Polaris Raceway

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Polaris 18, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Polaris 18

    Polaris 18 Forerunner

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    Polaris Raceway V2

    EDIT: I made a 2nd version as many requests to change the bottom of the spiral turn behind the grav lift. I also added some more "cool" things to the map. However my pictures remain the same.

    This is my 2nd map on Foge Hub, I made it because I was tired of all the other race maps using just Forge World's terrain, and always falling off. So when I made this map it is really hard to fall off because there is walls everywhere. I hope you like it, enjoy.

    Here are the pictures.

    This is the first u-turn after the first downhill.


    This is after the first u-turn and it has a up down thingy and then another turn.


    This is right after the previous turn it has a ramp on each side and a tunnel in the middle.


    This is the 2nd u-turn after the previous picture.


    This is after the previous u-turn it goes down hill and then a turn around this pillar.


    This jump is right after the previous spiral and it leads outside the hanger.


    After the jump outside there is a ramp that leads up to this spiral around a pillar going down.


    This is a grav lift that goes over to the next picture and it is right after the previous picture.


    This is the figure eight that the previous picture leads too.


    This is the very last part and it ends here.

    #1 Polaris 18, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks really neat.

    ALthough I'm not a fan of race maps, it looks pretty nice.

    One problem: I don't like the roughness of the shallow slope leading to the grav lifts. Would there be any way to make that smooth?
  3. Polaris 18

    Polaris 18 Forerunner

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    Thank you for your first comment!
    and on you second one I would agree it does look kinda rough but it isn't very bad when you actually go down it and it would be hard to change but I will try. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Added after 50 minutes:

    I have not had much time to edit the map because of homework but I am hoping to get a V2 out by sunday which will fix the bottom of the spiral turn down the pillar before the grav lifts and maybe a little bit of the turn itself.
    #3 Polaris 18, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  4. daslayer886

    daslayer886 Forerunner

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    The figure eight is very smooth you should make the rest of your map like that. especially the third turn I keep falling over on that one.
  5. Polaris 18

    Polaris 18 Forerunner

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    That is because you suck =P jk

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