Drop Pod Slideshow <CLICK HERE Album of drop pod photos<CLICK HERE Here is the video sorry I couldn't render it or get it up on youtube, but you can download the video if some one could put it up youtube it would be much appreciated. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details <Click this link too get too the video> !-update-! DESCRIPTION -A one way shield does not effect a vehicle unless a player is inside it. -I have (the drop pod) or the shade turret with a one way shield inside the turret so that when a player enters the turret(drop pod) the shade turret is then pushed foreword by the one way shield. -then it hits a wall built far enough away that it will drop threw, strait down. However the fall would usually make the turret explode once it hit the ground. -So too stop the pod from exploding. I have one, one way shield pushing up words(too slow the drop pod down) and another shield under that shield facing the ground. -The pod is moving fast enough to brake threw the first shield but needs the second shield to push it down so that it can be taking out of the pull of the first shield(or it would just shoot up words again) -now the player is now safely on the ground due too the drop pod Here is the in side of the whole op. Another Ex Let me know what you think...
I think I speak for most people here at forgehub when I said we prefer you embed the pictures instead of creating a slideshow. ..And the slideshow isn't exactly helpful.. it's difficult to understand how it works :/ I'd render, but I don't have Bungie PRO and even so, I can't view it cuz my mac doesn't support Silverlight. I'd download, but I wouldn't be able to access it till this weekend.. and by then I'll most likely have forgotten about this thread. ...Could you at least describe it in words?
You should have a description, but I think I see what is happening. Shield doors repel unoccupied vehicles. When the player enters the shade turret being held up by said force, the force is no longer applied and gravity takes over.
I now have a description up, and pics if you want too see more pics just click on the sideshow that will also take you too the "Drop Pod Album" on my photobucket account. I will also put up a link that will go strait too the photo album. I would also like to apologize for not posting it up very well I didn't have much time at all to really do much with it, until now but is 3am. lol
With mongooses it would work better. That way they don't suddenly have a shade turret on the ground. Vehicles can also survive falls by hitting a slope or hitting at the right angle. Anyways rifte's drop pods will work in more situations.
I see your point, but if you have some extra budget, and want to make the map that small bit more awesome, a drop pod is a great thing to use.
Quite a lot of typos there, it's spelt Forward not Foreword, Through, not Threw, and Straight, not Strait. But bad spelling aside, this is an alright concept. I can't see it really being used as a drop pod due to you having to put up walls to keep the shade in line, so i think that the ones made from cover pieces work (and look better) i can see it being used to launch players though, maybe you should make it fall into a veihicle grav lift, it'd be fun to fly in .