Cataclysm (tentative title) About: Cataclysm isn't a map, per se- it's a gametype. Cataclysm is a spin on Infection, and it's been done with **** Zombies in mind. I've seen a few **** Zombie remake maps go up recently, and they all look great. But there's something missing from each. No matter how close the remake, every **** Zombie remake map doesn't quite have the feeling of the true **** Zombies gameplay. I've developed a formula to create this experience in Halo: Reach. I'll explain it in two main segments. I feel like these two innovations will change the way these maps could be played. Barricades: We all have noticed that the addition of the sandbags have made for some authentic looking barricades. But, the feel (for both the zombies and the humans) has remained feeling tacky. Until now. I've placed a one-way shield door in between the sandbag wall. This creates a mechanism which allows zombies to simply hold forward and 'barrel over' the barricade, just as they do in Call of Duty's **** Zombies. The second part is the portable shields that I've set on phased- this makes it so zombies must melee them down before barreling over the barricade. Barricade video. Please, download and watch this- it'll give you a very good idea on how it works. Weapon purchasing: I feel like this is another huge innovation in the game. I've had (and used) this idea previously in Halo 3- it's a way for players to purchase weapons using grenades. I used it before in a Slayer gametype, which I still may develop for Halo: Reach. Grenades will be obtained one of two ways. I haven't decided which way will stick, so maybe the community can help? A grenade will be obtained from killing a zombie, and they will drop a grenade. (However, there is nothing stopping the zombies from throwing the grenades, unfortunately. I like the idea, but having an honor rule doesn't sit well with me.) The second method is a periodical grenade spawn at a centralized location for players to grab. (This doesn't reward kills, but is foolproof in its implementation.) Once a grenade is obtained, a player can go to a store, throw his grenade in the slot, and the weapon will be dispensed. I've created a store that is simple, light on the resources, and dependable. This way, anyone can create mini-stores like this that can harbor weapons and ammo. Weapon purchase video. Please, download and watch this- it'll give you a very good idea on how it works. The gametype itself will also create a feel for the true **** Zombies experience that I believe will be unparalleled. I think of what Cataclysm can do for Infection like I think of what Conquest did for Territories. (That's thinking a little big, but I can dream.) I've begun work on a kickoff map for the gametype and it will be released shortly after I've finished testing. I can't wait to hear what you all have to say about my ideas, and I can't wait to see some more maps made using my system once I release the original. I'd like to hear any and all constructive criticisms you may have. If you're interested in testing Cataclysm, either post here or drop me a Private Message. Thanks for reading.
Ooh. I'm very interested in testing this. It looks awesome. GT: Doctor G33K Nice use of the portable barriers, I didn't think of that! As for the grenade thing, in my opinion you should do the grenade spawning thing. Having zombies spawn with grenades is a terrible honor rule.
I'd interested in testing this. I've made gametypes for the **** Zombies remakes that get close to the mechanics of CoD style zombies, but not gameplay like this. Awesome!
"I decided to make a less tacky window by placing a large, glowing shield by a sandbag." Good luck with that. Anyways, the system you have is at least better than some of the maps where zombies have to "melee" the shields, but can't because of some lag glitch or something. Have you ever thought of making it so that "stores" with better weapons begin to spawn their weapons after some a considerable time, and have there be only one central grenade that spawns every 30 sec. or so? Your idea with Zombies holding the grenades wouldn't work even if they did no damage, as the Zombies would just vent their grenades so Humans couldn't get them. With a single, central grenade for all the Humans to share and better weapon stores working only after a set amount of time, you could make the game a lot more realistic. Cheers and Good Luck, HarisSales.
Thanks for your feedback. However, the one-way shield door isn't even visible, but its properties are still attributed to the sandbag wall. I like your idea with the weapon spawns in the stores- I'll definitely do that.
Can someone record or bungie render the videos please? I'm very intrested in watching them. I don't get how they work
You bring up a good point. From the bit of testing I've done locally with friends via system link, it's been a blast being either zombies or humans. Granted, (just like any other Infection gametype I've played) the humans seem to have the upper hand a bit, but it's just as fun in my experience to hunt down the humans, who are in this gametype, even more desperate for ammunition and survival than they usually are.