Boss Battle on Sinking Sand Galaxy Arena

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Zow Jr, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Zow Jr

    Map Name:
    Boss Battle on SInking Sand galaxy

    Map Canvas:
    Forge World

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Boss Battle



    Listen to this!
    Credit to GameXplain

    Here I am again, fellow Forgers!!! Taking a break from firefight gametypes (Stupid disc got damaged) This is my new masterpiece, Boss Battle on Sinking Sand Galaxy Arena!

    Here is an overview of it, yes it's a sinkhole of sand or rock.[​IMG]

    The Basis of this map came back when I had made an RPG game in Halo 3. It had a boss battle in it but it didn't work out as well as I had planned it. i had an idea to make it in Reach but I soon lost interest. I had played Super Mario Galaxy 2 and it was amazing. I fought one boss in it that I really loved. It was Where you fought this giant squid guy and you had to get a fire flower to damage him. It was fast paced, fun, and I repeated it often.

    This game in a nutshell is akin to an actual boss battle that you would play in a video game. There is a big tough boss who you must beat using patterned methods until he dies.

    These are the players


    Here are your traits:
    Shields and health:
    200% Damage resistance
    q0% shield recharge
    50% health recharge
    Weapons and damage:
    Primary weapon magnum
    Damage: 0%
    Melee: 0%
    Unlimited ammo
    100% movement
    110% Jump
    75% gravity
    Red appearance and waypoint over head
    You must outwit and defeat this guy

    Woah, look at you!

    The boss must kill the players before time runs out or they kill him. He is equipped with a plasma launcher and a Plasma Rifle as backup and collateral.

    Here are his traits:

    Shields and health:
    2000% Damage resistance
    no health or shield recharge.
    Weapons and damage:
    Damage: 100%
    Melee: 300%
    Primary weapon: Plasma launcher
    Secondary weapon: Plasma rifle
    Speed: 25%
    No jump
    200% gravity
    Orange in appearance with a waypoint

    Now onto the gameplay itself. When you start, the boss is big, mean, tough, and ugly. There are two mushrooms on this map (overshields) that if you grab them, give you extra shields.
    [​IMG]There's only two of these that have a 117 respawn rate. Use em wisely.

    The boss can and will use his plasma launcher with great effectiveness, and can kill you with 2 sticks from his Plasma launcher. Be careful. You must settle for avoiding and annoying him until this appears.

    You cannot resist the SHINY!

    When this spawns you turn into a fire mario, so to say.

    When you turn this color you also get 2 grenades and the ability to ddamage the boss, with your attack at ! Be careful you only get a 300% damage resistance and you are not invincible and after 15 seconds you revert to normal.[​IMG]

    You only get a magnum at first but later a concussion rifle spawns beside each "Fire Flower"

    There is a Safe Zone to prevent you from camping the map's edge.[​IMG]

    And now is a good time to mention you CAN fall off.[​IMG]

    Strategies for "Marios":
    • keep moving, don't stop, even if you think there is a good piece of cover in front of you!
    • don't use up the overshields in the beginning, you will regret it later.
    • Memorize the boss's pattern. He may use the plasma launcher against a lot of you, but switches to the rifle to kill you individually. Predict and act as proposed.

    Another fairly decent thing to mention is not to try to melee the boss, even with the fire flower equipped. Hitting him is akin to tapping him repeatedly. It's useless and it only pisses him off.
    DOn't be like this poor idiot!!! THe Boss cannot be assassinated!

    Strategies for the Boss:
    • Stick to a pattern to take down the "Marios". But mix it up a bit so you can confuse your opponents.
    • Fire ahead of your foes. Predict where they will land their Evade and fire there to maximize chances of a hit.
    • Kill the "Fire Marios"!!!!! (The guys in white)

    And now, a couple of ACTION SHOTZ!


    Thanks to all testers!!!

    In case you missed it, click the pic toDownload Sinking Sand Arena![​IMG]

    And(Click either pic)

    #1 Zow Jr, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. Guurenj03

    Guurenj03 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    WHoah, awesome Zow, I love boss battle gametypes and you even made it so much like a real super mario galaxy boss battle (which was your goal,you succeeeded btw). I like how you can't melee the boss without getting potential killed/pwned, and that the boss has different attacks that fill different needs.
  3. B0rnP3ac3mak3r

    B0rnP3ac3mak3r Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This looks extremely fun. Downloading now.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thank you oh and if you want a real challenge make the boss's primary (or for extreme chaos, secondary) weapon a Spartan Laser! It is crazy man!
  5. memaw381

    memaw381 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well, first of all, I want to say that you did a great job on the aesthetics of the map. I love the way its all made out of rocks. It seems fairly balanced, and its actually FUN to be the infected for once.

    My only concern/problem with the map is that evade seems to be quite hard to use on the terrain, you end up bumping into the rocks a lot of the time. Other than that, great job, man.
  6. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeeeah evade was sort of a problem. But it is a good dodging ability once you memorize the terrain.
  7. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is Awesome. Its extremely fun, the forging is brilliant, and we found ourselves playing this over and over again. Its extremely fun. The map size is perfect, and I think that the spawns are well placed. The weapon choices are good, and the power up system is excellent.
  8. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    I like how you've presented this gamemode, it actually compelled me to keep reading and see how it worked. Unlike a lot of other submissions where you read the first paragraph and decided straight away that it's going to be bad.

    I'm going to try this with a few friends and see how it plays, but I feel pretty confident that it will work well. This game seems to incorporate several different methods of play into one, but not too much that it becomes to hard to learn. This is good. As I said, the intstructions are clear and seem to cover every aspect of a typical game, but leaves enough to the imagination about what might happen with several players jumping about.

    Good job.
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    It's all about presentation with me.

    Yes there are several different way to work with this game. All simple. All easy to learn. All a fun challenge to play with. The only people who have given negative feedback on it were the ones who did not understand it, being simple as it is. I appreciate all the feedback and please don't hesitate to let me know anything I might need to change about this or constructive criticism. Other that that, have FUN!
  10. Aeternus

    Aeternus Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Downloaded and played, it was a very fun game i definitely hope you make more. One thing though the pictures you click on to download the map and gametype all lead to the map the only link for gametype is at the top. Another thing for future maps that would be great is a list of adjusted settings for each player amount, that way players don't have to playtest on their own(even though that is fun) to find out what the perfect variation is for their group.
  11. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I will get to fixing that. Now that you mention it, I think I am going to make different "difficulty levels for players to play, depending on number of people and challenge level. Thanks for the idea.
  12. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Lol, but anyway, wow. Its about time you start cooking up another mini game. I have played this and damn, it was fun. The funniest part was when the boss shot at me i went all berserk and jumped into the whole. This is a great game to play with friends, and always funny no matter how tragic you die. 8/10
  13. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    *gasp* I'm missing two points. Is it because I
  14. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    Finally got an 8 player game of this going yesterday and the results were good. First game was a bit awkward because a lot of the players were impatient and didn't understand how to play. Fortunately, after the other half kept telling them to get the powerups, they got it by the second game.

    Second game was a lot more entertaining as the team worked together and mostly understood the concept and rules. There was a big of a mix up about where the concussion rifles spawn, because obviously everyone wanted to find them and wanted a go at it. The game went on, players gradually falling prey to the cunning plasma ball shots. Eventually only 2 marios were left and you could tell why. They knew how to use the limited cover, and when to run and jump. They lasted a good few minutes, slowly draining the bosses health until one slipped. Dead. Only one Mario remains. The crowd cheers on, hoping he'll succeed. The boss constantly updates us on how much shields he has left, and before long he's stating he's on his last few bars of health. The Mario keeps attacking..

    The boss is on his last bar of health. The Mario goes all out.... but in vain. He takes 2 plasma balls to the legs... dies.... the crowd goes wild!

    We did a few more games after that so most players had a chance at being the boss. Everyone seemed to enjoy it once it made sense to them. We even had some more players join the party by the last few games, but teaching them the rules by this point was a bit of a hassle, and you could tell they didn't understand the concept.

    So, I feel like this deserves a lot of praise. As an idea, this is brilliant. How well you've pulled it off? The map is forged excellently, despite it being relatively simple. The goal of the minigame is very clear, kill the boss. The only criticism I can offer is the inevitable learning curve, but I feel you've already done your best to make it as obvious as possible for new players. Like you've recently posted, different challenge levels that vary depending on the amount of players is a good idea. could do with a big party mode where the power ups double and the bosses health is higher (if that's even possible?).

    Anyway, good job. Looking forward to your next submissions. :)
  15. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Can't wait. Loved the Boss Battle on Rat's Nest in Halo 3.
  16. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the critisim. I appreciate all comments on this map and I am posting new versions soon! Keep on the watch.
  17. Dont

    Dont Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Man that looks pretty sick! I downloaded and am going to play tonight. Yay for Mario RPGs!
  18. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Yah it was based off of an RPG but is a different game in certain sense of speaking
  19. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Nah, dont think it that way bro. I made it 8 because its not "mind blowing". Fun game, really fun.
  20. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    And what could i do o make it as such?

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