I love reach, and I love matchmaking, but one thing that really gets me, is when you go in solo, and get matched with 5 other solos in invasion, then you have to fight a team of 6 people who know each other and are in a party. Didn't this not used to happen in H3? Why does it happen in Reach?
If it didn't, that party of 6 people would have to wait forEVER to find another party of 6 every time and get a different one over and over again.
I mean at least a party of 6 vs 2 parties of 3 or something, not 6 freelancers (plus 5 of the 6 were Lt. Col. against a bunch of captains and a major)
I don't think it is big problem. Most of the people are smart and does much more team work than Lt.colonels in party. But you can always put your mic on, put preferences to chatty team player and counter them with their weapons.
Because when I go solo, I expect to be matched against other solos, not a team of people out wrecking, and the preferences dont do crap, I have chatty team player preferences on, and most of the time I get people without mics plugged in. What I'm confused about is they used to do this in H3, where if you went in with a party of 3, it would match you with a solo, and against a party of 3 with a solo.
Lieutenant colonels don't mean they're good. 95% credit farmed on sword base. Check their commendations for campaign, it'll have onyx splash damage
It's possible that the players you think are in a group all actually came together from their last game.
These guy were actually one of the few legit Lt. colonels, they didn't credit farm, they just played a ton of matchmaking, they had no higher than silver campaign commendations. And yeah, its getting around the time for legit Lt. Colonels, I'm one step away, and haven't farmed. If you come together from your last game, it doesn't party you up, it just puts you together.
I switch to BTB when I don't have any friends online to play invasion with. That way I don't have to depend on an undependable squad mate.
um... this happened in halo 3 all the time. a bunch of single player and small 2 man parties on one side, 8 people in private chat on the other side. doesn't seem like anything new