
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Juggernaut, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Enclosure is something I designed to play similar to Turf from Halo 2. The layout is simple. Most areas have a direct line of sight to other areas without much blocking the view. There is substantial cover for each area of the map. Areas are easy to navigate and with the use of colored areas, finding out where you are is a breeze. Multiple paths and layers on this map can be used to flee from fight and to survive and surprise. Jetpacks get a bonus in this map due to their mobility and ability to quickly gain high ground without taking ramps. Enjoy.

    Supported Gametypes:

    -Team Slayer
    -FFA Slayer
    -Crazy King
    -King of the Hill

    5 DMRs
    2 Magnums
    7 Needle Rifles
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 Plasma Repeaters
    1 Needler
    4 Plasma Pistols
    10 Plasma Grenades
    7 Frag Grenades

    Power Weapons:
    1 Shotgun
    1 Sniper Rifle
    1 Concussion Rifle
    1 Grenade Launcher

    Each set for 150 second respawns.

    Lastly, there are 5 Health packs.

    Video: Coming Soon...


    This is Red's side. The main area where red respawns is behind the structure in this picture.

    Purple tower which hold the sniper rifle on the top floor.

    Hallway from sniper tower. This is where blue's respawn points mostly are.

    Looking from the opposite side to sniper tower. The bridge merged into the wall is where the shotgun is located.

    In front of the sniper tower.

    Back area where red's initial spawn is.

    Area in front of the middle green structure. On the ledge above the middle walkway is the Concussion Rifle.

    Behind the green structure. Also the area where the grenade launcher is.

    Lifts for a quick way to red's area.

    Blue's initial spawn.

    Red's initial spawn.

    Action Shots:

    Red spawn under attack.

    Good use of the lines of sight.

    Fight in the sniper tower.

    Battle in more of red's area.

    Using the concussion rifle.

    Fight from the top of the green structure.

    The narrow tunnels below the sniper tower is a dangerous place to play.

    A ledge you can jump to from the green structure. More easily gotten to by jet packing.

    Another passage from below the bridge to the green structure.

    Thanks to Bungie for giving Turf. One of my favorite maps of all time. Also thanks to Agamer, Penguinish, Chuck, Sixpakvb, Pigglez, Miraj, Helix, and others for testing the map with me. I appreciate all the help and feedback. Also, thanks to all who download it, you're in for some fun if you did. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
    #1 Juggernaut, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fantastic Map Juggernaut! I had a lot of fun testing this! Great design and color scheme. I love that you used Green and Purple rather than Red and Blue. It's different and pops out Add to that juicy and it's very aesthetically pleasing color wise.

    The map itself is great! A lot of nice designs and areas that offer good usage of each AA. I found it strategic to use Armor Lock in tight corridors, and the Jetpack is incredibly useful in getting the high ground, or jumping from ledge to ledge. Which is another key aspect I have seen in a lot of your maps and designs, the (purposeful?) inclusion of strategic jumps. I managed to get around through good jumping and crouch-jumping.

    Some things I wasn't a huge fan of- the sniper tower gets pretty good coverage of a large part of the map. This wasn't too much of a problem, and eventually we got to the tower and took out the sniper, or just simply stayed out of his range of sight, but it was a bit frustrating.

    In honesty though, a very nicely made map that I absolutely enjoyed playing on and am excited to see it posted. Well done. XD
  3. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, Jetpack has it's own little nook in this map and creates some easy mobility to move from level to level with ease. And the strategic jumps are always in all of my maps for players to get from one point to another easily. I feel it always gives more freedom to players around the map.

    The sniper tower really only has sights to one area at the top and otherwise is completely useless unless they're on the lower level to view the hallway which exposes them. Also, in the original design I was going to close off most of the sniper tower but that would cause issues with camping up there with the shotgun and decided against it, but now that it's left open, you can easily get a few plasma grenades to kill any players up there.

    Anyways, thanks for the quick review. If only this map could get a little more attention.
  4. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just looking at this map is giving me mad vibes of Halo CE. I don't know why, but I like it!

    Will download. :)
  5. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Yeti, tell me what you think of it after you've played a few games.

    II GUNTHER II Forerunner

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    I have seen hundreds of forged maps on here and your is the first one i absolutely love. usually i am very pessimistic about forgers maps, but ;when i played on this it felt SO natural. flows wonderfully and just seems simple and ingenious. i would love to do some forging with you or play on your map with ya. it feels like a bungie made map from halo 1 era or something. i dont know why everyone liked gunner grunts vanilla, in my opinion it was a smooth map, but just not a good one. didnt deserve as much attention as it got. this map blows away any creation of a competitive map ive seen yet. and ive seen a lot.
    you did a great job. check out my last resort remake 3.0. ide like to here your feedback on it.
  7. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an excellent map. I love, of course, the use of green and purple lighting (I can relate to the commenter above who said it reminded him of Halo CE).

    The layout is very nice; you kept it simple and avoided clutter, which I like, but you also took time to assign colors to objects in order to give it a better aesthetic appeal.

    My only possible criticism would be that the map is, at times, a bit uninteresting. But that's a very minor complaint... in fact, that type of simplicity is what made so many Halo CE maps great to play on.

    Great work -- 9/10.

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