Remake High Noon

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Decadence Night, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    one of my favorite remakes so far, thanks for making it :)

    only complaint I have is that I actually like it better without the FX, but that's an easy change
  2. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    I got recommended a Hang Em High remake a few days after game launch and I wasn't too impressed with what they made. This however truely brings back great memories. Obviously being so long ago, I can't accurately compare or remember everything about the original but somehow this map still hits the spot. Well done n grats.
  3. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    I like it better without the FX as well.
  4. TatTool

    TatTool Forerunner

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    Wow man! Unreal! I love it. This was also one of my favorite maps. I was just about to start building it. But now there is no reason to. I could never do better then this. U just saved me a sh*t ton of hours. Even the ceiling so exact to the old one. Just amazing! I made a Chillout / Cold Storage remake. It is one here, I named it Frostbite. You should download it and check it out. It came out nearly as exact as this did to the original. I try to forge with all the accuracy as you do. I think u would appreciate it for the accuracy an then the aesthetics for lights and making it look good too. Check it out and drop me a comment. Again amazing job! Thanks for this map and for saving me from doing it.
  5. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Beautiful map is beautiful. Got no complaints from me and a download (though to be fair I haven't played the original in years xD). Loved how you used the glass at the shotgun bunkers, that was smexy :3
    Some of the ramps could be raised a tad to make movement smoother though (I'm sure if you go through the map you'll find the ones I'm talking about).
  6. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    I just realized I didn't comment on this yet, Great remake of Hang 'Em High. When people ask about HeH remakes, it's the one I recommend.

    I agree that red base does dominate in symmetrical gametypes, however it should still support them for people who want to play it anyways. That's the approach I took on Casket. Forgeworld has really enabled us both to properly remake our respective maps and make which maps we remade obvious at first glance. Which brings me to the next comment:

    Glad you can enjoy Casket as well! Make sure you have the current version, linkage below.
  7. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I see what you're saying, and you're right, people should have the option to play multi-flag if they want. Conveniently, the set ups for multi-flag and one-flag are exactly the same! So actually, the map IS set up for multi-flag, I just didn't know it at first, lol. Personally however, I do not recommend it.

    I'm really glad you like the map, man. In my opinion, High Noon and Casket are the only good Hang 'em High/Tombstone remakes in Halo: Reach, at least from what I've seen, and I've seen quite a few. I check Bnet every few days to see what's new. And hey, I just realized that the two of us also made the only good HeH/TS remakes in Halo 3 as well; Outlawed and Unforgiven. We have so much in common. We should totally hang out. lol

    Edited by merge:


    I have changed several structures on the map in order to save objects. The shotgun bunkers have been completely overhauled. You can now climb up them normally, like in the original. I had previously forgotten about a plasma rifle, it's there now. For you purists, the DMRs at the trench were swapped with assault rifles. I have made the map compatible with Multi-Flag, Assault, and Neutral Assault, but remember, I do not recommend those. I think that's about it. All of the screenshots have been updated to show the changes. Enjoy.
    #27 Decadence Night, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  8. ckamp

    ckamp Forerunner

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    The accuracy is astounding. This is the type of remake that makes me smile. I could close my eyes and still navigate the terrain, just like the good'ol'days. Thank you!
  9. bunniesz23

    bunniesz23 Ancient
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    Would you mind setting up an MLG version? It would be simple to make: Swap Needlers for Needle Rifles, swap ARs for Pistols, Drop Spawn Rockets/Sniper/Shotty at 178/118/118 timers and make sure the spare clips are 1 on all of them.

    Great map, and I hope to see an MLG version soon.

    Edit: You could also swap Camo for Holo since Camo is nowhere near as good or as conducive to flow as it used to be.

    Edit 2: You could do 30 sec. Health Packs. 120 seems rather long to me.
    #29 bunniesz23, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  10. Mattiacci

    Mattiacci Ancient
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    I like the new shotgun bunkers - where'd you get the idea? ;)
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    As some of you noticed, there was one glaring flaw of my previous versions; the top of red base was way too close to the wall. At the time, I believed this would be impossible to fix because I had so few objects remaining. I was wrong. I shuffled some things around on the map, recovered a few pieces, and used just about everything I had left over to fix that one annoying section. The map has basically been lengthened by about 4-5 units. There's more breathing room on top of red base, and the hallway underneath has been moved over a bit, as well as the corresponding shotgun bunker. A few more tombstones have also been added to fill in the resulting empty space. This all adds up to be better for gameplay and more accurate to the original. win/win

    I also took the opportunity to walk around the original HeH a little to make sure I didn't mess up on anything. As it turns out, some of my weapon placements were a little off. The grenades were all moved a little bit, as was the rocket launcher. Also, the space on the far left of blue base was a little too wide. I fixed it. The walkways going over the trench were too wide. I fixed that too.

    Anyway, that's it for this time. The screenshots have once again been updated to show the changes. It looks like this might be the final update, but hey, there a few more day until the Forgotten Treasure 2 deadline. I might find something else. Enjoy the changes, and have a nice day.
    #31 Decadence Night, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  12. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    Well as far as remakes go this one takes the cake for me!
    I loved HeH and this is a perfect remake it can't get any closer without it being the original. Stockpile, and HH on this are amazing!!
    +100 for Matchmaking!!! SUBMIT IT!!

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You could replace the plasma rifles with plasma repeaters to even out the AR in your next update.
  14. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have plasma rifles? I didn't even notice. They should be Repeaters as Rifles aren't even seeing matchmaking yet.
  15. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This was my favorite map to play with my brother back in the day. Looks like a very faithful revamp, definitely yoinking this!
  16. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    Aww... the good ol' days. I remember playing hang em high on xbconnect(when halo wasn't on live). Those were the days. 3 shot kills and 4 grenades that could kill by themselves.
  17. AtomBlaster4

    AtomBlaster4 Forerunner

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    One of my favorite maps in Halo CE! OMGOMG! DLed and I'm soo playing this tonight.
  18. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Version 3.1 update

    • Replaced plasma rifles with repeaters.
    • Placed missing frag grenades; 2 on top of each base.
    • Rebuilt incline-constructed tombstones. They look better now.
    • Added missing tombstone to the far left side of red base.
    • Rebuilt blue base ramp cover. It's smaller and lower now.
    • Removed FX orbs. I needed the cash, plus some of you recommended it.
    • Nudged various pieces so they line up better. There was some z-fighting on the floor. It's gone now.
    The download link has been updated. I'll update the screenshots when I have time. The aesthetic changes are only minor, so the current shots are still mostly accurate.


    Well, not as important as 2 and 3, but still important. I was able to improve the underlying construction of much of the map, which gave me more pieces to work with. I used those to make a few changes. There were only a couple of noticable changes. The upper walkway that runs past the sniper tower in the original was a bit wider than the others, and with more blocks, I was able to make it so in my map as well. As always with my updates, I took the opportunity to load up the original again, and realized that the big ramp going up to red base in my map was too wide. It need to at least be thin enough to jump across it at the top. It's fixed now. What makes this an important update are the underlying changes. Most notably, I got rid of all unnecessary building pieces. I had previously been using some of them for flat surfaces, since I was out of walls and blocks. That's obviously extremely inefficient, but it's been fixed now. If you've been seeing any lag on the previous versions, this one should be better.

    The download link has been updated. Once again, I don't have time to update screenshots yet. I'll most likely be able to do it this weekend.

    not that anyone will see this, but the screenshots have once again been updated

    again, even though no one will see this...
    This update resolved many lingering accuracy issues. I left them alone because the map was really good and I didn't want to deal with adjusting everything. With talk of a remake community playlist floating around however, I decided that the map needs to be as good as it can possibly be. Here's everything I did.

    • Lowered all of red base, part of blue base, the needler walkway, and the rocket walkway by about 0.5 units. More accurate.
    • Made the main red base ramp less steep. This kept the length of the ramp accurate and compensated for being lowered.
    • Moved the main blue base structure about 0.5 units to the right, in order to make the right-side ramp thinner. More accurate.
    • Moved most of blue base in by 1.0 units. This is more accurate and saved a couple of blocks. It looks better now too.
    • Made the left-side blue base ramp thinner. More accurate.
    • Lowered the ceiling. More accurate.
    • Added XL ramps to and lowered blue base thingy. Bigger and more accurate.
    • Moved sniper tower further from OS platform and wide walkway. Made jumps more accurate.
    • Moved one of the needlers closer to blue base. More accurate and balanced.
    • Deleted the lights to help framerate.
    screenshots have been updated to show these changes. enjoy.

    v5.1 edit.

    • eliminated certain pieces and replaced others to reduce split-screen lag.
    #38 Decadence Night, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011

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