As Ben said its a Firewall or Portfoward problem. I had the same thing but then I let it into Little snitch after a few minutes of me forgetting I had it. What also might be true is that the luncher might be only for 10.5 or 10.6 and up.
Magashi, download - TeamViewer - Free Remote Access and Remote Desktop Sharing over the Internet - and send me your ID and PASS via PM so that no one else tries connecting and you thinking it's me -.- I will add anything you need to the firewall and find any ports that need opening
These pigs get 5/5 for interlockz! Oh, and I finally finished the 'storage' area, or at least, I've finished the blocks and tools area. There's 21 different chests in the row for blocks.
Well I was playing Godcraft and had worked on my house for about 4 Hours, It came out super AWESOME, then Kane joined Had to be **** reset the server and the save didnt save for **** and we got reverted to Day 1 ****.
Jay, from what I have seen, Kane seems like a nice guy, but is a bit money hungry. I understand bills need to be payed, but a MINIMUM donation of $10 is a bit greedy. He would get far more users paying if he reduced that amount and why did he revert the map?
Kane is a nice guy, I was Jking. Although, His Server was filling up with errors and was getting a bit laggy. So he reset the server, And for some reason the backup Plugin didnt save for **** except for day one. (Currently Day 4) So i joined Day 3 and my **** is lost
unlucky, man. Oh yeah b3n i gave up on trying to get my mac to run properly, ill just use my crappy PC and when i get some money buy a new Windows based laptop/desktop
It's not a hell world, you find portals that send you to the hell area and then you portal out somewhere else and end up miles away from the original portal. You get wood on the surface. It'll be released on October 31st.
Hell World is a dimension in which for an added risk you can travel alot faster. It's out 31st of September with several other updates including lanterns.