Flying Sharks

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by JDB95, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    Flying Sharks [Updated 10/14]

    Flying Sharks
    News Feed:
    Update 10/14/10: Humans can no longer pick up weapons
    10/14/10 100 Downloads
    10/17/10 250 Downloads
    10/18/10 1,000 Views
    2/5/11 2,250 views

    By JDB95

    Shark Arena-"This submerged stadium was constructed for the sport of shark hunting."

    Use your jet pack to hover above a pit of ravenous sharks as they leap from the water and attempt to shred you apart. The choice of weapon is yours, whatever you can use to stop the continuous wave of flying sharks.

    The humans choose their loadout (all have jet packs, you'll need them) and spawn in a smaller, separate room. The two starting zombies(sharks) spawn in the water filled arena with swords, low gravity, and a huge jump height. The humans go through a teleporter that leads to the ceiling of the arena, where they must instantly use their jetpack to stay aloft. Here they must survive the barrage of flying sharks that fly up from the water endlessly.

    Notes: The jet pack is unlimited use and you can stay in the air forever due to the 75% gravity. Zombies(sharks) have no shield and can be killed with one headshot. If you get hit by a sharks sword once you will die and become a shark. The last man standing has 1.5X overshields so he is able to block(beat down) the sharks attack without dieing.

    The human spawn:


    The shark arena:


    Action shots:


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    #1 JDB95, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interesting concept. A whole team of 4 humans could easily camp the reciver tele at the top.

    Is the equipment usage unlimited, or do the humans have to come back down to get mauled? What is the damage also?
  3. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    Yes the jet pack usage is unlimited, the humans can float forever. I'm not sure what you are talking about with the camping of the teleporter. Could you explain?
    About the damage, the zombie's sword is a one-hit kill on all humans, but the last man standing can block the sword hit(with a beat down) and not die. The zombies have not energy shields so a headshot is a one-hit kill.
    #3 JDB95, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    Well, anybody could very slowly walk through the tele-, and then just stand there the moment they go through.
  5. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    There is a soft kill boundary around the tele at the top, and the human spawn. Through much play testing there have been no problems with camping.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, didn't know that. Well, good job.
  7. DeathsVengeance

    DeathsVengeance Ancient
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    i was just gonna post that the humans could just stay at the spawn but you already fixed that so awesomesauce. im gonna give this a download right now since i love shark maps ever since halo 3 lol.... and zombie headshot gametypes are sooo much fun, which is why i used a similar thing for my map (Sacrificial Chamber) xD
  8. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I thought this would be a silly knock off of my local classic mini game from halo 3, Jumping Sharks. To my surprise, it isnt a knock off so thats a relief. The aesthetics isnt so much. I would prefer an ocean or a giant pool. Concept is interesting, kind of like an air assault game.
  9. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. This map and gametype took like 8 hours to perfect, and I now find myself playing this on split screen with my friends all the time. Enjoy.

    Added after 36 minutes:

    I agree with you on the lack of outstanding aesthetics, in fact, in my prototype map I worked a lot more on some details on the inside of the arena. The problem was that these pleasing looks gave humans places to stand on, and made it harder for the sharks because they cannot control their direction in the air, so they would bounce off the objects. In the end I just removed them and left a simpler map, but one that also promoted better gameplay. I thought about making it in the lagoon, with stone walls and floors to have a more oceanic feel, but there were reasons that cast this idea aside. The first was the inability to go deep underwater in all other places in Forge World besides the one I used. The other was my liking for the stadium feel of the map. To me it makes it feel like a sport or game and gives the map a meaning and background story. Thanks for the advice.
    #9 JDB95, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  10. firewolf34

    firewolf34 Ancient
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    When I first played this map, I was pretty impressed. I generally can't get a very big party started (anything above 8 players is nearly impossible to do) and this map is fun with even small parties. The concept is great, keep up the good work. There aren't many mini-game maps out there as good as this.
  11. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    How many people did you play with? I am considering lowering the recommended max player to 8, as it may get a bit hectic with 10. I have never played it with 10, however, so if someone wants to get a game started sometime to test this out with 10 players my GT is JDB95. Also if anyone tries this out with 10 people tell me how it works!
  12. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    I have to say, this map was fun for everyone. The Loudout's were balanced, and the gameplay was understood and fun.

    I would recommend making the starting teleporter larger, at times it was hard getting through but still possible. There's not much to complain about, the effects actually look good and give the water a shallow feel. Congrats.
  13. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    How many people did you play with?
    I definitely will change this teleporter issue when I get a chance, as it will smooth out the game play a bit. Thanks for your input after you said this about the start, I realized you are right and am off to change this.
    #13 JDB95, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  14. molecular

    molecular Forerunner

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    wow since everyone's giving this great feed back ill DL and leave my opinions here.

    Looking for a competitive 4v4 map
    Centrial Download Now
    #14 molecular, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  15. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    By the number of downloads map, versus the number of downloads the gametype has, I have noticed that the map has over twice as many downloads. To make this clear the gametype is necessary to play the game. Thanks, JDB95.
  16. theRobs1221

    theRobs1221 Forerunner

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    Good Job

    It's a great map that passes time with friends. Not to impose, but I think your next map should be a Ter-mité remake just saying. Keep the casual mini-game maps coming!
  17. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    Thanks theRobs, but a termite remake would be nearly impossible because there are no more pallets :(. I also do not make many mini-games because I don't have enough ideas floating around to spawn a good one.
  18. Sportnlife

    Sportnlife Forerunner

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    Looks nice. I downloaded.

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