how to keep the boot screen up and still move

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by fluffyroks, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    this is to tell some of you that you can in fact keep the boot screen up and keep moving. WARNING: this is a limited movement. you will only be able to move forward left right and back but will not be able to look around you will be forced to look straight forward. you will not be able to jump.
    step 1: have a betrayal boot screen up.
    2: hold the select button at all times(will not be able to do anything if you don't have this held.) that is it all you have to do is hold select butt0n and now you have the abilities to move around and still be able to boot those stupid players and your annoying friends. good luck and happy booting
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Or you could just press x right away without any time lost.
  3. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    It's cool and all, but is there really a point to it? Is it so you can hide while you decide to boot him? It'd be quicker and easier to boot or cancel and get on with your day.
  4. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    just a thought or something to do you don't have to I'm just sharing and as you all know sharing is caring
  5. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    That would be nice... Get betrayed, then go hide in a corner with screen up, wait till 1 kill away from end of game, then kick him. :D
  6. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Or you could just suck it up and not boot everyone for a simple mistake, unlike the general population of matchmaking.

    Honestly. Calm down.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Oh in general I agree, but when someone is genuinely out to betray and screw over their team (often because I picked up sniper or something similar) and I get the boot screen, me and my friends used to have fun with waiting it out in H3. Leave the boot screen up, often for a good few minutes until the game is almost over like Gam3r says, then get someone else to go up to the boot-ee and attract their attention (generally by furiously teabagging in front of them), just as they're about to melee/start shooting at you, nail them with that boot they'd forgotten all about. Wait for angry message.

    For such situations, this is a nice tip. Some people seemed to catch on when one of us didn't move for ages, being able to move will help further in lulling them in to a false sense of security.
    #7 Pegasi, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  8. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can see this being used for jokes purposes, thanks man.

    I'm going to hide till the end of a game and then boot someone :D
  9. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Or in crazy Custom Games where everyone is a douche, you can boot your friend for kicks and not take any blame for it...

    *It was Cheezeburger!*
  10. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Teammates can tell where you are. You're service tag is displayed above you for teammates
  11. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually, in Invasion you see your partner... but can only see the other 4 team mates when you've got a clear line of sight towards them.
  12. Evrito

    Evrito Forerunner

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    Did you even read the post... no one was raging at all...

    On the other had this trick is quite epic for booting at the end of the game... or for letting them plea before you boot them lol
  13. Ricky Kirksey

    Ricky Kirksey Forerunner

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    yeah i usually do this to people in H3 that were betraying everybody. Didnt know yoiu could do it in reach.

    something fun to do:
    if a person is betraying everybody and you get the boot screen on him get a mic and tell him your magic, walk up to him and tell him to stand on top of your head.then go "1,2,3 poof" and boot the bastard.

    I did it once, it was hilarious, my whole team thought i had power to boot at will
  14. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    I know how the communitie is over people booting for 1 accident but i usually find myself stuck with some betraying bastards that wanted the sniper or just do it cause the think just cause we're friends that i wont do it. but then again sometimes its because the are already at the rank cap for reach. or the credit cap now if they plea that they did it on accident i will usually comply and forgive them but sometimes they deserve it so i give them the illusion that i forgave them and continue with the game then one kill away and i boot them. sometimes someone else betrays me while im doing this i boot them to no matter what was happening.
  15. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    PUNCTUATION PLEASE!!! I didn't understand any of that!

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