Remake Hematoma V2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by nillapuddin626, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    *Hematoma is Back 4/4/2011!*
    Alot has happened since October 12th in Hematoma, 6 months and thousands of downloads later, I have come back to my beloved Coag remake and completely rebuilt it from the ground up. In the process I made improvements to the map in every way I could, Hematoma was great for the times but since its last update was months ago the map deserved a facelift. Now with months of forge 2.0 experience, and tons of feedback I have brought back everyones favorite blood clotting reach map.

    All gametypes, 16 players, boat loads of nostalgia and fun are supported

    Feel free to leave any comments/feedbacks/suggestions but more importantly download and have a great time playing

    Weapon Spawning Times are such:
    Human Weapons:
    DMRs @45s 2clip
    Magnum @30s 2clip
    Rocket Launcher @180s 1clip
    Shotgun @120s 2clip
    Sniper Rifle @180s 2clip
    Frag Grenade @30s

    Covenant Weapons:
    Concussion Rifle @60s 1 clip
    Needle Rifle @45s 2clip
    Needler @45s 2clip
    Plasma Pistol @30s
    Plasma Repeater @30s
    Plasma Grenade @20s

    Healthpacks @15s
    Overshield @120s
    Active Camo @120s

    Back and Better than Ever!

    Completely new Base Design with improved aesthetics and gameplay functionality, aswell as increased accuracy to the original.

    My original design for the entrances to the bases has been made more efficient and smoothed to the best of my ability

    Interior base dynamics also changed to reflect original and add to ease of gameplay

    Now more accurate landscaping, much more time was put into replicating original structures.

    Same smooth transition from basement for you Banshee pilots.

    Revamped hiding spots and niches in the base structure for those nostalgic ninjas

    Ofcourse I couldnt leave out the Carney Hole for the Banshee, the infamous hiding spot that youll probably die trying to get on.

    Creators notes: To supplement gameplay I have included a few addition vehicles and weapons, they are as follows...

    *A Revenant as well as a pair of Mongooses for both teams to help with traversing the map.

    *Needle Rifles atop both bases (next to the DMR) for better gameplay.
    (Although DMR starts is probably a safe bet for everyone to enjoy themselves, its a big map!)

    *Addition of Crates outside Water Cave and Red Rocks, the crates are there to fill the void of two rocks I am short, but the reason more so than anything they are crates is because they are both home to the additional Health Packs I placed.

    * Here is a classic version with the following vehicle set
    - 2 Warthogs
    - 2 Ghosts
    - 4 Mongooses
    - 2 Banshees
    #1 nillapuddin626, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  2. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    a quality coagulation remake this is thanks man, good to c u finished the map like i said befor love the rocks and the remake all together thank you
  3. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really appreciate it, I really just bared down today.
    Went back to Halo 2 to get reinspired and it came together beautifully

    again thank you and I hope some more people get to see this and hopefully play it, and love it.

    If it gets circulated enough I will take feedback and fix any spawning, powerup or weapon issues that may arise
    #3 nillapuddin626, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2010
  4. The Haptic

    The Haptic Forerunner

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    Downloading now, thanks for making this, I will be circulating it around my friends for sure. If the gameplay is good, this could be a good replacement of Hemorrhage for sure.
    Happy forging!
  5. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Wasn't the rock perch further from the base? Or is the shot's perspective playing the trick?

    And did you find a way to include the most amazing super-jump of all.

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off this is a very good remake. Now onto the constructive criticism...

    The teleporters are very wrong. You have them reversed and the exits are not in the correct spots.
    The hole on top of the bases is too small.
    The rock pillar should be further out from the base.
    The sniper should sit to the right of the teleporter.
    You're missing the crawl spaces on the outside bottom part of the bases (they were key in assault games)

    Now with the bases as a whole...
    They are very well done and I understand the limitations with the terrain. That being said, I wish the rock pattern was a bit smoother. You may be better off using walls there, it won't look as authentic but it should play better.

    Also the sight lines could be a problem in games. In coagulation, you could only see the top of one base form the top of the other. In yours, you can see the entire front of the opposing base from on top of your own. I'm not sure this can be fixed but it could definitely be a problem for capture the flag.

    Again, you did a very good job and this is the best remake of coag that I've seen. I hope you don't take my critiques the wrong way.
  7. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    sorry bud no super jump

    Added after 1:

    This is awesome thank you.
    I have put so many hours into that I just convinced myself it was good
    Everything that you just said, you can pretty much confirm will be in v2
    (which is now underway that i have some solid changes to make)
    the sight lines i am very upset by also but unfortunately i cant change it

    Terrain level in Coag


    Levels in Hemorrhage



    v2 changes

    already done
    *sniper moved
    *teleporters reversed (oops lol)
    *hole in base slightly expanded

    *moving terrain in front of base to smooth flow of play
    *crawl spaces? (ill look into that, but i dont know what you mean particularly)

    **Look for update tonight (10/12)
    #7 nillapuddin626, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  8. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I hate to be the one to say this; this is a bad map.

    I was listing all the problems I found then refreshed the page and lost them all but I was finding most of the mistakes you made were the same as the another Coagulation remake I reviewed.

    The map looks good but thats only because you had most of the work done for you, you just needed to make nice looking bases.

    So, issues which need fixing:

    The rocks aren't good for walking on. You have to jump to get in through the front entrance.
    Theres still a load of objective items in the basements.
    There are still Haemorrhage Starting Spawns, which are now merged with the base walls.
    I'm sure the hole in the roof was bigger than that.
    The teleporters are backwards (I mean you've got Alpha and Bravo mixed up
    Why 4 grenades when you can only carry 2?
    There are only 18 spawn points, thats no where near enough for even a small map. You should be aiming for around 100 on BTB maps and you should use repsawn zones rather than assigning the respawn points to a team.

    Also, and this one is just me being picky, man cannons have more of a defined path, I'd advise replaced the grav lifts with regular man cannons facing the wall pointing upwards.

    Edit: ok, I see you're changing some of those things anyway.
    I think you still need to do a lot of work on gametype setup though, rather than just going with Haemorrhage's and hoping it works ok.
    #8 DMM White, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  9. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I havent done any work with spawning, sorry im just trying to get the aesthetics down first

    *4 grenades is the classic coagulation setup
    *fixed the teleporters that was just an accident at 6am
    *currently improving the rocks, my first product was just to get ideas on the bases primarily to make sure they are up to Coag standards

    thanks for your feedback and I assure you that your opinion matters and im forging v2 right now with all this stuff in mind

    "I hate to be the one to say this; this is a bad map." - bit harsh :/
    #9 nillapuddin626, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  10. Facts

    Facts Forerunner

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    The crawl spaces were from the mid section into a catwalk type thing over the banshee, I believe? I havent played coag since .... forever.
  11. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    man this guy is tearing u up but i guess constructive criticism is fine i cant wait for v2 i definitely think more gametypes is needed and some of the stuff like the top of base drop isnt big enough and i can back the mancannon idea if it actually works better but i love the map and i dont believe the rocks need that much work the aesthetics r great u basically got that down

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The 4 pillars on the outside of the base... in Coag, they had two tiny spots you could crawl in on either side of the base of the pillar. It's not too big a deal for an accurate remake, I just always remember using it for capture the flag and assault games (it was great when sudden death was infinite time because you could contest it from that spot.

    I would also look into making a separate version that blocks the view between the bases. Strategically placed rocks in the middle could do the trick.

    I would recommend going back to halo 2 and just write down some of the key differences you see and go from there.

    I like how you are taking the criticism and using it to make your map better, not everyone does that. Hope you don't give up until this map is as close to perfection as Reach's forge will allow.
  13. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeah that guy ripped me up
    but ive been in forge all day and i fixed all those issues

    ive opened up the bases, moved the rocks, used everyones suggestions.
    ive added 100 spawn points and should have v2 up in the next little bit

    Added after 2 minutes:

    i saw what you meant last night
    good pick up i didnt notice those at first
    in v2 (which will be up in a little bit)
    has those spots added in
    and unfortunately using the natural pieces to make the rock teleporter and entrance to bases have used up all my rocks

    thanks alot for your ideas though man i appreciate all the feedback
    #13 nillapuddin626, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  14. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    **** i was hoping id be the first to post a Coag remake, well mine isn't a true remake its more like inspired intensely by Coag. I like how you added the little outcroppings, i forgot about those i even loaded up coag while forging to look at the weapon spawns and teleporter placements. Oh BTW don't use the perks just go with oversheild and invis for the power-ups i tried using the perks and they just sucked. It's nice to have oversheild and a hologram at the same time =).
  15. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
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    hopefully you get 'er done cause smooth out the front and it'll be amazing, I don't think spawning will ever be as close to it was in halo 2, but you can try
  16. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    OP now updated with v2
    please give it a try
    yall have been awesome with giving feedback
    (negative feedback is awesome to)
    i look forward to more feedback so I (we) can perfect this

    thanks in advance and i hope everyone enjoys Hematoma.
    My pride and joy Coag remake
  17. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm harsh but honest with most of my map reviews.
    Nobody gains anything if people just "review" a map from the screenshots and comments "OMG, looks
    good! I'll download it later" and then they probably don't.

    OK, I downloaded your latest version and you have made a lot of improvements but you're skipping out the really easy fixes!

    In both bases, there are still starting points either floating their or sticking out of the walls. Just delete them, thats it. Easy fix.
    Same goes for all the objective items still in the basement.

    Overall its a much improved map and you still need to adjust the weapon spawn times and you can probably iron out any other problems you may have with test games.
    One of the things I know you'll find when testing this map is that placing most of the spawn points around the perimeter of the map is a bad idea. It makes spawning predictable and it means that you'll nearly always spawn really far from where you really want to be.
  18. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Seriously thanks I love getting reviews like that. I want the map to be awesome to play, not just awesome to look at it

    Ive got some questions though
    *In your first review you talked about spawn points in the walls and objective items in the basement..

    I have no idea what you are talking about?
    I deleted every single objective item and spawn location and did them all over again once you said that...

    (Is this maybe an issue only other people can see?)

    *also I will update the spawns closer to the bases.
    I was fearful it would turn into a massacre if they surrounded the base though if for example the other team got a few hogs but I guess I need testing for that
  19. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    When you go into forge are you in basic editing or a gametype?? cause i noticed that as well a few spawns and objectives are floating or stuck in the walls of the bases. The only thing i can say is just go in to forge in basic editing and delete it all because you replaced the objectives with new ones for set gametypes. I had this problem too i just had to go through all the compatible game types and delete stuff that was inside walls etc.
  20. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ah yes okay I figured it out
    I was only forging within the gametypes that I intended for the map to be played so I never saw any issues.

    When I went into Basic Editing I saw all the left over stuff.
    that has since been corrected and newly updated

    Added after 1:

    thanks for that Captain I figured it out on my own but woulda been useful 30 minutes ago lol.
    #20 nillapuddin626, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010

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