Here is my latest map. Its architecture and name are based a lot on 'The Silent Cartographer'. It's kind of small. I wouldn't go over 8 players on it, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet. Top image is blue team spawn. Bottom image is red team spawn. The DMR there can be seen in the image above as a little dot in the hallway. The ramp to the left comes out at the top, seen on the second image.
It looks very good so far. You did a great job recreating the feel of that section. I'm assuming you die when you fall off of those catwalks in pics 1-3. If so then you should add some railings to those sections.
No don't add railings there weren't any in halo ce so don't for this, it just adds to the fact that when you play you can't mess up. Great job btw i forgot about all the cool levels etc in halo ce.
Dude! What a sick concept! You really nailed it too looking at the pics, I am very impressed. The infiltration to the Silent Cartographer did always have a very unique atmosphere. Such a good idea to reanimate it in Reach. Looking forward to this.
Forerunners never seem to have railings, but people falling off might be a problem. Those walkways are also so limited that it might be best to widen them at least so players can actually have a battle there.
People falling off might be a problem, but I haven't tested it yet to make sure. I still need to place the spawns for FFA. What happens if there are two teams that pick and green as their teams, will they just spawn in the place of blue and red?
The reason they never had railing in it in the first place is because it was Halo 3 and it was a campaign level. No fall damage. If you take damage from any drops on the map, add railings if there needed. Other than that it looks really god and I look forward to playing it when its released.
Lol you mean halo CE, but i still go with no railings, just makes it more forerunner. Or if you do add ralilings dont make the whole thing have em just spots. As for the spawns no you have to set it for every team if you wish your players to be able to choose red blue pink or what ever.
Well...I didn't really put any planning into it, so it's probably not that great. I haven't tested it yet but if you want to take a look at it you can. : Halo Reach : File Details Team slayer and CTF only at the moment, I think. I wouldn't go over 6 players on it.
I am sure it will be a fine map. I remember playing this part of the halo ce campaign. Brings back some great memories. So a multiplayer version should be fun. Thank you for releasing it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I am sorry but I have been extremely busy and I wasn't able to download the map in time. Could you please reload it.
This really does look like the silent cartographer well done on recreating the whole look and feel of that level. one of the screenshots looks exactly how I remember part of that level
I was able to test your map the other day. It was smaller then I expected but that wasn't a problem. There were a few places I didn't recognize from the silent cartographer mission. However I thought it worked out just fine. Now did you have the map room featured in this map. If not then adding it would probably be the only recommendation I would add as the map is pretty good as is. Hope to hear more from you soon and I look forward to when you make this into an official map post.