This Map is from an Idea i got from the Halo 3 trailers that mentioned and even showed portions of a Museum called "The Museum of Humanity." I've always wanted to be able to build somthing along the lines of the Museum, but never had the right tools nor the skill to be honest to do it in Halo 3. But with Halo Reach, i was finely able to make my vision come true . This isnt the whole museum of humanity, just a section dedicated to the Battle for Reach. The Museum includes (inorder of appearance) a main lobby, display cases houseing human weaponry used in the battle, a diarhama depictiong a Scorpian tank, a Warthog, and a Machine gun position, a life like "virtual" tour of a battlfield depiction both UNSC and Covenant forces, a landing pad with a Falcon, Movie theature where the museum shows a small documentary about the battle, Covenant vehicles and weaponry, (covenant weaponry is displayed alot less formal and neatly than human weaponry as a sign of disrespect to the weapons that where used to cause our near genocide), ending with a compleat loop back at the begining. I dont like how it just ends at all, but unfortunently at that point i'd run out of money and resources. Pity. Let me know what you think, im very interested to hear peoples responses and opinions. Also, im not able to post a picture. i dont have a PC and im posting this from my cellphone, which in itself is an accomplishment. Sorry.
This post is not up to standard and stuff. I personally haven't been on this site in a while, but I'm willing to bet this post will be a hot mess tomorrow, if it's even here tomorrow. Need at least one picture, and I recommend it being of the map. Maybe a supplementary picture of a puppy. It gets the sympathy vote.
I'm guessing you didn't read the rules via cell phone? By doing so, you would've realized that putting pictures in your post ISN'T optional, its a must. Since you say you don't own a PC, theres no real point in me telling you how to do so. But since i'm so awesome I'm going to do so anyway. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Since you don't have a way of getting pictures up, you unfortunately will not be able to post any of your maps simply because your threads will get locked without pictures. NO ONE ELSE needs to comment about his lack of pictures.
It's a shame about the pictures because I downloaded this map and it was indeed excellent. Well thought out and variation of the areas throughout. The only criticism (Apart from the lack of images that is) is that I did not enjoy the exterior "Interactive" exhibit, nor the door design - but I don't think anyone will ever get doors just right. Some areas are reminicent of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2's "Museum" and I very much enjoyed looking around the map, I was surprised to see the miniature "theater" - a very realistic touch. It is a very thought out and well forged map, but it is currently breaching the forum rules. And many people will not download until pictures are up. Pity.
Like Grif said, I don't like the outdoor exhibit.I do like the map as a whole. Maybe you could make a second one, with working spawns so that it could be a competitive map, and have one of your friends post it.
Your post is not up to standards. You must embed pictures of your map in the original post. You will be given one hour to do so or this thread will be locked. Nibs has explained how to post pictures if you can not. Edit: Locked. If you wish to re-post with pictures, do so in a separate thread.