
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MildFlame, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. MildFlame

    MildFlame Forerunner

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    Very first invasion map. Here are some pics:


    Second base(Core is located here)


    Dodge Revenant


    Elites capturing first objective.


    Elites dodging bullets


    Spartan beats ghost


    Elite spawn


    Spartan beats banshee


    Spartan beats everything!


    Spartan gets assassinated.


    Elite jumping into the teleporter.


    (Map layout) first base


    (Map layout) first base (2)


    Core location (The terminal)

    There are alot more features on this map, if you want to see them all download the map.

    I'am also a leader of a clan on bungie.net called Halo Reach Spec Ops if you want to join here is the link:Bungie.net : Halo Reach Spec Ops : Group Home

    Download Map:http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6100977&player=MildFlame

    Download Gametype:http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6100990&player=MildFlame
    #1 MildFlame, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2010
  2. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    What about some actual map screenshots instead of close up action shots?
  3. ShreddedCHEEZ

    ShreddedCHEEZ Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, we need screenshots of map details and map layout. Also, you may want to change the name of your map because the name Terminal was used in Halo 2 and it was one of the best maps, so it is likely people will mistake your map for a Terminal remake.
  4. MildFlame

    MildFlame Forerunner

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    Ill try and get some up.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Change the name first of all. I don't liek when people copy names of ANY maps they remade. Like Rust, or Sanctuary.

    I feel 'meh,' towards maps like these. I prefer maps that use little to none of the FW environment, and are mostly medium-ranged combat.
  6. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    So the map name is the same as 1 or 2 other maps, who gives a crap? Because some people will get the wrong idea doesn't mean he has to change the name. AND he said specifically that it's not a remake in the title. What is there to criticize about that? But yeah, we need more pics of the map. for the map creator, i suggest you get some more pics of the map itself. You can still have some action shots, but we want to know what the whole map looks like, that's all. Oh, and welcome to forgehub. :)
  7. Pvt Fr3nchy

    Pvt Fr3nchy Forerunner

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    from the screenshots it looks great, the structures look original. I would recommend making the spartan base structures be colored 'red' and the elite(blue) base structures be colored blue, if it has the same red/blue spawns for other gametypes, and make sure the other color option is 'Team color' so that for example the second round of invasion the bases will have the appropriate color. not much other i can say, DL'd it and will test it out soon.
    #7 Pvt Fr3nchy, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  8. MildFlame

    MildFlame Forerunner

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    Thank you :)
  9. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    This doesn't belong in competitive, reported.
  10. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    It's an invasion map. Where else would it go?

    As with what everybody else said. My immediate thoughts were - "Where are the overview screenshots?", "I guess this is another invasion map that uses the entire of Forge World unnecessarily...", "There isn't nearly enough solid info here."

    Don't want to really add another negative comment to an already negative thread, but you need to work on your presentation skills. Start with some solid information about the map and it's capabilities, then provide overview screenshots, preferably in the order of events (if invasion), then finally when everyone understands the map properly you can add in action shots.

    The actual map looks ok, but I know nothing about it. It's just a bunch of forged buildings with some spartans and elites fighting over them to me.

    Also, clan advertisements aren't welcome in a map thread.

    I hope you can take all the advise previously given and start this thread anew (if you want) and present it more coherantly.

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