Set above the air, between Paradiso & Pinnacle lies Diamond Plaza. Accountable of only two legit floors, the bottom and top, but there is a "middle floor" as well. Birdview 2: Uploaded with Sideview 1: Uploaded with Sideview 2: Uploaded with Red Base: Uploaded with Blue Base: Uploaded with As you may see, it's good for CTF/KOTH/Infection/FFA & Team Slayer. No weapons set on map. Map only contains 8 initial spawn points for team slayer ( 12 for ffa n such ), plenty of well balanced spawn points & Healthpacks placed in decent areas. If you decide to download the map and try it out, please note that i know few parts of the map isn't exactly snapped or even matched up perfectly, but it shouldn't bother or annoy players. The map is opened yet tight close, enough cover and no side is overpowered since everything is evenly placed & symmetrical Please try it out and would be nice to get some feedback as soon as possible
Sometimes helps with the balance issues on maps like these. Like, if a team would get the rockets or shotty on this map, it would be too OP'd; Same goes with other power weapons. The first overhead pic sort of excited me, but then I didn't really like the interior of the bases. Still very good tho.
Thanks! If you like it a lot, please tell your friends The reason why it has no weapon spawns is so others can do what they please and put their own in the map. Plus it's good for if your just gonna play swat or certain game types like infection and koth. I might have messed up setting up the hill markers, so if any of you download the map, make sure to fix them up ( especially for infection ).