Final Refuge v1.2b (NEW VERSION!) Final Refuge v1.2b Created by Necrocent EDIT: Enjoy the newly updated Final Refuge v1.2b! I've made some changes to the gametype and to the map to make it (hopefully) more enjoyable for both sides, and to make it less of a fortress game and more just general survival. I will need testers, though An aesthetically pleasing, (in my opinion) well thought out, fairly balanced, yet untested Infection map. Base: High Ground Supported Gametypes: Infection, preferrably OZORT v1.2b Story: A group of OZORT tacticians were sent to defend and rebuild an old, abandoned base on the coast of a Southern African country. They suddenly lost contact with an incoming supply boat carring repair and military supplies, and hours later saw the wreckage float to the shore. Suspecting zombie attack, the tacticians quickly scrounged up anything they could to barricade themselves in. Will the tacticians survive their stay in this well-armed, poorly-fortified fortress, or will they become food for the very undead they've been trained to combat? Description: Humans must survive for 10 minutes. NOTE FOR ALPHA ZOMBIE- Use your minions as meatshields and to help you take down humans. Teamwork is key for zombies, there are no heroes among the dead! The humans spawn with BRs and Magnums. There are plenty of BRs inside the base, but they have no extra clips, and are set to never respawn. Extra BRs can be found at the beach for the ballsy, suicidal beach campers. Four frags set to never respawn, a single shotgun, two magnums, and a sniper rifle are also in the base. Sniper has no extra ammunition, and is set to never respawn. The shotgun is on a 2 1/2 minute timer and has one extra clip. Magnums are on one minute timers, and have a single extra clip. A turret overlooks the inner courtyard of the base. The zombies start on the beach, amidst a large amount of wreckage. The Alpha zombies have 300% damage resist, no shields, immunity to headshots, 50% damage (2 hit kill), 125% speed, and 150% gravity. Sensors go to 75 meters, and are set to advanced to represent the alpha being able to "smell" the humans. The regular zombies have 200% damage resist, no shields, immunity to headshots, 50% damage (2 hit kill), 110% speed(fast as humans), and 150% gravity. Sensors go to 25 meters, and are set to normal. After 3 minutes, a warthog spawns inside the human garage. A sniper and a rocket launcher spawn by the drop pods as illustrated below. Both sniper and rockets spawn 3 minutes into the game, and have one extra clip. The humans can take a few hits from the zombies, but regenerate slowly, so after 2 1/2 minutes, a regenerator spawns in the med bay. They must use this or be vulnerable to infection. 6-16 players. The outside of the Final Refuge OZORT base. The garage, where the hog spawns after 3 minutes. The armory behind the garage. Contains the only frags on the map and 3 BRs. Across from this is the main armory, with 2 magnums, a shotty, and 2 BRs. The med bay, contains a regenerator after 2 minutes into the game. The outside sniper. Has spare ammunition. Spawns after 3 minutes, retrieve using warthog or brave it on foot. The rockets. Spawn down by the drop pod at the beach. The Workstation. Purely aesthetic value, used as a callout. The Underground. Used as a callout, has two makeshift barricades. Defend this well. The turret. Overlooks central courtyard, use it to take down zombies anywhere in the inner outdoors area of the base. Download Final Refuge v1.2b Download OZORT v1.2b Gametype for Final Refuge v1.2b
I very well thought out map made on High Ground. I'll download and try it out and get back to you later.
welcome to forgehub. great first map post. i agree. it looks like you planned the map out very well and also looks fun. good job
Wow, I'm surprised my first forgehub map got such good praise! Woohoo! I did something good! Allthough, if you don't mind me asking, please comment on the forums as well. I'd hate to see it drowned out there :\
Hear hear! I don't understand why that limit exists. If we want to stuff our hard drive to the limit with maps, why can't we?
You seemed to do a pretty good job of not making it too easy for the humans. Of course, I'm no expert on map balance. But I can appreciate clever aesthetic features, and putting a regenerator in the "medic room" is a pretty cool feature.
Looks pretty good .. when i first saw armoury , first thought was newb magnet but then as i saw more of it , the armoury wasnt overpowering which is good = )