fact that Pistola can do whatever needs to be done to a higher level than Snip3down can, I'd much rather have him as a team mate simply because of the attitude and atmosphere he seems to bring to a team, often underestimated in its importance for the win under pressure (see FB's run through the LB and sheer determination when playing against Dynasty and TD, Pistola's consistency and pure drive being a big part of that).

    Basically, I'd never say that Snip3down is bad, cause that would be plain stupid. But there is no one I'd rather team with than Pistola for every single reason that goes to making up a great player. He never lets a loss get him down, but he never lets a win go to his head, on top of this you have to add some of the best slaying power in the league despite not being a main slayer, and sneakiness which rivals, even matches that of Walshy and Victory, which imo makes the best H3 player there is by a noticeable amount. T'ain't all about stats or flashy plays, but the funny thing is that Pistola can even put these up despite not relying on them.
    #13 Pegasi, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Basically, you don't want the kid who rages, throws a chair, and then storms out in the middle of an event *cough*Columbus*cough*. Pistola is the man.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Just look at his face man. That's a punching face. He's pretty damn good, but that face...

    Let's not forget that Heinz was having the same attitude problem on BtH, until he switched to Dynasty. If you put Snip3down in his comfort zone, like Heinz got in his, he would have done a ton more damage.

    But thinking it over, Snip3down isn't a balanced player at all. All-around? No. Defensive, protective player? Definitely. Especially with his snipe. I would agree that Pistola is starting to catch up with his own snipe-skills, so maybe he does do better.

    I would not want either of them on my team though. I usually play snip3down's position, because I'm not very good at anything else. So I'd be a dead weight. And I wouldn't want Pistola for the fact that I want to punch him sooo bad. I don't think that's good if he's your teammate.

    Looking at Snip3down's Reach gameplay gives me a different perspective. I haven't seen Pistola's though, so I wonder if the DMR in Reach will start changing things?
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Lol, ok so I'll admit he ain't pretty, but his face doesn't instil the rage within me that it seems to for you. To each his own, I guess.

    I'd actually dipute that somewhat, from what I can tell Heinz didn't mesh with the overly cocky attitude on BtH, whereas Snip3down seems to fit right in. Snip3down was in his comfort zone on Str8 ('08 and, to lesser extent, '09), but I still don't think he was as good as Pistola has been consistently since the start of '09 even then. Snip3down can do damage, I'm not disputing that, what I'm saying is that Pistola can do just as much, if not even more damage (minus flashy plays in many circumstances since he's more of an odd-job man with intense slaying skill than just a slayer on its own), whilst doing everything else as well.

    Yeah, basically my point. In the end it's a team game, and I think Pistola is more beneficial to the win, even in incredibly tough circumstances, than Snip3down is. I gotta say, though, I really would like to see what would happen if Pistola was put in that main slayer position without an FiS/Hysteria in front of him in the queue. We haven't seen it since '08 Ambush (which was an INSANE lineup btw which everyone seems to have forgotten about, Pistola/Heinz/Cloud on one squad? Imagine that team now...) and he's developed so much as a player since then.

    Again, lol. True, not a good quality to have in a team mate, if it can be called a quality....

    I haven't seen any pro footage which didn't just involve disgusting DMR spamming, though all the stuff I've seen was pretty early on in Reach so it's unfair to judge based on that. Which Snip3down gameplay are you talking about? I'd be interested to take a look if you have links. And yeah, I've seen nothing of Reach Pistola at all yet, I really want to see how he plays it. If they ever get around to adding Sprint then I think he'll be a terrifying player to face, you just won't be able to keep track of him. Watching him in H3, he just seems to play at a higher speed than anyone else, even Gandhi said something to that effect on the DC stream. Also, remember that Pistola plays on 5 sens and STILL has an insane shot, only other pro who I can think of that played on 5 is Mackeo and he wasn't even close in terms of his shot.
  17. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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  18. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I'm really against the MLG set-up that is being used right now, its pretty much crap. Its a terrible representation of player skill.
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Haha yea. I mean, jet-packs? Wow.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thanks Frag. I had actually seen that Snip3down gameplay, just completely forgot lol. Great example of why I hate Pinnacle btw, dull dull dull.

    I think Jet Packs are fine tbh, they're far from overpowering in a coordinated team game imo (or at least would be much more so if it weren't for the lack of sprint/any starting AA at all). But I agree that not only are the settings a poor attempt at making Reach in to the best competitive title it can be, but frankly dull as hell to watch. Anyone see the Stride Last Longer with Ghost posted recently? MLG TS on Reflection comes off as every bad aspect of default slayer on that map isolated out from any flow or interesting map control that comes in to it on better games in my experience. V2 needs to happen soon, and be everything that I want it to be.
    #20 Pegasi, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010

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