Hey guys! I can't say I'm new cuz i've visited this site since last summer but this is my first post. On to the Map Do you guys remember Rifte Gifle's awesome halo 3 drop pod? Well, since he did'nt make one Here on Reach, I decided to make one. And it comes with a warpgate! PIC TIME! Here's the system! Now just step in.... And down you go! Now run to the gate! Critism is accepted, just don't make it too harsh ok?
The drop pod is by far one of my favorite creations for Forge. Id hope to be one of the few able to perfect that style. Also on a side note there is a Halo Reach Map Created by Rifte on the site with the drop pod design. Just letting you know. But awesome, like the map.
Yeah, more or less I would say around 95% of the time the left one works and the one on the right works 99.9% of the time