First off I love step brothers, second. **** Emma Watson Kill Fred Phelps (Westboro Church, look it up bro) Marry Ellen Paige (**** Ben Gibbard stealing mah Zooey) <3 The wedding will be grand
The front page still has a title that says Forge Hub - Halo 3 Maps on that note, do any of the tech admins ever bother in the community?
sigh..... YouTube - Step Brothers Movie - Its The ****ing Catalina Wine Mixer! Do I get my "right cookie" now?
i wanna watch some type of depressing movie, kinda similar to requiem for a dream also, is Blow any good?
Blow is also depressing following the same league as requiem. I don't know if I'd say it was as good as requiem, but it's definitely worth watching if you were already thinking about it to begin with.