Minesweeper v2

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    “Can you sweep them all?”


    Map 1
    Map 2
    Game types
    Sweeper Team


    Who hasn’t played minesweeper? Though the game can get somewhat boring and old very quickly, what keeps us from still playing it? I know! The fact that you want to see how many squares you can hit without hitting a mine and completely ignore the stupid numbering system that many swear by saying it “actually works”. Well with the whole numbering system thrown out the window and Halo in its place I present to you the game board.


    A 5 by 5 game board with a mine in every slot. Now you might wonder how this really works, because it doesn’t get much simplifier then this. That’s where I added a twist. I threw out every aspect that sucks in minesweeper and left everything that makes the game freaking awesome. Now I know what you are thinking, “How is this a game?”, but what you don’t see is what’s under the game board.




    With a crazy maze set just bellow the game board players run for their lives in hopes to be the last man standing in this epic race against time. Players have 2 minutes each round to be the last man standing. Depending on your preference, each player can have only one life and watch till the round is over or you can mix it up and allow a dead player to help the sweeper at the top of the map. Through out the maze players will find teleporters to help move across the map faster and safer. Learn the map quickly, because it will help to your advantage when being over whelmed by exploding mines. Without giving away the exact location you will find one teleporter that’s not the same as the others. This one will teleport you into a room with no way out. Which mean you are stuck. Don’t worry I wouldn’t leave it that unfair. Inside this room you will find armor lock, now here’s the catch. Armor Lock will only spawn once so not only do you have to stay in the room using your armor wisely, but anyone else that enters that room is not only stuck, but they don’t have protection. So learn the map and gamble wisely.



    When the round starts, one sweeper is picked at random and placed at the top of the board and the others will be placed at the bottom of the game board. The sweeper will receive a point for every player he kills and an extra point for killing all players. If you die and depending on the game type you choose you will either sit out till the round is over or you will end up spawning next to the other sweeper to help finish off the remaining players. If you end up being the last man standing you will receive one point for staying alive and if you can stay alive for the whole round you will receive 5 extra points. Trust me, it’s not as easy as it seems. Winner is first to 20 or best out of 8 rounds. Got it? Good!

    More Pictures





    After playing for a while and want to mix it up, I have provided the same exact game, but with a different maze for players to run though and every week a will provide a new map with a new twist every week. Here is two to get you started with! Enjoy! Also remember to download both game types so that you can pick and choose between the two styles of play and make sure to check back every week for a new map!


    I really hope I made everything clear for everyone and if you have any comments or simple ideas you would love to send my way please feel free to send me a PM or post back in the forums. Thanks everyone and happy sweeping :)

    Map 1
    Map 2
    Game types
    Sweeper Team

    -Redeemer 3xNSoD
    #1 Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  2. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    How do the sweepers kill you? Does it kill you if they shoot a mine and you're under it? Besides those questions it looks like a really fun map.
  3. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    Sweepers kill you by the mines that lay above you and the mines explode with the sweepers shooting them with a sniper. Mines instantly respawn, so you never know when a mine is going to explode right above you and you never EVER stay still. Moving is the key to winning. Hope this helped!
    #3 Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  4. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats freaking awesome.
    original, creative, fun- deffinitely going to use this in custom games soon.
    this was extremely well done. a+
    queued and queued.
  5. Governator

    Governator Forerunner

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    Wow! That's all I can say. I haven't even downloaded this map yet, but I already love it! This is the most creative map I've seen in Reach to date. And you play to pop out a new map every week?! You, my friend, have serious talent! I have high expectations for you.
  6. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First of all, the numbering system for minesweeper is simple... other then that, looks like a great map, i have it queued and can't wait to try it in customs.
  7. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    Yeah I agree, but its still not as fun as blowing up mines and killing opponents :) Thanks everyone for the feedback.
    #7 Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  8. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    really good idea of incorporating mine sweeper with reach

    i cant wait to play with ma buds
  9. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    Yeah let me know what you think. The more people the better. If you can get a full room together then get ready for some mayhem!
  10. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Very creative. Actually this is like the only original mini game map for halo reach on forgehub. I would of never thought of this. I downloaded this and wow, it was very fun. On the next map for this you should add a bigger aesthetic feature under the board, what I was thinking was a mine. With gold and broken doors. And have the mines on top. This is a really fun map to play on. 7.5/10
  11. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    Love the rating man. The first map I think is my weakest map. I wasn't sure how many people were going to like this game, but I think I really stepped it up my second map though and my third map that I will be releasing soon blows them out of the water. Stay tuned though cause another rating on my new maps would be great.
    #11 Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    I played it tonight with some friends. I ended the game early because two aspects of the game annoyed me. 1) The armor lock. 2) The one dead end room that you can't get out of once you go through the portal. Again, it could have been good, but those two aspects ruined it for me. 3/5
  13. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    Yeah we have completely changed a lot of aspects after a lot of tests. I'm glad that you gave me honest feed back, because we want this to be perfect. I promise the next few maps we wont disappoint. Thanks for the input and we will have a full new update soon. Keep the feedback coming. We want to changed the view of mini-games by having a completely original and perfect game that everyone can enjoy. Stay tuned.

    -Redeemer 3xNSoD
  14. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Last night, me and some friends were playing the first map of it, and I gotta tell you this map rocks!! It was fast, chaotic, and fun.

    I'm just downloading the second map, and judging by the posts above me the third should be out shortly. I cannot wait for it, honestly!! 5/5
  15. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    I am always honest.
  16. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    I enjoyed playing this with a couple of friends and I have just two things that bothered me.

    Firstly, ammo. Wouldn't it be better to leave it on bottomless clip so we don't have to reload the sniper all the time?

    Secondly, radar. Is the sweeper supposed to have a radar? It kind of makes it a bit easy. Sure, teleports can mess it up a bit for the sweeper, but the runners don't know when they're being aimed at so it's not tactical.

    I imagine if you give him a bottomless clip it would give him an advantage in time, and taking the radar away would disadvantage in spotting. Hopefully the two changes would balance out and make it as equally fair as before.

    This is something I'd change personally, but not something that necessarily needs changing in the official version if you feel it works better.

    The only other thing I can think to suggest is giving the runners an alternate objective somehow. There have been a couple of minigames along these lines, where one team is purely running and trying to escape the main killer player. Although this can be fun, it loses it's entertainment quickly if all you're doing is trying not to die. Then again, with this type of gamemode there isn't a lot the runners could do. If you can think of anything, may be worth trying, but I don't blame you for leaving as it is. It works, I'm just trying to prolong the enjoyment. :)

    Grats on the map and game. It's well forged and very functional.
  17. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the ideas and comments. We have been working on a couple main changes that I dont want to give away till we finally release it, but do know that the runners WILL have an objective.

    Second, the only reason why I decided to go with reloading and not bottemless clip was simply the fact of the sweeper spamming the mines. If the sweeper doesn't have to reload then he can go crazy with his shots without really thinking about what hes doing. Though this is debatable I feel it keeps the playing field a little fair. I will release an optional game type for people who prefer that instead though.

    And Last the only reason why we decided to give the sweeper radar was we felt that if the sweeper had some what of a radar it would give him a general direction of where to shoot. So again, we still are debating on taking it out and in the final release we should have everything balanced. Thanks for the comments. This really helps

    -Redeemer 3xNSoD
    #17 Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  18. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    I completely understand. I figured your reasons may be along those lines. You have a difficult task ahead of you that I imagine will split opinions.

    The bottomless clip idea doesn't really need a separate gamemode. I think the best option is just to state clearly somewhere that if people want a more frantic experience, they can turn it on themselves.

    Good luck.
  19. Redeemer 3xNSoD

    Redeemer 3xNSoD Forerunner

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    You do make a good point, but giving to everyones needs is always a plus. I guess will see, but stay tuned for are new maps. :)

    Edited by merge:

    Well that's good. So do you feel like the armor lock needs to be removed or would you rather be able to grab the armor lock and run around with it as well???
    #19 Redeemer 3xNSoD, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  20. xX Mike 720 Xx

    xX Mike 720 Xx Forerunner

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    Great Map, Played With A Few Of My Friends On A 8 v 1, I Was The Sweeper, And We Had A Blast. This Map Is Well Forged, has A Great Design, And Shows How people Can Make a Boring Game Fun! As A Result, I'll Say 5 Stars, But Theres One Thing That Made It To Easy And A Bit Annoying For The Sweeper, They Have A Radar, And That YOU ALWAYS have to reload the sniper, it was a pain in the neck giving those Survivours And Extra 3 Seconds To Run, But Overall, Great Map!

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