I really need to set a schedule for my map. My "Do as much as I feel" sittings aren't as productive as they need to be. I should really consider using nootropics.
So, I'm going to my Gamestop and asking them if they have any early copies of Black Ops. If they do, I'm going to ask them for one, saying, "I'm a Cancer Survivor and I almost lost my leg to a tumor. I had internal bleeding and I had Chemotherapy practically all last year. Chemotherapy is basically like having the stomach flu x 20. Just think of throwing up every 5 seconds, and feeling all your energy just getting drained out of you. There were so many times I felt I wasn't going to wake up the next morning, and here I am, asking for what will be my Favorite Game just a couple weeks early.. is that so much to ask for?" PS: I'm bringing my X-Rays that show my Metal Rod replacing my tibia/femur/knee, and I have a 15" scar where they cut out the tumor. So, think it'll work?
Probably not, considering pretty much mostly all gamestop employees are douches. You have a better chance doing something like that at a game store that's like family owned or something. Even then why would Black Ops be shipped practically a month early.
Might as well try. The Gamestop employees at my Local GS are pretty cool. I'm not Treyarch/Activision, I don't know!
Not going to work. Cooperate chain businesses don't give a **** about your problems. They would prefer you in a wheel chair so that you stay indoors more and buy more video games. They can also receive a lawsuit from the makers of the game for any sales before the date of release. Not something gamestop would appreciate.