Soccer Field

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Wolftacular, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Wolftacular

    Wolftacular Forerunner

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    In case the title isn't clear enough, this mini-game is real soccer! Or as close as it can get to in Halo. And before you disregard this as some crappy soccer map, let me tell you,
    (If you play with the custom variant or most stockpile variants)

    Yeah, you heard me. Get that ball in the opposing team's goal and you'll score a point! Score a point, and a new round will start! Default settings set you up for four rounds with no time limit, but be sure to use the variant that best suits the number of people you're playing with for the best game play.

    That's how a FIFA 4v4 looks when it starts out.

    I really don't know what I should say to get you playing it. It's so fun, you should really stop reading this and just try it out with your buddies. There's not much science to it, just push the soccer ball into the opposing goal.

    -3 gametypes to accommodate different ranges of players.
    -Barriers to mark boundaries and prevent the ball from getting out. If the ball does go out, it's really easy to get it back in.
    -Goals, ball, spawn points and corners perfectly measured to guarantee 100% fair gameplay.
    -A pair of loadouts to simulate real soccer strategies. Sprint = Sprint. Evade = Slide tackle.
    -"FIFA 4v4" includes an armor lock AA for the designated goalie.
    -"FIFA" includes an armor lock, gravity hammer, and reduced walking speed for a permanent goalie.
    -All FIFA gametypes add significant damage resistance for better game play.
    -"FIFA 2v2" makes players invulnerable to everything (except kill zones) for better game play.
    -"FIFA 4v4" makes players invulnerable to assassinations for better game play.

    3 players running the ball.

    -When a goal is scored, it can take up to 15 seconds to count the goal, but don't worry, if the mines blew up, rest assured you scored.
    -If the ball goes out of bounds and you can't get it back in, have JUST ONE player handle it. It's better than everyone struggling to get it back in.

    A goal is about to happen!

    Well, what are you waiting for? Please, go ahead and play! :)

    Gametype links:
    "FIFA" (8v8)
    "FIFA 4v4"
    "FIFA 2v2"
    #1 Wolftacular, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  2. Binman59

    Binman59 Forerunner

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    Could you tell me the mechanism behind the goal counting please?
  3. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    What he says. BTW nice soccer map.
  4. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I'm making my own soccer game as we speak, and i find your soccer game pretty interesting to see how another player took the challenge. I make mine out of bounds proof.
  5. Wolftacular

    Wolftacular Forerunner

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    @Binman and Artifact: I'll post a tutorial somewhere in the forums explaining the mechanism, 'cause I think a lot of people will find it useful for many purposes! I'll send you both a PM or something when I submit it! And thanks Artifact, I'm glad you liked it :)

    @DarkIce Dragon: That's great! Good luck with yours =D. I did think of making mine out of bounds proof as well, but I didn't want to use the reset method 'cause it can be unfair sometimes, and I didn't want to just use huge walls to prevent the ball from leaving 'cause... I don't know XD
  6. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    I think the ball is the neutral "flag" am i correct

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What better place to post it than in the thread about your map...where people are asking directly?

    Please also PM me,as I have been DYING to figure out how to make a ball register a point.
  8. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Yeah tell us all how you made it register points! im so curious, im going to download it just to disect it piece by piece and see anyway ^_^.

    Well done, its a really nice map, cant wait to round up a few friends and get playing this.

    - Yeah, it's quite a clever meachanism actually, i didnt realise neutral objects (like soccer balls) could pass thorugh one-way shields. Some tips though, you have loads of leftover budget, make use of it! i'd add some corner flags (tin cups in the ground) and maybe a tunnel (that players come out of at the start of matches). Oh, and another idea - delete those lights in the stands and use white ones to make floodlights in the corners (maybe add some mancannons behind them to look like they're shining).

    When playing it aswell, i noticed at a certain part in the map the pitch barrier is quite low and it is easy to roll the ball over. Great map though, deffinately a keeper! (no pun intended :p)
    #8 D4ni3l G, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  9. Wolftacular

    Wolftacular Forerunner

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    Ok then, I'll briefly explain here:

    Basically what I did is: I placed mines in each goal thing, so that when the soccer ball (Ball A) would touch them, they'd blow up and push another soccer ball (Ball B), which is a stockpile area (STP_GOAL tag), behind the goal. Once pushed, this ball reaches a man cannon that pushes it towards a flag that gets collected anywhere within the next 15 seconds, since Ball B is a stockpile area.

    Bear in mind that Ball A, the ball players play with, has little significance to the system. It only triggers it, but if there weren't one way shields in each goal, a player could step on the mines or throw a grenade and trigger the system himself.

    It's very simple, really, but it did take a while for it to occur to me.

    I hope you guys understood that XD. If not, I guess you can go ahead and take some of the map apart in forge to see what I mean. I might still write a tutorial, since not many people are gonna look at this thread, and I bet some people will find great ways to use the system. Have fun! =D
    #9 Wolftacular, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  10. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    This map is by far the best mini game I've come across yet. The map is smooth, and the gameplay comes out exactly as imaginied. The Barriers are perfectly placed and scoring works properly.

    Although at times the ball may move unpredictably, and I do believe there might be a faster way to score, the map pulls through. Only once the the ball not score, and it seems extremely rare if not an uncontrollable flaw in the game.

    Great map, keep it up.

    Added after 6 Days 3 Hours:

    I hate to double post, but I've seen some problems that I feel should be adressed.

    There aren't any ramps on area's where the ball gets out of the map, and it makes it extremely hard to get the ball back in.

    Also, as a Goalie I went into Armor Lock, and was able to blast my evade into my own goal. This I feel can be easily manipulated, and I believe should be addressed.
    #10 Sparky09, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  11. Wolftacular

    Wolftacular Forerunner

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    @Sparky09 Thank you for your reports! I'll definitely look into them. Can you further explain on the Armor lock problem, though? I didn't really understand that.

    I'm very glad you like it, and thanks a lot for the suggestions :)
  12. haydugjr

    haydugjr Forerunner

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    I believe he means the blast from the armor lock ending pushed his evade powerup (that was on the ground) into his goal. He doesn't want people to use that to score.
  13. Wolftacular

    Wolftacular Forerunner

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    I understand now! Thanks for the explanation. I tried it, and you guys are right. It even blows up the mines, which really sucks. I think what I'm gonna do is raise the mines to a level that won't get them triggered by the powerup. That way even if you get it inside the goal, it won't count. Hope it works. I'll include this fix and a few other changes in the next version =D. Thanks again!
  14. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Yeah ummm...

    forget it. Great map
    #14 Darth Human, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  15. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    Wolftacular, please don't listen to this guy for many reasons. First off, I would not just go and rip off someones map. And second, if you actually look at my game it has many differences and actually plays very differently.

    I am actually really happy that other people are figuring out how to make the automatic scoring system with the stockpile game type. I've been sharing the system with a lot of people that have asked. I have a video in my file share showing people one of my first systems that I used in order to show people the basic idea of how to make a ball roll on top of a flag for the scoring system. My current map actually has a different style system that uses the Tin Cup.

    I really like the look of your soccer field. It has a nice atmosphere because of the grass. I'd just like to make a comment about something that I ran into with my scoring system. Weapons can also trigger the mines. I see that in your 4v4 players are not completely invulnerable. Since you mainly use energy swords this may not be a problem but bodies and weapons are able to go through 1 way shield doors. The dead bodies don't trigger the mines BUT weapons do. I ran into this problem. You should test this out in your game too just to make the scoring system flawless.
  16. Wolftacular

    Wolftacular Forerunner

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    @Darth Human: Thanks! =D I know you were just trying to help =)

    @Graybes: Hey, they're just maps =) All they're supposed to do is entertain people. Yeah, the scoring system on both our maps look the same. But hey, great minds think alike ;D. Tin cup sounds like a great solution! I went medieval and used man cannons that would stick the scoring soccer balls to a corner where the flag is XD

    And about that problem you stated, yeah! A couple people above me referenced it as well. It seems to happen with Armor Abilities as well. I found that the solution for mine was to simply raise the mines to a level that will only get them triggered by the soccer ball. Maybe this can work for you? Give it a shot, hope it helps =D
  17. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    I know I'm going to be working on the scoring system a lot. I want to make it faster. As in the time between the ball going into the goal and the soccer ball moving ontop of the flag is faster. Right now the way I have mine set up it is sort of slow. But the way I have the goal set up, just simply putting man cannons in there will not fix it. I'm worried that people may get frustrated when they score a goal in the last like 3 seconds but their goal doesn't count because the soccer ball hasn't moved on top of the flag.

    So mainly i'll be working on getting that delay time to be as short as possible.

    I also have another tip but I'm not too sure if it applies to your gametype. I'll try to explain it as clearly as possible. I'm sure you have the flag collection timer set to 15 seconds since that is the lowest it can go. Let's say you have your rounds set to be 3 minutes long(what I'm about to explain is the same with all times for the round timer, i'm just using 3 minutes as an example). When the game starts up the flag collection timers seem to start up right away, even before you get control of your player and before the round timer starts. 10 seconds are actually intially counted down on the flag collection timer. So that means when you gain control of your player and the round timer starts to count down, the flag collection timer is actually at 5 seconds. This completely throws off the sync of the timers. What this does is this. When the round comes to an end there will actually be 5 seconds left on the flag collection timer. So lets say with 10 seconds left in the game one of the team scores. But when there are 10 seconds left on the round clock, there is actually 15 seconds left on the flag collection timer. This means the goal scored will not count because the flag won't be collected.

    Here is what I did to fix it. It's actually a very simple fix. Make the balls that you have set to the stockpile goals NOT spawn at the start of the round. This is a simple option in the advanced options on the object I believe. Then set the spawn time for the ball to be 8 seconds. 8 seconds is the best time to use for some reason. With 8 second spawn time for the ball, it will spawn right when you get control of your player and right when the round clock starts counting down. Just do this for both of your ball and there you go, problem fixed, no goals not counting. Hopefully this was useful to you lol
    #17 Graybes, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  18. spankysully

    spankysully Ancient
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    Hey, this is awesome I built a foosball map, and tried for three days to figure out a way of scoring. I had the perfect idea for the ball to be used as a neutral flag, but that idea was crushed thanks to bungie for not including such a simple feature.

    Now with this I may have to go back and edit my map. Thanks

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