So I'm trying to forge maps and it seems as though sometimes when I put a flat object at the same height as another and line them up perfectly so that they are completely flat and are the same height the objects will not be perfectly alined an there will be a bump while walking over them... Can someone please help this is annoying me a lot.
Is it a tiny bump? or a bump that makes you fly into the air? If its a tiny bump, that ALWAYS happens, or I think so. I know it always did in halo 3... I haven't gotten to playing costums THAT much... Or it could be that the hotboxes for each item are different...
Thats not exactly how it works. I guess you're trying to line up 2 different objects, or 2 of the same object but different faces. The only way coordinate nudging will work perfectly in game is if all the objects are made within 0.1 units. They're not but you can see in the coordinate box than you can move objects to 0.01 units, thats what all the objects are built to. Remember, you're still allowed to do things by eye. If you can get a piece straight better without the nudge tools, theres no need to make it worse by then nudging it. Also, remember you can click the left thumb stick in to move the object slowly.
No I am trying to move two coliseum walls together it is not working there is a bump that is way to small to use the thumbsticks but it still shows pretty badly while walking over it.
Ah, I think I've come across this one. Have you tried flipping one of the walls over? Use the other side as the surface?
if you have them snapped to coords then try grabbin each one and going into the coord screen then just back out. this lines things back up sometimes that just randomly moved. other than that, ya it's a pain in the ass but you should be able to get it lined up eventually.
OMG! that happens to me all the time and I know how to fix your problem. In my experiences, Ill have 2 wall colluseums lined up perfectly when i save the map but when i load it up againg they are different. the reason is that for some reason the wall colluseums pop out of the angle snap when the map is reloaded. all i did was set my angle snap to 45 and pick up and drop all the wall colluseums before i continue working. it only does this with them though... strange
I get this problem too. I'm disappointed that the coordinate system isn't as accurate as it should be...
Well if you only change the coordiantes of one wall, then you will end up having a problem cause you can only move 0.1 your best bet is to set them both to the same Z coordiante (aka 32.4) and hope bungie finishes the save bug
If anyone needs help forging, I'll help. I use real editing software so Bungie's Forge World is no problem. my Gamertag is Carpetfresh, i'll show you and explain what I am doing and then fudge it up on purpose and let you do it.