Duality V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Furious D 18, May 5, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Version 2 is out. Links have been changed.

    Duality is a mid sized Foundry map that supports the 5 major gametypes (Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories, KotH). One important aspect of this map is that it has a different layout for symmetrical vs asymmetrical games. Duality gets its name from this dual nature.





    In symmetrical games, teams spawn across each other atop the large U-shaped floating platform. They enjoy equal weapons and base layouts.



    In asymmetrical games, the defenders spawn in the center of the U-shaped platform while the attackers spawn on the low ground at the opposite end of the map.


    Special Map Feature: The dumpster rooms
    There are two small rooms on the ground floor of the map, directly below the two side bases. These rooms are built with two walls of vertical dumpsters, one normal wall, and one shield door. The room is great for flag carriers and bomb carriers because you can camp behind the shield door for safety. But grenades can be thrown above the dumpsters and shield door to kill anyone inside the room. Also, the dumpsters can be knocked aside by a speeding Warthog or Chopper. Knocking down the dumpsters and picking up the flag carrier is a great way to expedite his escape from the room. Some dumpsters have been set on slants to make them easier to knock aside.




    Recommended Gametypes
    The map was built for the 5 major gametypes (Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories, KotH), but you may wish to tweak some game settings for the best experience with Duality.

    CTF: One Flag works fine, no changes needed. With Multi-Flag, however, you'll want to enable "flag at home to score". Otherwise, it'll be a mad rush to score 3 times and the game will suck. Also, change the "flag return" time to 5 seconds or touch return.
    Assault: I tested Neutral Bomb with a reduced bomb fuse time of 10 seconds (default is 15 seconds, with a 5 second disarm time). I felt that it was too difficult to disarm, however, so I recommend the default Neutral Bomb settings. Assault and One Bomb should also work fine with default settings.
    Territories: The map was tested with a reduced capture time of 15 seconds (default is 30). It worked very well, but the average score per round was 3 or 4 territories. You could try it with capture times of 20 seconds or a reduced round timer, but I think the game we played worked very well.
    Slayer: There really isn't anything you need to change for Slayer, but I recommend also trying this map with starting rockets and BR secondary weapons. It's a riot.





    #1 Furious D 18, May 5, 2008
    Last edited: May 8, 2008
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    OMG! That is so cool. I never thought about how things could be changed for symmetric and asymmetric games. I will definately DL! It looks like quite a unique design and well forged. Oh, but change your sig to "finished", not "testing"....
  3. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Every time you post a map, a little bit inside of me just kind of wants to jump out for joy. I am looking forward to playing this map in a sense hard to describe in the english language. Regardless, I can't wait to play an asymmetrical symetrical map. This will be thoroughly interesting and from what I see/ am reading looks like a lot of fun. Good job as always.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Ah, so this is the map I saw in that 'Boomerang Rocket' video. Very nice looking, and that 'dumpster room' seems pretty creative to me.
  5. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    this looks great, fun, and competitive . the dumptser rooms are a great idea. awesome furious just awesome
  6. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    yeah this got posted. I had a lot of fun last night helping you test. this is great fun and everyone should Download it because it is super awesome.

    Senior Member

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    Awesome map, D. Great use of the symmetry option. You never cease to impress. I had a blast testing with you, and hopefully it won't be the last I see of this (i'm sure it won't be). Its the layout that gets me.. nothing quite like it has been done yet. Vehicles patrolling below + hectic cross-base firefights commencing up top = WIN. One flag is the best I feel, as you can score it in either of 2 locations... genius. pure genius.
  8. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I really enjoyed the testing of this last night. Very intense games. And Furious maps always seem to work for territories in a way that few other maps do. This one's no exception. I wasn't a huge fan of 1-flag, but territories and neutral assault were amazing. Excellent use of the symmetry option, as Lights said. I wish I had done the same with Elation.

    The overall layout it great... mostly intuitive with a few pseudo secrets for advanced users. I love it. This is probably the best all-round map for gameplay on the site right now.

    I just hate that leaning fence wall in asymmetrical.
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for the great comments guys. I can't wait to play this map some more, so hopefully I can drag some of you guys into some more games of it.

    Oh yeah, didn't you suggest something else instead? I forgot about that. But I think it works well because it is the most direct way to the objective but it isn't exactly the easiest thing to traverse.
  10. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Yeah, I felt like a dumpster was more appropriate, but it works as is I suppose. It's just one part that I think you should have interlocked rather than leaving it leaning. Everything else looks great, but that 1 wall sticks out for me. I should have made a bigger stink about it before you published, if I really wanted it changed I guess.
  11. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    As Bnasty posted in the Bungie thread:
    Furious D 18

    D 18 (1-8) = -7 = 7

    7 letter of the alphabet = G

    DG plus O= DOG

    Dog backwards = GOD

    so. . .

    Furious D 18 = GOD
  12. CanCerBer0

    CanCerBer0 Ancient
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    Nice And Work In Interlocking :)

    5/5 Rating

  13. Sword of Apollo

    Sword of Apollo Ancient
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    Intriguing...I'm definitely gonna have to see this one for myself. Queued!
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    THis looks really good.
    I could never think of anything to do with the aysmmetric/symmetric option.
    Nice job, very good interlocking
  15. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Where to start? I saw the dumpster room get slammed into during the test and thought, this twisted MF set these up just to be a death trap. But now I see they are actually tactical? Brilliant. I also love the open ground level, it's great to see a map set up for some vehicular shenanigans. And the man-cannons almost encourage you to fling your Warthog upstairs, which is enough to please this simple-minded player in a technical map.
  16. pajamaSAURUSrex

    pajamaSAURUSrex Ancient
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    i love your maps, i really like how you actualy used the symetric/asymetric thing.

    amazing job once again.
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    That doesn't even want to make sense. o_O

    Furious, as much as I've liked your earlier maps, this one was a little hard for me to enjoy. Although those dumpster rooms are great, those slanted flags are fun, blah blah blah, this map didn't really feel as great as it could have been in 2 Flag. In One Flag and other asymmetric gametypes, this map was fantasmal. But symmetrically, this map felt really underwhelming.

    One thing I'm bugged about is how the bases are practically right next door. It's a little hard to defend your flag from being captured when you can be sniped at from the guys camping at their own base.
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    interesting. i will give it a go 4/5
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    $30 says its featured within the next three months
  20. Qc Is PWNinG

    Qc Is PWNinG Ancient
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