Im trying to keep this short and non-complainy, but I have a feeling bungie ran out of time when they got to custom games and forge options and settings.. Why I think this: Simple: "Inv_Res_3" or how about "None". Why would they go to all the trouble to make the most customizable map editing tool, and then limit the game type options to that of nearly halo 2. Why is there no team species options? No kill points for objective games. No respawn on kill or score. No winner,chump, random for zombies; No 25% infected. That's right! The settings for custom games and forge, was 95% done when they shipped it. They got to the final paragraphs of there beautifully written paper and where like "****! ITS ALMOST CLASS TIME!" so they wrote a few sentences, spell checked it, and printed it out. So this leads me to the ultimate question, can they finish the game though updates?
I seriously hope that Bungie will sort this out through updates. They can create new gametypes without having you to even download an update so they better be able to sort this stuff out with an update. The only thing I must point out is that if they don't do it soon (e.g. later) they'll get loads of people complaining that they have to: 'COMPLETELY REMAAAAKEEE MAH GAMETYPEZ NAO!' [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh yeah and this might belong in the forge discussion section (I think talking about customs applies to that section).
Not necessarily. I'm not talking about specifically a forge function, but rather a function of halo reach. Also this is not a problem with just forge but also one in custom games, and multiplayer in general.
Regardless of where this should be, it is the first thread I have seen legitimately complaining about one of Bungie's screwups. If you haven't noticed, for many gametype settings, we are forced to download gametypes like rocket race off of matchmaking so that we can use settings that were not included in the game. It seems like Bungie while perfecting forge forgot that the maps are useless if they don't get the gametypes correct. I just hope they have updates planned to fix what they couldn't get right by the ship date.
I was looking through custom gametype options and JUST noticed these things. Bonus points in objective games is a huge loss in my book. Using objectives to alter Slayer games in Halo 3, such as Territories or VIP, worked very well and made very fun game types. Are you also speaking about "spawn on vehicle" and "force species" being left out of the rulesets? I'm looking for those two options and I can't find them.
I actually made a thread a while back on these points, however it was more focused on the absence of objective kill points. I really, really, really, really etc. hope that the closest update will fix this.