
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jsnoop, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Linkb8s

    Linkb8s Forerunner

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    I just did a quick walkthrough, very nice map. I've been looking for a map to try and revive one of my old Halo 2 Gametypes for. The game is called "Urban Warfare", it's 3 Plots, Multi-team gameplay, with DMR start AR secondary. Short capture time to promote quick, and ever changing gameplay. Considering at any given point one team will be without a territory, combat should constantly be shifting with no one side holding any point for too long.

    The one suggestion I have is adding a killzone for any area where the player can actually get out of the map. There's one towards the South end, and the first time I stepped foot on the map I found my way out there.
    #21 Linkb8s, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  2. jsnoop

    jsnoop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    which base is this near because i put killzones everywhere?
  3. aaa92

    aaa92 Forerunner

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    so i was wondering if it would be at all possible to make a conquest version of this map?
  4. Linkb8s

    Linkb8s Forerunner

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    I didn't see any killzones in the one I downloaded. While I'm not sure the base name, in you last screenshot in this thread, it would be by the walkway in the bottom left corner of the picture. Along the outer wall there is still some ground jutting out that you can jump to and won't die. From there you could explore along the canyon but not get back into the map.
  5. NukeGeneral

    NukeGeneral Forerunner

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    Very cool map. Its the first time Ive played on a city like map. I can foresee a large scale team slayer with jet-packs, Sprtans flying around everywhere. Weapon placement is nicely done, though I do wish there were a few more things down on the street level or on top of a building. Overall Id give it 8/10, looking forward to playing it with some big team battles with friends.
  6. jsnoop

    jsnoop Forerunner
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    so i have played quite a few games on this map and im pleased to say it is by far one of the greatest maps i have yet to release. The only other is this map called paradise which has yet to be released. I believe this map to be one great map and suggest anyone who liked headlong turf or any city map to download this
  7. aaa92

    aaa92 Forerunner

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    I think that playing head hunters on this map was the best thing i could possibly play. I played with my friends over at there house and they usually play matchmaking but when i showed them this map they almost fell out of there seats. They asked me if bungie made it and when i said no they didnt believe me. Again nice job and keep up the work
  8. jsnoop

    jsnoop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    im glad i have gotten so much good feedback about this map both on xbox live and on the internet. The map has become even greater than my previous and its because of people like you. I just want to thank everyone who tested, played, or even downloaded it. I always try and make my map as good looking as possible and it seems to of paid off
  9. Alteration

    Alteration Forerunner

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    WOW. BEST MAP EVAR!! keep up the godly work dude.
  10. jsnoop

    jsnoop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanx. My map finnally hit most recommended last night and will probley be on there till tomorrow. I have this new map i want to release but dont got testers. Damn! O well this map is still one of the greatest citys you can get, I have a tree for blue base and a side wall for red to know what base is what.
  11. aaa92

    aaa92 Forerunner

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    thats actually how i downloaded this. I found it on most downloaded list then after that i also found it on here. I gotta say most of those most downloaded maps are crap but you totally blew every other map out of the water with that map overlook. If you wanna play a game just hit me up gt aaa92
  12. Worksa7

    Worksa7 Forerunner

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    Hey man, I would be happy to play this map with you. My GT is: Echorion

    This actually looks really well done too, maybe just make it look a little more chaotic like real buildings. What I mean by that is like antennas, and balconies, etc...Aesthetic things like that. Right now they stand out too much like blocks. Nice job though =3
  13. Cageman

    Cageman Forerunner

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    I can test for you, but I'm Dutch. So is the time difference a problem?
  14. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    This looks fecking beautiful. The background buildings really make it look like a city map, and I love the fact you can fight on the rooftops. I'm DLing now, and I look forward to playing this map.

    Good show.
  15. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    Tried out this map as soon as I saw it. It is amazing! Really neat city atmosphere and fun to jet pack around in. I really like the open feel with the tight halls around the sides. Very fun to play snipers on. If anyone is playing this, I'd love to get in on it.

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