Dreams Turned Into Dust

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Dai Tou Zai, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dreams Turned Into Dust (Competition finished)

    For Part 2 - http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/113062-dreams-turned-into-dust-part-2-a.html

    (Part 1)
    YouTube - Halo Reach - Dreams Turned Into Dust (Part 1)
    (Part 2)
    YouTube - Halo Reach - Dreams Turned Into Dust (Part 2)

    k0ni0ph0bia - 26 Minutes

    CONTEST UPDATE - alright guys its thursday the day on witch i desided to end the map to announce the winner.. welp it turns out that nobody has even sent me a message saying they have beaten it or anything so i guess i will keep this contest going on until the 19th next month :3

    SUPER IMPORTANT - Just grab the ball you will die after that but you can still grab it or even touch it and it will count... please do not spend countless hours trying to hold the ball for 1 second :| you will just die so if you just touch it a little it still counts

    Before i start i would like to thank iTz 7tH FrEnZy for testing my map... he's legit even though he only got to the 2nd part

    Hey guys this is my skill map and there is a tournament going on for it... basically ill break it down easy for you, I did not post the last part of the course but it is easy compared to the first two parts good luck ;) - and it ends next monday

    1. You complete the obstacle course
    2. You find all hidden weapons
    3. Once you have completed both objectives then save the file and message me on here
    4. Next monday the winner will be announced to all of my xboxlive friends and on here
    5. The winner will receive a 1600 Points Card Code (Legitly Bought) and also i will record there video and put it on here X)

    1.You can only win the points card by collecting the hidden weapons and finish the obstacle corse
    2. Getting the weapons only counts if you find its location grab it and find your way back to the main path
    3. You can only win if you do not cheat
    4. Forge mode is acceptable but if you change one thing on the map you will be disqualified
    5. The fastest person to do this wins... you have upto 2 hours to complete the map
    6. Upto 4 players but only you or one of you're friends will win

    Evade Jumping is nice... record your movement in you're head also

    You play as ivan a kid lost in this world trying to find his way out of the decaying rumble around him

    Enough talk... who wants to see what there up against?

    Ivan - Where am i?

    Ivan - With this power i posess i can get through this!

    Ivan - Hmm this looks a little tricky...

    Ivan - I must keep going to leave this place!

    Ivan - I'm almost there i can feel it...

    Ivan - Ugh im tired already o_O
    -Ending Story-
    Ivan:Who who are you?
    ???:I am the one who holds you're future... you must travel through the teleporter and climb up the hill of gargarensist
    ???:If you would like to get back go your world... i would start to climb

    Good luck...
    ooh yeah and remember to read the rules!
    #1 Dai Tou Zai, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  2. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    Can i remove the special FX?
  3. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    no you cannot sorry :|
  4. Frenzy

    Frenzy Forerunner

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    This is a very challenging map! During the testing, we had 6 people in the game and in 15 mins we had over 700 deaths :S Good luck to contestants....You'll need it!
  5. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    please? I hate those things sooo much.
  6. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
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    is it harder then the obstacle course to get recon armor in halo 3?./?/?////??/??
  7. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    umm i never played that map so im not sure
  8. logic

    logic Forerunner

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    You mean Miles? That map was pretty much impossible, and it wasn't even the original version. Bungie edited it to make it easier, but still, no one has ever completed it. I spend countless hours on it and it was just a complete waste of my time.
  9. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Wow, don't you think the prize is a bit big? So I have downloaded this map thinking it would be a peice of cake, but to my surprise, it is actually quite chalenging, well the weapon part. The obstacle felt like any other obstacle, but the rules stated that I have to find all the weapons *sigh*
    This will make me busy for a few days, or hours if I'm lucky. Just a few questions though: Does the video have to be rendered? Can we just give you the download link? And my other question is that, mind telling us how many weapons there are? Lol

    I think this map is cheatable. A person can delete everything in forge and then start a new game and record it. I have a feeling this would happen....
  10. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    The video does not have to be rendered just put it on your fileshare and i will check it out :) i have a capture card so its all good. and there is one of every weapon besides the Pistol witch you start with and the mounted guns :)
  11. rahxephon55

    rahxephon55 Forerunner

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    OMG this map is super hard and amazing... i managed to find all the weapons in the first challenge but i bet i have a ways to go XD nice job this map and gametype is def a download XD
  12. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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  13. MrFun

    MrFun Forerunner

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    actually no my friend beat miles but it took him like 6hrs
  14. k0ni0ph0bia

    k0ni0ph0bia Ancient
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    This is a really good map. It's really difficult, but it's kind of unique I guess. I like the idea of the evade jumps and whatnot. Hidden weapons add some more variety, which I like. I'd give this a 9/10, personally. There were a couple minor flaws, but they're negligible.

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