For anyone trying to kill the sword elite at the end on Legendary for the "It Was The Winter" campaign challenge... After you headshot the 4 grunts coming out of the room, to the right of Jorge is a wall with some pipes between him and the dead soldier. Just jump on the pipes and on top of the wall then walk until you see the sword elite's lower body. Just take potshots at him until he's dead. He won't come out of the room at all. Added after 3 Days 5 Hours: For anyone with problems with the Headshot Honcho challenge, go to the Team SWAT playlist.
I actually enjoy them. They're a lot more "challenging" than the kill challenges. It also promotes more teamwork, something severely lacking in this game. I was extremely surprised at how quickly I got the 6 assists in one game. I was fortunate to have a decent partner in Invasion. We did so well together that they actually Friend Requested me immediately after the match. Together we had one of the quickest Core captures I've ever seen in an Invasion game. Added after 2 Hours 10 minutes: Today's "Office Of Not Dying" Challenge... I went and added a few skulls, ( Iron, Tough Luck, Thunderstorm, Cowbell, Grunt Birthday, and IWHBYD ) for future challenges. Go ahead and play Oni on Legendary. When you die, hit START and Save and Quit. You'll go back to the Campaign Main Menu, then Resume Solo Campaign. It will take you back to the last Save and reset the challenge. Just keep doing this every time you die. When you destroy the Phantoms and Banshees at the end, just Save and Quit at the cutscene. Then Resume Solo Campaign. It will then give you the cR for today's challenge + 1 Count towards the Flawless Cowboy Commendation. Anytime the challenge requires you to flawlessly play through a Campaign Mission with one of those three main skulls, you can just Resume Solo Campaign and instantly accomplish that Challenge.
You could just do this: for the ONI mission
Meh... too much work. It's not that difficult to get the vehicles over the barriers. I just use Kat as a ramp when she ducks behind the barriers.
Personally, I find that while the normal assist challenges, while annoying, are okay, today's a real bother because you fail as soon as you die, and can't get any more assists counting towards it for the battle.
Yeah, I think they glitching or something, because there's no way you're gonna get 30 assists in one game without dying. It's like that Elite challenge kept stopping your progress if you died about a week ago.
Pass the Rock - Earn 20 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking. Apparently the wording on this challenge is wrong. You fail the challenge when either you or both you and your partner dies. This is a cumulative challenge, meaning it doesn't need to occur within one match... like the challenge suggests when it states you failed. Apparently it's a running total of assists earned before dying your first time.
I honestly think that its bugged just like that one challenge when you had to survive 3 rounds of firefight but bungie fixed it, i think they just didnt notice it.
Indeed the wording is weird the word "today" makes it curious because its a daily challenge i haven't noticed the word "today" in any other challenge. Normaly it would just be "Earn 20 assists in multiplayer Matchmaking." Still what you said is true it accumulates assists from your first life in any game. Its not "bugged" it was a legit challenge it was just that the matchmaking playlist wasn't able to accomdiate the challange at that moment but once the playlists update will might see it again in the future and possible to get
I sort of feel bad for those who couldn't get the weekly challenge because of pass the rock. I would personally be pissed if I couldn't get the weekly challenge because of it.
Cook 'em, Clean 'em! Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing. Shroomz's favorite challenge is back today
This time I'll just grab the rocket launcher on Spire and try not to run so much. It's gonna suck because I never use the jetpack. This weekly challenge is gonna kill me. I'm not very familiar with a lot of the maps other than the Invasion ones, and I'm not really an offensive player. I'm more of an objective player. I'll easily manage to get a lot of spawn sprees for the Streaky Shooter challenge.
Just suggesting for everyone to play multi-team for the Like Mike weekly challenge, and vote for king of the hill if possible. I got the weekly challenge on my first game today playing king of the hill on Reflection. Just don't bother about the hill, go for kills, and spam grenades in the hill when you see multiple enemies in there. You should get it easily then. I'm pretty sure Rumble Pit, Invasion, and BTB would be pretty easy to get it in too.
Tried the multi-team playlist for my first time. Got oddball on Reflection the first time and got my 4 double kills for The Dream Shake challenge. Had Slayer the 2nd game and my partner quit, so I was nowhere near the 30 kills for the weekly challenge.
I got my Like Mike game in Rumble Pit, I'd probably pick that over Multi-Team simply because you're going for your own kills thus don't want to roll with a team mate too much, thus splitting the kills. In Multi-Team this means you're probably going to run in to 2v1 situations against a team, whereas in Rumble Pit this isn't so much of a problem, though I suppose this could be offset by the increased number of players, thus potential kills, in Multi-Team. Either way, Agamer is right, Rumble Pit or Multi-Team and go for either ball or hill, then kill ***** away, I got it without too much trouble in Crazy King Pro in Rumble Pit. On that note, Pro objective gametypes are a better bet imo, simply because you spawn with a weapon which can put significant damage on people from higher ranges, meaning you can sit back and kill people going for the objective much easier than AR starts where you're forced to get stuck in that bit more. Nades, rockets and snipers are your friends here too.
Just tried Rumble Pit. The only problem with Rumble Pit is if the group decides to choose a Slayer variant. Those are capped at 25, so the weekly can't be done. At least with Multi-Team, you need at least 50 kills to win and you only have one partner to contend with. As for spree challenges, I love the spawn sprees. Fairly easy to get on Invasion if you have an objective minded partner. If you have a camper as a partner, you're screwed.
True enough, but tbh I find that people seem to go for objective a decent amount. Still, I can see your point based on the fact that a 20/30 split with kills is far from unheard of in Multi-Team Slayer.
Man... I can't get a single game of crazy king at all. Every friggin multi-team game is slayer this, slayer that. At least it's a good way to spray and get assists.