Wow... I deleted Jetway off my fileshare to make room for another map I was going to post. Now when people try to download Jetway, it says the file doesnt exist. What the F***ing H*ll? it wasnt like this in Halo 3! Why is it like this in Reach???
Uh... I don't remember Halo 3 allowing that. System makes perfect sense, though. Want to share a file? Make sure it's on your file share.
if you took a map off your fileshare in halo3, you could still download it because it was stored on's server. Now, you can only dl maps if you keep them on your fileshare. its just retarded
Thats total crap, if a map is not in your fileshare in H3 NOBODY can download it.... I think that makes you the retard, honestly.
Just reupload it to your file share. Go on Bnet and put it into a file set. Get the link of the map in the file set and replace it with the non-working link.
LOLZ Yeah I don't remember it being like that in Halo 3 either. How are you able to look for a map if the links send you to people's fileshare.
Oh look! Your bubble! *pop* OK, that is not how it worked at all in Halo 3 and its not how it works in Reach. In Halo 3 if someone copied someone elses map to their file share then it remained as the same file. As long as 1 person has that file in their file share, it stays available. I know this because I took a map off my file share and 2 months later I found some people still downloading and posting in its thread. Somebody had copied it to their file share (rather than downloaded it and reuploaded, that would be a different file) and it stayed up on Bnet. And every thing else I might want to say has already been said and is going to be said several more times throughout this thread. File share is for sharing files. You cannot share a file which is not in your file share.
uh, this. seems pretty straightforward to me.... any screenshot/film/map/gametype i posted here is still on my halo 3 file share. isn't that the point? Obviously you were mistaken in how you THOUGHT it worked.
I'd be surprised if anyone put any of my maps or gametypes into their file share. I know for a fact that I removed them and the links still worked for a couple months after I took them down.
oh ok I had no idea H3 maps only stayed downloadable because it was on someone else's share my b my b. But seriously comments like these: ...arent appreciated and arent helpful. you're an asshole. dont flame me with one of your really helpful replys!
I really don't care how it (supposedly?) worked in H3, thats not how its SUPPPOSED to work, its supposed to work, if its in your fileshare, people can download it, if its not, they cant. If you want more room upgrade to pro.
Actually, I think it is. It cuts down on duplicate data. Say I liked the latest Grifball Court and clicked to copy to my file share and a unique file had to be made, thats 2 exact copies of 1 map. What if someone also sees it on my file share and another person sees the original, the both copy it their file shares. Thats 4 separate records of the same file and because each one is a unique record, the download count is also spread amongst them. So it cuts down on duplicate data and it gives a more accurate download count. And P1MPxSLaSH, you were pretty much asking for all the unhelpful comments by starting a thread cursing at Bungie about a problem which doesn't exist. Just makes you look like an idiot. Insulting the people who insult you because you made such a stupid thread just emphasizes that.
Well what they were referring to is that the file would stay up, even if no-one copied it, which is not how its supposed to work.
This. What you thought was your file remaining in Halo 3 after being deleted from your fileshare was actually the file being on someone else's fileshare because they'd copied it. I imagine that same feature exists in Reach, it's just that no one had copied Jetway to any of their fileshares. So once you deleted Jetway from your fileshare, it no longer existed on any fileshares and thus *poof* like that, it was gone!
In all honesty, I don't think it was your copy stuff... I used to upload files to my fileshare, get the DL link's and post them on here, then remove the file from my fileslot before anyone had the chance to download it, nevermind the odd person copy it and my files stayed available for a good few months. However, they did all eventually die off. I used to store them in filesets... but bungie probably knew something was broken as I frequently had my filesets deleted if the files in them weren't still in my fileshare.
people are calling you dumb for all of the sentences leading up to your question. the question was okay. and i never knew about that fileset thing, what is it/how do i do it