The Forerunners Checkpoint Charlie TheHatofwin IF YOU DID NOT SEE CHECK POINT ALPHA PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT FIRST. Linktage: Checkpoint Alpha The description of this series is in the Checkpoint Alpha thread. If you found the messages in the other two maps, this has the last part to that message. Story The horse elevator you rode in on. This isn't a human colony... It's forerunner... Someone didn't want you going across this bridge... Take the emergency tunnels. Mancannon (end) This picture was taken at the beginning so that's why the armor abilities are messed up.
There it is, man those aesthetics are amazing. The thread seems a little vague description wise. And a picture is missing. You should add a little more pics and a more detailed description. But yeah the scenery is so beautiful, nice job Hat.
The description is in the first thread, so really all these are doing is telling you that the maps are done, heres what it looks like, now you can download. Fixed.
really cool maps, but when i first saw it i thought i was a infection series so i thought it was awesome(R), but i couldnt find the gametype. I see now its a aesthetic/machinama but this would do really well as infection series. please make it so in the future
You know even though I have seen each of these maps at least 5 times I still enjoy looking at your posts. Lets see how many more fanboys this draws in!!
I love your first two. I cant see how epic this is from the pics but im sure its just as awesome. You truly convey the feeling of a forerunner structure. I love the aesthetic detail that you put into it as well. Cant wait for delta checkpoint. I think you should try making a forerunner city. Some good inspiration would be some of the pics you can find if you google search forerunner architecture.
I made a city, i wouldn't call it super forerunner, but it's defiantly epic. Send me a FR for a preview. GT: TheHatofWin