I try to keep uptodate with news and stuff so I have new things to talk about in the videos. There fun to watch and informational! lol.
Still down sadly, been checking in through out the day to see if anything is new with it. When its up i'll be sure to post about it here and re-edit the post on Mineville. Actually; Well there's an answer then :/.
If you ever need help with anything I'm always available... ;D I'd like to call myself a Minecraft Veteran just because the shear amount of time I've been playing it. Seriously, I started playing in May of last year... That's how awesome I am and to show I don't have a life. ;D
Mineville needs a little icon thingy for when you bookmark it. I don't like a blank thing. EDIT/PS: I found Minecraft when it BARELY had like 5,000 players. Does that make me cool?
Klay or anyone thats had experience in making a server, could you direct me or instruct me on how to host a decent (lag-free if possible) server because when the new patch runs out I'm going to host one, but just for a couple of people I know.
Lag-free will only be determined by your internet speed and sometimes your ram. How to Set Up a Server [NEW!] [0.1.1] - Official Minecraft Forums or Setting up a SMP server(Local) | Mineville
mmm thanks. sucks for australia with dodgy internet, this may not turn out so well, but thanks. for only a few people it should be alright though, i'll run it on a mac too cause they're silent when they sleep and it should be right for ram.
i've been hosting a creative server for more than a year now, but these days i just run a couple smp servers. theyre down until the halloween update, but if you ever want to bro it up... server: mc.evils.in
Working on a large "motorway" by MCEdit cloning it. Unfortunately, forgot to go the distance so that the chunks loaded first... So right now, there's a large straight gap in teh map. May exploit it and turn it into something useful. EDIT - accidentally ALL OF MY SAVE FILES :O!