But, what I'm trying t say is that there have been maps, at least in halo 3, that have automatic scoring. I was just trying to tell him that. It is a col arena and I will get rid of my other one if he fixes the issues. Edit: but I don't know if anyone has made one in reach that has auto point tracking, so good job.
Really? I wasn't super-active on this forum in Halo 3 (I did post a little bit) so I must have missed those. I remember trying a bunch of different custom games on my own though and never came up with anything. The closest we got (me and some friends) was an assault game where if you got the ball in the goal, you could run up a small bridge and set a bomb to end the round. We couldn't find a way to get the ball to trigger it automatically. Anyway whether this is technically new or not, it's new to me and it looks like a crapload of fun.
Ok, I'm sorry I thought that when you meant automatic scoring you meant something else, I guess that was my fault. There were maps in halo 3 where you killed yourself after you got a goal. If yours is truly automatic then I am looking forward to this much more now. Just so you know I was never trying to insult your map, I was just trying to inform you of something you may not have known. I am sorry for this misunderstanding. Now I really want to play this map. And sorry again for misunderstanding. Edit: if you want that soccer map with the return system for insparation: here
It's ok. And yeah the scoring system is completely automatic. As in, the players do nothing manually to keep score. The only thing the players have to do is try and score a goal. Once the ball goes into the goal the scoring system does what it needs to do. I will put this video in the original post as well but if you want to check out how the scoring system works then check out this video [bungievid]5519138[/bungievid] As of last night, the scoring system has actually been modified to be more reliable. We were running into some random problems where somehow at the beginning of a round the scoring system would activate and a team would score without doing anything. This rarely happened(maybe twice out of 100 rounds) but it just shouldn't happen ever. So we changed the scoring system a bit but it still is basically like what you see in that video
I would make it so that the round doesnt end immediately. Is that possible? Like have it so the ball respawns after 5 seconds of being in the water, and the flag respawns and the ball that is the flag collection area...That might not make sense in writing. Basically, is there a way to make it so that the ball respawns in the middle instead of starting a new round?
Apparently there is absolutely no way of having the golf ball respawn. I've tried kill zones,safe zones, having the ball go into the water. Nothing causes the ball to respawn, so starting a new round is the only way to reset the ball. Also thank you for posting so I am able to post this following question in my topic without having to break the rules and double post! Here is a new little problem I've run into! The lowest time you can put on the flag collection timer for stockpile is 15 seconds. So let's say you are playing and your team scores a goal with 10 seconds left on the round timer but the flag collection timer is at 13 seconds. You will trigger the scoring system, yet the flag won't get collected in time to count your goal. One solution to this would just be making each round unlimited time. But I'm afraid of games never ending due to no time limit. What does sudden death do stockpile? Does it go into sudden death if there is a flag in the capture point but not enough time on the game clock? Because if that is the case then turning on sudden death would be an easy solution. I would be able to check this myself if I wasn't at work right now lol. So I was just wondering if anyone knew
haha that sucks. for both options. I wouldn't really mind that but i guess if you were going for a real gametype that could be useable online, then you would have to fix it. hopefully someone has an answer. i would have to go with unlimited time or just screw the idea of scoring in ten seconds. If you arent good enough to score with 4 minutes, then you shouldnt be allowed to score with 10 seconds. lol harsh. but unlimited shouldn't really be that bad. maybe after playtesting you could find a good time, and see how often the scoring late actually happens.
It just really sucks you know. Having a timer in a sport type game actually adds something to the game play. Let's say it's the 5th round and you are losing 2-1. You either need to score to tie or you will lose. As time runs down the game gets more chaotic as people try whatever they can to score a goal before time runs out. And then you do it! with just 10 seconds left you score that tieing goal. but oh wait the flag collection timer has more time left than the round timer...you lose. Scoring those last second goals are always a big part of sport games and I really don't want to just ruin that element. It's sad that if I can't keep that element I'll just have to make unlimited time rounds. But then there would be no ties and games may last way too long.
I had an Idea to make a gametype called Rocketball, similar to this, except with rockets and clubs, with 200% damage resistance. Anyway, the reason I post, is I was trying to re-invent your scoring system that did not need to be placed below the playing field (I had already made my map in the Colosseum. This is what I came up with (Yes, it works): The the ball rolls in to the goal it detonates 1 (then all) of the 8 land mines in that goal. Then that explosion detonates either a propane tank (Red team) or a fusion coil (Blue team) In an isolated system (outside of the map (or anywhere, keep in mind the waypoint though)) there are 2 flag spawns, a propane tank next to one, a fusion coil next to the other. These explosives are set to the corresponding team, and the label is "Stp_Goal" and the RUN-TIME minimum is 1, for both. Hence, when the ball goes into the goal, the explosive detonates, thus spawning the goal. (make sure to set the shape of the goal). A hell of a lot easier, and takes much less precision.
I have run multiple 5-10 matches with 4v4 and it plays perfectly. The scoring system has never had a problem. Some of my custom group have gotten pretty good at "laying off the ball" hitting behind it to take some of the speed off and make the shot on goal more accurate. Also "dribbling" pushing and positioning the ball with your body or melle. We have had a couple of awesome bank shots as well. I probably have video if ur interested. We also thought that a larger version like two or two and a half times the lenght and a little wider would be cool. That way you can pass the ball to your teamates and create a bit more strategy and maybe have more players as well. Great map man, and BTW thanks for the feedback on my "Where Eagles Dare" map I have balanced it out in testing and should be releasing it soon. MRX
Hey thanks a lot! It's great that you have never had a problem but I know that one problem is actually possible. I'm not sure which version of the map you have but each version has always had some sort of problem. If you have a newer version there is the possibility that the ball pops out of the goal if hit really hard at the right angles. You may not even know this happens in game since it happens so fast. When you see it in game it may just seem like it bounced off a goal post.. But if you go into theater you can see it bounced in and out of the goal. Currently we are working to make a really quick scoring system that doesn't have any problems. Hopefully it will be released soon(i'll update the main map thread in the casual map section). Also we actually are working on building a bigger map too for more amount of people and hopefully more amount of fun!