So, here is my first map I have made on Halo Reach, Hydrophobia. It is a symmetrical objective-based map. Water is enter-able and you can battle in it. Use for cover, or a place to trick pursuers. But, if you do suffer from hydrophobia, there is some land for you to run around on. Or you can just defend for your team. Basic Summary You will spawn in an armory with any armor ability that you want. Around you, there will different weapons around you. In the back, there is a hole to drop down into the flag/bomb room. In the front, there is a door to jump out into the front of your base. To the sides, there are bridges leading to the very back of the base. This leads you to a gravity lift that launches you to a nice heavy MG turret on the top. Weapons in Spawn Room Spiker x2 Concussion Rifle x1 Grenade Launcher x1 DMR x1 Shotgun x1 Weapons on Map DMR x2 Sniper x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Gravity Hammer x1 Plasma Grenades ~x6 Overshield x1 Overview of the map. Flag Room (Spawn room is just above it) Back of the Base Top of the Base Pathways Tunnels Middle Tunnel Middle Tunnel, farther in Far Tunnel (Far meaning farthest one away from the opposing base) Far Tunnel, From the other end of it. Near Tunnel, On the Other End.(Near meaning closest one to the opposing base) Where the Near Tunnel Leads What Really Happens Underwater. In Front of the Ramps Middle of the Map Back Tunnel As you can see, it is a kind of complex map. It also works better with more people. It is, as I said before, symmetrical. HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT! Please give me any feedback that you can. Thanks!
S***, I was making a map called Hydrophobia. Oh well; mine was basically Guardian underwater. Yours is pretty neat.
Awww man not cool. I was just browsing this site and up pops a map with the same name as mine, even has some of the same areas as mine. You did a lot better job with the spawn points than I did though, I still don't understand them all. There is certainly room for two, but now everyone is going to think I copied you, which sucks because I finished mine more than a week ago and have been uploading it daily, getting ready to register and post here. Now I feel like there isn't a point =/ Edit: Oh yeah, you have the same issue I do. Elites are not under water, too tall lol.
Hehe, ya I have noticed a lot of "Hydrophobias". It makes me sad, because I thought I had an original title. Oh well. Elites stay under water on mine, but only barely. However, they do break the map at one point, because of a spot where spartans can walk through but elites have to crawl. Alien hunting! (Maybe I'm wrong, but I tested it as I made this comment. Tell me where they are above. If you can I mean. Thanks.)
I made the same map,its called Amphibious, (Its not really the same but same concept) I trashed it because i thought the map was ugly, but this is nice looking
Nope, everywhere is safe for you to go. Except for jumping into the true ocean. I put some sharks in there. (At least I imagined them in there ) Thanks for all the feedback guys! Once again, if you have any criticism, feel free to share it