From what I understand Respawn Zones group all the Respawn Points inside it together, Not act as a place to respawn into, and for determining which team spawns their and if its currently safe to spawn in that area. So you could have a Respawn Zone assigned to Red Team cover 4 Red Respawn Points and 2 Neutral Respawn Points and the red team could spawn in any of those six spots. If you had a Blue Team Respawn Zone covering those 6 points and 4 Blue Respawn Points you would still only spawn on 6 different points as the 4 Red Respawn Points are assigned specifically to the Red team. Also if a lot of your team has died inside (or near by?) that Respawn Zone the game will search for one that is safer to for the player to spawn at. Hopefully that helps and I haven’t got anything majorly wrong. Try here for a more advanced explanation.
I'm running into what seems to be a little host problem with the ball...I'm testing the arena 1v1 with a friend and whoever isn't the host is seeing the ball move very oddly. It's almost like the balls weight is off center and when it moves faster it starts spinning weird. Also ground pieces placement looks different for the non host. The ground is still even(so there are still no bumps) but things are just not evenly placed like the host sees. The pieces placement doesn't affect gameplay but the ball not moving smoothly definitely does. What could be causing this problem?
I think what he means is how you used a ball for a stockpile flag. Goto advanced on the soccer ball and change it's tag to stp_flag.
Thanks...This whole soccer ball problem is a real pain..Unless bungie fixes the soccer ball the golf ball is going to have to be used. But the golf ball has the possibility of flying too high and flying out of the arena...That means I either have to figure out a way to reset the ball when it goes out or completely enclose my arena without making it look bad
well you can put the ball as a objective and put a kill barrier and if it passes it it would reset i think ohh and ssry i wasn't really on today
How big is the arena? Seems like it shouldn't be too budget-taxing or aesthetically bad to lay a bunch of coliseum walls across the opening at the top. Another question - what happens to the ball if it drops into deep water? If that resets it, maybe you just need to build your arena over the ocean.
Well I COULD lay a bunch of wall but that would take away from the nice visual aspect of the arena that is currently there. If you check out the pictures you can see that there is some nice scenery up over the stadium. It's like that because the soccer ball does not have the same physics as the golf ball and the soccer ball cannot go out of the map. And actually the arena is built over the ocean lol. What if I put the minimum up to 1? instead of 0? Do you think that a new ball would spawn if it went into the deep water?
I'd rather wait for the map to be complete with no problems to put it up in my fileshare. It's still in the building stages and the testing stages. It shouldn't be too long though until I post the completed map here
I would think so, as long as it's actually de-spawning when it goes into the water - which I don't know for sure. Should be pretty easy to test though.
That's a pain. How much space in your arena are you trying to keep open? Maybe you could use grids and/or shields to keep the ball in but still show off the scenery a little bit? Or maybe you could build some kind of huge funnel under the arena with a man cannon-driven ball return system (like the thing that gives your ball back at a bowling alley)? Just a thought. I don't know how far the golf ball is able to fly - it may not be very feasible.
Well actually the ball going out of the arena is no longer a problem. If you check out the original post, I updated it with new pictures of the ceiling. That funnel system would work but would be an absolute pain to build especially now that we are running out of pieces and budget. But yeah, like I said we actually completed a roof and it looks sweet!
Ah yes. Roof looks excellent, good job to both of you guys. I see you put in the inclined walls around the edges too - nicely done! This is really coming together. My only criticism at this point would be the kill ball - not that it looks bad, but that thing is in every other map lately it seems. Anyway this is a really cool arena and the game type is sure to be a hit. If you guys are doing any testing - or just plain playing - hit me up with a friend request, I'd love to get in. My tag is Nutduster.
Ya just letting you know, soccer isn't a new idea. You probably knew that but in your op it sounds like you don't. Also, there is already a funnel system on some other map in reach, and it's not complicated. I can link it to you if you want.
He knows it isn't a new idea. What's new is a scoring system that operates on its own without requiring user intervention or manually keeping track of the score. The cool arena and making sure the ball doesn't fly out of it is just gravy.
Not everything needs to be a new idea. A lot of things are recycled but not done right. Sure there could be a lot of people making boxes with goals, i'm well aware of that. But trying to "perfect" it, make a working scoring system and a good looking arena is something that makes some "soccer" games stand out above others. A lot of these "soccer" games I have seen are very plain and have invulnerability on so people can't die. I've also seen a majority of these types of games using energy swords. So that is where mine differs. Also, just because the game involves a ball going into the goal that doesn't mean this is "soccer". I specifically gave this game a title, it is Smashball. This game has it's own rules and it's own style of game play so it really should not be mixed in with soccer and all the other random soccer or fifa games people make just to mimic soccer.