
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Toastman, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Okay, so I played a quick game on this. This will also be quick.

    - Poor spawns. I walked forward and died instantly because my spawn point was off on a side thing and i fell in the water immediately.

    - The rocket spawn... come on. Stupid. Also, 6 rockets? Stupid.

    - Lag.

    -Amazing to look at. Cramped to play on. One of the walkways led me to a dead end with a crate. I had to jump over a railing to continue. Awful designing there.

    I had high hopes, but this map was nothing but a let down. Sorry man.
  2. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    If I had to guess, most only walked through the map in forge and didn't even notice rockets were up there.

    I was playing 4 player FFA, and it was cramped, so its cramped. Weapon balance is less about team access as it is map design and placement. Hammer and rockets are overpowered as there isn't enough room to avoid them (though rockets are hardly accessible to anyone the way things are).

    the hard kill zone that generated my comment was on the rocks in the picture you labeled "Outer walkways Angle 2" (which is an area of the map that another commenter pointed out as problematic)
  3. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
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    Well, I took a look at it in customs and here are my revised thoughts.

    - I completely disagree with the rocket placement. It's actually worse in a game type without jet packs. The problem is that it isn't "risk vs reward" so much as "finicky fringe talent vs reward." I think the map would be vastly improved if you decreased the spare clips, added a small path to the spawn, and made it very exposed from all angles (maybe throw in a fusion coil or two). Then players have to win a battle with each other rather than with the geometry of the map when retrieving the rockets.

    - The falcon side of the map should have a soft kill zone. I had to experiment with the jet pack to determine where the kill zone was, and it felt rather abrupt when I hit it. You could even leave the hard kill zone where it is, but warn players with a small soft kill zone just before it so they don't feel cheated by the map. Also that small square block with no railings should get railings if you have any budget left.

    - I was perplexed by the med kit pad next to the grenade launcher. It's not that it's a bad thing, it just feels tacked on somehow.

    - The aesthetics are even better in person. Damn, those benches. Also, I don't have a problem with the bumpy stairs. I feel the trade off between missing a shot running up it and the character it gives the map is acceptable.

    Overall, I wouldn't be nearly so harsh as Silence. But he's right that there are glaring gameplay issues with the map. The aesthetics are unbelievable and the design has promise... I want to see this map perfected, because it could be great.
    #43 superguh007, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  4. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This feedback is awesome! I am so glad people had trouble with the kill zones! I already removed 99% of the hard kills and redesigned all the softs so I think, based on your complaints, that it will serve the player much better. Now you can walk in the water anywhere and only get the soft kill warning.

    Its true that the idea of the rocket spawn is gimmicky. It was an accident that the antenna jump was perfectly spaced so I decided to leave it. I may just leave the platform empty for jetpackers to have a vantage point if they choose.

    Rocket ammo is accidental. Its supposed to be 4. That is also fixed in v1.2.

    I have been hearing complaints about the hammer more often. I may remove it and try something else. I really like a huge variety of weapons on a map for player style choice.

    One thing I will not agree is is the complaint about cramping. Lockout and guardian both had many VERY "cramped" spaces and in reality this maps major playable area is one huge, open room.

    Here is my pending v1.2 Changelog:

    •$1000 budget recoop for framerate stability via removal of:
    -Red Flashing Light
    -1 Way Shield Door replaced with 2 double windows
    -Various unneeded walls/railings
    -Decorative items with no significance (Outer walk small antenna, etc)

    •Modified rocket ammo to 4 shots
    •Modified rocket spawn to 120 sec
    •Modified sniper ammo to 12 shots
    •Modified Spiker ammo to 160 rounds - Maybe someone will use it now?
    •Modified turret respawn to 75 seconds
    •Modified magnum spawns
    •Modified grenade spawns
    •More object cleanup - will it ever end?
    •better killbox implementation - Most hard kills have been removed
    •Added initial spawns for every possible team color
    •Added 12 Neutral spawns for better slayer stat positions
    •Neutral CTF support
    •Invasion Support - Just Kidding
  5. Adean26

    Adean26 Forerunner

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    The aesthetics of this map blew me away!! I can't wait to see the finished product once you get all the bugs worked out!!
  6. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im trying my best to take everyones pointers into account. Silences' issue with the outer walkways being wonky to manuever is already fixed (no more railing to hop and its more open)

    Im struggling with the map being "cramped" in general though. Lockout, Epitaph, Guardian, Longest, Chiron, Rat Race, Midship, etc. All Halo maps that are cramped. Its not bad design its just perhaps not to everyones playstyle. I cannot please everyone.

    It's hard to play test and get good criticism from your friends because they all wanna be nice and say it plays great so thanks again!

    Hopefully this will help visualize the fairness of weapon balance, despite the large number of power weapons.
    #46 Toastman, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010

    Senior Member

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    Ok then, my main problem with this map since the beta version you released has always been rockets, I was hoping this would be changed or altered so player could walk to the rockets instead of jumping.

    Not every player can jump well, or land on something as thin as a radio antenna, and the people I played with agreed that it got annoying after doing it once. It became a chore and took away from gameplay because you had to concentrate more on the jump than the game at hand when you did it. Which pissed them off, because with every map that Bungie makes, it creates either ways everyone can easily use, or creates a path for anyone, and a shorter path involving some sort of jump to complete. For your jumping effort, you are reward with faster travel if you learn and execute the jump properly.

    In your map there is the jump, but no way for every player to just walk to the rockets. This map excludes the lower level players because of this, and gives anyone who is a decent jumper a rediculous advantage.

    Theres my 2 cents.
  8. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After all of the feedback with rockets I decided to pull them entirely. There is not a good central spot to do battle for them and it is a small quarters map so they are gone, along with the antenna hop and the platform.
  9. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    Download for sure, you sir are an ArtIst
    the asthetics are amazing

    Edit: It plays even better than it looks, great job man
  10. Anemeros

    Anemeros Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It is definately a nice map. You guys need to look out for the final version. He's added even more detail that makes it extra saucy. Doorknobs, anyone?
  11. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It really is coming along very well. I have gone from $0 to nearly $1950 in budget by totally revamping the ceiling. Iv'e made a few new aesthetic "touches" as Anemeros hinted at to spice it up WITHOUT hurting budget.

    If anyone is interested in helping me test out 8 person slayer tonight just let me know here. Ill take notes on everyones ideas and thoughts. Think of me as a sponge that makes maps ;)
  12. nolahornets394

    nolahornets394 Ancient
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    For people having trouble getting to rockets, can't you just throw a couple nades up there to knock the rockets down? It works for me.
  13. Anemeros

    Anemeros Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No more rockets to worry about trying to get, with or without 'nades. Too much boom and too little room, I'm afraid. Twas phfor the best.
  14. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Looks good and right for players to have fun while playing. One thing is that the objects look alittle clustered, but I'll DL and get back to you
  15. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Forerunner

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    Did you use photoshop for the map layout pic?
  16. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember this map in Far Cry! This one looks so much more awesome. Great map Toast!
  17. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Posting to notify everyone that v1.2 is published on my fileshare. Read the first post to see the changes, the new weapons layout pic and a whole slew of new screens. Improved framerate, smoother stairs (in parts), no rockets and cooler aesthetics await...among lots of other tweaks.

    Thanks fore everyone who has given feedback, play tested and help me get over 2000 downloads and 50 likes on B.Net!
    #57 Toastman, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  18. Datastorm 1

    Datastorm 1 Forerunner

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    I LOVE this map. I plays well with just about every gametype under the sun. Very good job, this should be in matchmaking.
  19. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love how you incorporated so much of the scenery into your map! The tree in the atrium idea, while used before, feels completely original because of the touches you have added. I really wish I could DL this map, but xbox internet is kaput. Great job!
  20. x IRickIFoot x

    x IRickIFoot x Forerunner

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    Sweet! I'm liking the new additions. Panic room is awesome lol!

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