
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Halcyon, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    I put a few small fixes in to make some parts easier; here's the link:

    Climb to heights previously unknown in my new map: Ascension. "Rise" gametype is required.


    Important: Only the host can do some parts of this map.

    You must climb the tower by overcoming the various challenges at each level. This map may be a bit frustrating at times but the reward of looking down upon the world from your lofty perch is well worth the effort.

    You start out on a platform in the middle of the vast ocean with the tower looming in front of you.


    You must gather your courage and take the plunge to make it to the first stage. Don't worry, those who wish to see you succeed may guide you.

    Should I follow?

    Once you enter, you are on your own to figure out the how to ascend to greatness.

    Stage 1:

    Stage 2:
    Inside the center part:

    Stage 3:

    Cones mean caution. . .

    Stage 4:

    Stage 5:

    Final Stage:



    Enjoy the view at the top:


    Celebrate your victory:
    [/FONT][FONT=&quot][​IMG] [/FONT]
    [/FONT][FONT=&quot] I forgot to put pictures of them but there are two checkpoints on the first level in case the worst should happen.

    I would love for some feedback on this map. I would like to hear your opinions on where I should improve and what I should do next. Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my map and I hope you download and enjoy.

    Final Words
    I do have a walkthrough video on my file share just in case. If someone asks, I'll put a link here.

    #1 Halcyon, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is such an awesome, unique idea! I played the puzzle map, and i really like how the entire puzzle is set outside the map boundaries. I have yet to beat it (I'm on "stage 3" as labled in the pictures above, but I really like it so far!

  3. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Thank you! Being outside of the map let me make the tower about 3 coliseum walls higher so I figured why not. :)

    Good luck and I hope you like the rest of it.
  4. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    omg those golfballs gave me a good idea to like have a teleporter but to get to the teleporter you have to crouch under somthing but you can only crouch under to get the teleporter you have to move the golf balls XD - nice map btw XD
  5. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    Ha, thanks. Good luck with that idea. :D
  6. blanktester

    blanktester Forerunner

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    while this map is ****ing sweet and amazing in terms of sheer size and creativity, i find the puzzle aspects of it less appealing. the solutions to the puzzles are creative in many cases, but at the same time i find myself stuck purely because of the trial and error nature of some sections.

    on a lighter note...

    ...seeing your map gave me an idea for an invasion or invasion slayer map, but im a noob who doesnt know how to get outside the map, so you wouldn't mind if i used your map as the basis for mine, right? idk what you'd do if you did mind, but its more courteous for me to ask first. im just using your tower walls as a base structure to build the map inside (i.e., hollow out the tower and rebuild it). if and when it gets done, i'll send it to you or post it here or somethin.
  7. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    I don't mind if you use it, go ahead. :)

    And thank you for the criticism. I'm wanting to create a purely puzzle map but I always seem to drift away a bit. . . I might make another more puzzle-y tower that focuses more on figuring it out than actually doing it some time but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
    #7 Halcyon, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  8. Bibby001

    Bibby001 Forerunner

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    I just spent over an hour playing your map and didn't finish it. I really liked the Tower aspect of it and how the goal was to get to the top of it, maybe in your next map you should make the goal to get to the bottom of the tower. Anyways I had a hard time figuring out your puzzles and I had to watch your walkthrough a couple times.


    In Stage 2, I didn't like how you hid the plasma grenade on the side of the tower. I already had no clue what to do with the bubble shield so I think you should've put the plasma grenade somewhere more noticeable. Or maybe you should've put the blocked teleporter in view from the outside or had a more clear hint as to what the objective was because I went around the tower looking for open spots which wasted my time. Also when I finally got inside, I went in between the grav lifts just to check if there was anything else there and got stuck between them. After a minute or so of bouncing back and forth between the man cannons, I luckily was able to deploy a bubble shield on the ground which allowed me to walk away.

    In stage 3 I found an exploit that allowed me to get past the kill barrier on the first walkway. If you quickly jump on the side of the ledge, you won't die from the kill barrier so there was an exposed kill zone opening. I do like the idea of using golf balls to get past the area though, I've been trying to find a good way to incorporate them in my maps myself.

    I stopped at stage 4 because I died and didn't want to go through the stages over again. I tried to grenade jump on the sides looking for an opening but I fell off the map after a couple of tries. I think you definitely should've put a checkpoint here or at least blocked off the openings or made the area more confined/smaller so the objective would be more clear. I probably would have never thought of launching a grenade with another grenade.


    In conclusion, I like the idea of your map but I think the puzzles could be more refined. If you planned on creating a difficult puzzle map then I think you achieved it but the casual player would be likely to give up very quickly.
  9. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    Wait how do you get outside of the map and still build? I only know how to do it in theater.
  10. Megadoug

    Megadoug Forerunner

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    The beginning part reminds me of Bioshock kinda, I'm downloading and seeing if this is really that hard. I'm about to watch a tutorial on how to get out of the map boundaries, because this is pretty awesome.
  11. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    build a reciever teleporter outside the map (go against the barrier and build it facing the outside of the map), and it'll be past the barrier.

    then just build a sender inside the map and go through. you can do this on pretty much every map, either with this method or the turret method :)
  12. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    Very Adventurous, you really get in the mood when Playing Zelda Music.
  13. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    The reason I put the plasma grenade out of the way was so the person wouldn't think to pick up 2. That's also why it's on a two minute spawn. If you throw 2 of them inside with the man cannons, they'll collide and blow up which obviously isn't how I wanted someone to get past it.

    Stage 3, I'll try and fix that somehow

    Stage 4, I'll block it off if I have enough budget left. There is a checkpoint stage 3 though but yeah, I didn't really intend for anyone to die there.

    Thanks for the honest criticism. I was planning on this being pretty difficult so that worked out. I think the map I'm working on now will have better puzzles and maybe won't be as frustrating.

    The way my friend and I found to get outside the map is by putting on invulnerability, putting down a coliseum wall flat at the edge of the map, put a wall on each side, stand on the flat one between the walls, and have the other person with a fourth coliseum wall spin it and launch the standing one outside the map. It's pretty fun.
  14. Wizzer69Gizzer

    Wizzer69Gizzer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im stuck on stage 1 lol, i dont do puzzle maps often, i got almost to the top with a spartan lazer and a needle rifle, and i cant jump on that first column =(, and to edit this i jsut did something stupid with he spartan lazer that made me fall,thats like the 5th time thats happened
    #14 Wizzer69Gizzer, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  15. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    I guess you have to crouch jump that one. I tried to make it to where you wouldn't have to crouch jump but I guess I missed one :/
  16. Wizzer69Gizzer

    Wizzer69Gizzer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i kept crouch jumping but it wont work
  17. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    We're both talking about the first sideways column near the top, right? Just stay right up next to the wall and crouch jump it. I have the map up and I'm going through it right now and it shouldn't be too hard. . .
  18. Wizzer69Gizzer

    Wizzer69Gizzer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im trying right now
  19. Halcyon

    Halcyon Forerunner

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    If you're still having trouble, download the new version at the top of my original post. I made the jump easier.
  20. Bibby001

    Bibby001 Forerunner

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    Oh now I see why you hid the grenade, didn't think about that. I like how you incorporated a bubble shield into a puzzle, I couldn't think of anything that the bubble shield could be used for when I made my own maps. I just wish I thought of a tower map first because it really is a good idea.

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