I don't think anyone would try to bring peace to the world with the advancement of humanity genetically. The new... species would be used to fight wars... Also I have my own sick fetishes to fulfill, not anyone else's!
Luddite. There's nothing wrong with tweaking the OS a little. In fact, you don't deserve vaccinations. Snap your Iphone in half. Go join an Amish village.
I will live on an island, alone. If the world cannot come to peace then I will not have to suffer through it. If the world comes to me, I will... change it.
Griff, I've watched your sanity spiral ever downward over the past six months or so, and congratulations, you've finally peaked my interest enough to say something about it.
I need to abolish the Department of Homeland Security though, it will take a long time to get that passed. So long as it exists, America will never be safe. Then I will kill anyone crazy enough to terrorize people, because with them existing no one will be safe. Then I'll realize that I am too much of a liability for this world and exile myself to an island because so long as I exist no one will be safe. Existence, it's not safe.
Grif, I am going to sneak into your house with a crew of make-up artists, paint you blue, hide cameras around your house, and then watch your reaction. You. Creepy. F@*k.