The first reach grenade war, Two layers and a killball. Sticks get the most points. There are two layers, First is a smooth floor covered in water, there are elivated spots for spwaning and grnades, there is alot of shields and walls surounding the arena, one one side there is a stairwell up to the top, on ther other is a gravlift, when going up a one way shield gives you a boost and keeps you from falling through. in the middle the grenade launcher spawns. upper is made of all rocks and grass (upside down tin cups) an antena and tge allmighty killbal, at the top is the plasma launcher next to a hole in the floor, there are crates and sheilds ffor cover and one way shields so you dont fall at the spawn
Hmm, like the idea of playing sticky fight, but one image? I think you should provide a bit more info and add ALOT more screens
Since you can't have infinite grenades like in Halo 3, how have you handled that? Are there lots of grenades on the floor around the map?
Looks nice... Do people have different Loadouts? If not, then i got some ideas: Grenadier Plasma Pistol i guess? 3X of each type No Armor Ability Warrior PP 4X Plasma Evade Air Assault PP Jet Pack 4X Frag Spec Ops PP 4X Plasma Hologram Recon PP 4XFrag Sprint Guard PP 4X Plasma Armor Lock Feel free to use those.
everyone has the same sprint PP 4 of each Hollogram PP 4 of each Armorlaock PP 4 of each Jetpack PP 4 of each I forget PP 4 of each since you can pick up grenades every where the only difference is only being able to pick up two grenades from the ground. and you chose 6 loadouts anyway.
More info? seems like a nice idea but you didnt write anything about it Seriously, you may be new but you gotta do better
I would remove armour lock as it would mean that everyone would use it and no one would die. This= Not fun if it happens
i'm all for sticky wars, but i can't even tell what the map is like without at least some bigger pictures. If you want to get people to download, you need to show them what they are downloading