Planning an RPG Map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    This is gonna be hard, but I'll find a way to build it. Though Forge has alot of options, Bungie removed something that was the core concept to my RPG Maps. The Grenades. 4 Types. Now changed to 2. Though you can carry 4 of each, You can hold for of each after spawning. The Ammo Idea is working either. So I need some ideas that you guys find interesting in RPG's. For Example: Ranks, Guns, Quests?, Co-op and Housing and Jobs. Ranking up was added before and will return again. Gunwise, Im thinking Plasma Pistol. Quests, could be added.... Maybe not. Houses are easy, Jobs are not. But I'll try to make it work. If you have any ideas to throw at me, comment below. Im planning still, so theres lots of time.

    Added Thoughts and Ideas;

    \'Being Planned out On Paper'/

    - Quests will be based on something to do in Halo:Reach and Must be Recorded and Sent to Lil Devil9597 to Confirm.
    "Kill 20 Grunts on Courtyard"

    - Rank is based off of Armor Abilities.
    (Everyone Starts with Sprint, Highest is Jetpack/Armor Lock)

    - Map will have Host
    (Host has control of Rewards and Punishments, Arrest & Quest Completion)

    - Will have Battlearena (Underdome)

    - Money is Grenades at this point in time, Could be changed.

    - Unlockable Weapons, Houses, Stores and Jobs have been added.

    #1 Devil95, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Hmmm... how about placing armor abilities as "upgrades", kinda like gaining a new ability in an RPG game? Have the player make a choice on which of many armor ability choices to pick up, placed in a room with a 1 way teleporter... he has to make a choice, and can't go back to choose another.
  3. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Loadouts could function as the basic classes. You'd have your short, mid, and long-range specialists, your heavy hitter, and your scout. Each of those could have a good ability relating to it as well:

    Short-Range: Sword, Shotgun (mehh), Evade
    Mid-Range: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Sprint
    Long-Range: Sniper/DMR/Nifle/Whatevs, Another of the weapon options, Drop Shield
    Demolitions: Rocket, Concussion Rifle, Armor Lock
    Scout: Something, Something, Stealth/Jetpack

    Eh, so they're not perfect classes, by far, but hey, it's nearly one in the morning and I'm tired. But, it's a thought.
  4. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    I think your biggest problem will probably be your budget. I like this idea though
  5. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    If I'm getting this correctly, I'm assuming that it will be an ongoing project, in which he'll have multiple maps to flesh out his RPG world? I dunno, the overall project wasn't clearly defined.
  6. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    This is nor Confirmed or Denied as a Project. I have no plans for future maps for this RPG Idea. Im just working out ideas for now, Im currently working on releasing the other 2 maps in store. Loadouts isn't what I was aiming for, Im talking about... What defines an RPG. Upgrades, Ranks, Realism (House, Job), Quests etc. I need to understand this so I can make that happen. Playing with friends is the most important thing to me. anything Co-op. Please make suggestions below. Thanks.
  7. ThePsycoOne

    ThePsycoOne Forerunner

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    OK, this will be a tough task. Um i really don't have many ideas except for the quests thing, simply put use grenades as rewards, which you can assimilate as "money" or "exp". When you have a good amount of grenades you could go to a building with switches activated by the grenades, some of these requiring more than 1 grenade but giving better rewards.
  8. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    You could use necesity of armor abilitys to do things like jobs and houses. For example, place the door to a house high in the air so only a jetpacker can reach it. They can then unblock a teleporter, or open a door from the inside so they can change their armor ability. Or you can have a soft kill zone, and the only way to get from one side to the other is by sprinting.

    Keep in mind that one of the the new maps coming out is supposed to have a large forge pallet of objects. Hopefully that means immovable objects combined with movable and brakeable ones.
  9. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Um, I've never played an RPG that didn't have some sort of class system involved, which was what I was attempting to offer you. I have no clue how you plan on making quests, ranks, or anything, if you're just doing it with one map, and with everything in the map, rather than attempting to create some sort of world for yourself and keep scores/stats/whatever somewhere else seperately, like in a thread on FH.
  10. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    If you want an RPG, you shouldn't have picked Halo: Reach...
  11. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    ^^There is no other game on the xbox with this type of mode (Forge).^^ Also I have done 7 RPG Maps on Halo 3. That was somewhat impossible because of the Limit and Items. Ranks I've already shown some people. Its a work in progress. I basing this stuff off of MMO's and RPG's. (Example: WoW and Borderlands). Again, I haven't worked much out. I may very well terminate this Idea.
  12. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    What defines an RPG? 1 Word. Progression.

    Quests of course. Increasing difficulty of these with increasing reward.

    Ranks. This could be based on your Armor Ability.

    Realism on the other hand. Jobs(Tasks) or Houses(Bunkers)... I wouldn't see a need for in a Halo RPG.

    At first thought I think of one thing.

    Long-Term Project.

    An idea for a Reach RPG would be a full game. With you releasing maps as you create the story. You could give quests that aren't even in Forge. (Ex. "Those damn grunts keep attacking my daughter, I need you to get rid of them." -Kill 20 Grunts.) And you would do it in campaign and submit the clip to you, and you would resend them the next map/quests.

    This is an idea with limitless possibilities and I don't think you could do it all in 1 map. Hell, you could have a team of people working on this and it would still be difficult.
  13. TheNobleNemesis

    TheNobleNemesis Forerunner

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    No offense to you or your ideas, but this is Halo : Reach, not Fable II. If you want an RPG, go on RuneScape, or Fable II.
  14. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    you could say that about a ton of fun things. oh yeah, this is halo, not mirrors edge, so if you want to have obstacle courses play a free running game. play NFS if you want to race.
    i actually had this idea, but it seems to hard to implement.
  15. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    My thought on having loadouts/armor abilities indicating separate classes, as opposed to having them be ranks, is that each armor ability is useful in a different way. If there was a way to make Sprint last a different number of seconds for different individuals, then you could do a sort of ranks thing. But who says taking away someone's Sprint and giving them a Jetpack is progression, or vice versa? Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and basing a rankings system on completely separate abilities doesn't work out so well, because someone may not think that Active Camo is just good enough for the second rank, or whatever. Armor Abilities don't seem to work out too well for that.

    Exactly what I was trying to get at--doing this all in one map would create an RPG "environment" that could be equivalent to one mission in an actual RPG, if you're lucky. Creating a sort of overworld map (think the old Mario Bros. games), and givng each specific area an actual, downloadable map, while keeping track of stats and such somewhere out of the game, is the best way of going about this.

    Whether or not it's a project that enough people would hop on board for is, I suppose, the determing factor of whether this should even be gone about or not.
  16. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    responding with "this is Halo, not an RPG" is one of the more ignorant things ive read on this forum.

    taking that logic, Grifball, and thousands of other amazing and fun minigames do not belong in Halo because "this is a competitive shooter, not a minigame."

    i think having an RPG with multiple maps and quests connecting together into a large story would be absolutely AWESOME. there is huge possibilities for what you could do with this. i urge you to keep the idea, do not abandon it.

    as i was reading the thread, and saw Combat's post, it also popped into my head that you could include some custom Firefight gametypes as other quests as well.

    Such as "those damn grunts have invaded the Courtyard, elimnate them and youll be rewarded."

    you could even make up a fantasy credit system with out-of-game rewards for players, so after they "save the farmer from the grunts that are attacking his daughter," they can go spend the reward money at the town shop and upgrade their stuffz
  17. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I never thought of quests like that, I'll give it a shot. Instead of making tons of maps for every person. The better Idea is to get friends to host games and toss you an invite back after you're done the quest. That way, I save time on maps and you guys get rewarded in game. Im gonna need a huge team though. I wont be in-game, I'll be watching the clips and seeing if its legit. If not, I will message the game host to not reward him. Drawing the lin of fairness. I will make the game hosts also Moderators, to boot anyone breaking rules like; Killing outside of the Underdome, Stealing, Escaping Jail without Permission and So On. I'll be planning this out all month. Meaning that I won't be releasing this until 2 months or even more. Any got some more suggestions?
  18. Evrito

    Evrito Forerunner

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    With the ideas you have now you could easily create dungeons of sorts that are comprised of puzzles or have contests in mini games between players. And of course "pvping" or duels would be easy to make between players. You could even make pretend super bosses for ppl to fight be maxing out a game moderators class.

    If you want some help in this endeavor i will be more than glad to help my gt is fasteddie304.
  19. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Updated Ideas and Thoughts. Im planning to work on this in a couple days. Im gonna have to work out how to make more people have houses without going over the limit. Reach has a huge budget and object limit. If anyone is interested in joining message me on FH or XBL.
  20. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
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    Split up checkpoints throughout the map that require the use of each armor ability, with a central hub (town) to swap them at.

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