I found a hole in the first version and it led to a series of changes that more or less fixed a bunch of stuff I didn't realize was broken ;D Enjoy. Auto-merged this section into my post: I guess this is a post for some background and thread bumping... I spent 8 hours on the original version of this map, and 2 hours fixing some sketchy stuff. There are a couple new zones in the map that are accessible through creative jumping... all seem to play well and are reminiscent of the areas you could superjump to in the old warlock, but aren't overpowered. There are z-fighting issues on the platforms in front of the basses. This doesn't seem to cause any problems during gameplay, it just sucks that there's no other way to create that platform exactly like warlock unless it's done that way. I may be wrong.. it's happened once before... but I was going for a replica, and my standards are high. Anyways... would really like some feedback. I have a few more maps stored up but I'm trying to see what happens with this one first.
I would make the same recommendation I always do: bump some pieces up or down a micron. I'd rather see a two millimeter lip in the middle of the floor (as long as it doesn't make me go bump in the night) than z-fighting, which is really distracting and hard on the eyes.