This map is a near perfect remake of the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack map Blackout. The map is an abandoned oil rig in the middle of the ocean and due to global warming the frozen ocean as gave way to sunny clear skies. The map is set up for slayer only at this time. More gametypes will be added in the near future.
Sorry man. These walkways and platforms and angles are nowhere near perfect at all. Looks nice but not a remake. I would say more of a different take on an old map.
Thank you for the comment, when I said near perfect I wasn't referring to the the exact measurements of walkways and angles just that everything is in the proper place. I guess I will change from perfect to just remake then, but honestly I don't know how you could get the exact measurements and angles to match up 100% to the original. So if you have any tips on how to do this I would appreciate it, I am relatively new to forging and still learning my craft.
I made a Lockout/Blackout remake. It is in my fileshare. I just have not had a chance to out it up in forge hub yet. Platform size, walkway width, railing height, distances r all perfect. U can make all the old jumps from different levels and platforms. Throw grenades and bounce them all just the same. I have 25+ hours into it and used every single forge dollar available. I will get it posted as soon as I can. U should check it out. My gamer profile name is the same as my name on here.
If I had a penny for every time someone said their map is "near perfect"... If you have to say its "near perfect" then chances are its not. I've probably downloaded as many Lockout remakes as I have downloaded all other maps and even though lots of map is already ready made, I've only found perhaps 2 which were any good. I don't need to download expecting a good map just to list the mistakes. I can see the mistakes from your screenshots and I could probably just list the mistakes others made on their remakes too. I can see you can't jump from the main platform to the Sniper Tower. You haven't added the small edges either side of the walkway above the "Green Room" There isn't meant to be a ramp at the top of the lift The BR Tower pieces doesn't have this feature, so I expect you just forgot about it; the ledge which lets you jump from the bottom level of the BR Tower to the middle level? Now I'll be helpful: Z-fighting. If 2 objects are placed in exactly the same place the textures will fight over which is displayed. It looks horrible during game and doesn't usually show up on screenshots, only as your move (either looking around or actually moving) so the fact that it does show up on your screenshot suggests to me that its pretty bad. Solution: grab on of the pieces, click the left them stick and tap very quickly one of the bumpers. This will move the object up or down a small amount. Don't edit its coordinates because that will lock it back to its Z-fighting position. Next tip: Don't remake Lockout. Simple as that. Lockout has been remade so many times I'm starting to ignore threads which are either remakes, re-imaginations or "inspired by" because generally they suck. Make something original, from scratch. You'll understand how your map should play. You're missing details in this remake because you're not totally sure on how the map is meant to play or why certain features are there, so you either leave them out or remake them wrongly. If a map is 100% yours then you will know where you want plays to go, how the map should flow etc.
Thanks for the tips, I have only made about 4 maps total in forge I never got into it with halo 3. So all my experiences with Forge are new, so any help is appreciated. I tried to do the map from memory and I guess you all put it my memory did not serve me right I have a few of my own maps that I need to put up.
Yeah it looks really good a little more squatty then what i like for my taste but still good. Like everyone is saying just say heavily inspired like i do lol cause i know i can not get it perfect or even near perfect. I know for maps like lockut blackout gaurdian you can if you spend the time to look at the maps and write down everything (or for like h2 remakes just use an old xbox and play on the original while forging). Still its a nice map good feel to it but it could use some sprucing up.
I have gone back through the map and cleaned a lot of the things mentioned above it is still not going to be exact so I am going to change the name to "Oil Rig" a map inspired by Halo 3's Blackout.