I Have Tried Forgemates, But I Grow Weary Of Waiting And Checking For What I Need Help With. I Need To Find A "thinker" So To Say. I Want To, Can, And Will Try My Best At Building Map, But I Have Problems Thinking Of The Ideas. I Need Help With Ideas, Planning, And Some Building If You'd Like. I Want To Make Anything And Everything. From Small To Huge, From Competitive To Aesthetic And Back Again. I Am Very Flexible On What I Build. I Am Starting Out So This Is Probably Why I Can't Think Of Anything, But If Anyone Would Be Willing And Would Like To Help It Would Be Very Appreciated. And Just One More Thing I'm Not Just Saying "post An Idea" I Want Someone That Will Be On Xbox Or Forgehub Sometimes, To Talk/message And Think Of Ideas And Plannings. If You Are Interested Send A Post Or Message Me With One Or More Ideas. Thank you.
I'm have a amazing imagination. Here is a few ideas. An Orbital Space Station Things you could do:- -a crashed space station -an aerial fight outside a space station - a space station under attack Thats just a couple add me for more gt: Oni Alpha Elite
2 huge bases in forge world with massive numbers of vehicles. Massive battle in the air and on the ground. Don't put many anti vehicle weapons for pedestrians so that vehicles can be more or less the main mode of combat. Scatter some mongeese/teleporters aound so anyone who ditches their vehicle is not stranded.
Hey man, I always have good ideas for forging but not alot of time to do it and I like to help people out. I know alot about the forge and like to dream up crazy stuff, only finished one good map so far but it won a competition here at forgehub. So send us a friend request if you want a bit of.... help getting started, I'll jump into forge with ya for a few sessions. And maybe you can help make up the numbers when me or a friend is testing and playing customs - that is, as long as your are not a COMPLETE noob or idiot, lol just kiddin. Gamertag= ScalpelTechniqe.
^shameless advertising Why is every work capitalized? Just start with a few randomly placed pieces and build a map from it.
1.) True, but still advertising. 2.) Because I Like To Do That. =) 3.) Tried it, but I'm not good with that. sad face.
Hmm, seems okay but not exactly what I'm looking for though. I want someone I can get along with and just has random (good) map ideas, but can also help plan and/or build. =/
If by "thinker" you mean a person whom sits idle sometimes for minutes at a time just staring at pieces. Or sometimes idly plays with 4 random pieces for a half hour. Or builds what most would equate to half a map, stare at it for an hour and a half and then delete all but two pieces to begin rebuilding. Then I'm your guy. No seriously, I think a lot about my maps while I build them, but often play with pieces to figure out something cool before a wild idea will strike and then off I go running around forging like a wild maniac starving for forge budget and a capacity to consume all 10,000 dollars in a ravenous binge eating craze. Okay, okay...so I'm probably sounding a little crazy here, but seriously my forging skills are adequate, I really enjoy it, and sometimes I think all I need is somebody to bounce my ideas off of.
if you take a look at this site. 100 Level Design Ideas and Locations it has 100 ideas for creating a map on any game.