Geometric V2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by king arthur 11, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. king arthur 11

    king arthur 11 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey guy's, here is a distortion style map, made for gameplay purposes. It's all symmetrical, for the weapons theirs:
    1. DMR's
    2. Magnum's
    3. Grenaide Launcher
    4. Shotgun
    5. Sniper's
    It also has a symmetrical spawn placement. Enjoy!!!






    Click Geometric V2 to dowload!!!
    #1 king arthur 11, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
  2. Theomus

    Theomus Forerunner

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    I love it. I almost wanna throw up when I'm in it due to the angle but I don't care. Super creative idea, nice design, good weapon layout. I notice a few areas where the building blocks flicker on top of each other. Dunno how much you can do about it, but thought I'd point it out. Can't wait to try out some big slayer games on it, gonna be a close-quarters cluster of fun :D
    #2 Theomus, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  3. Domasin

    Domasin Forerunner

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    But seriously it looks amazing. One thing though, can you get some action shots so I can tell which way is up?
  4. king arthur 11

    king arthur 11 Forerunner
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    Its funny you mention "flickering", the correct term for it is called Z-fighting. I was thinking the same thing, on Halo 3 forgers; including myself, liked Z-fighting because when 2 objects were were perfectly merged, interlocked, ghost merged in to each other that meant it was a perfect merge. Now on Reach, do to the coordinates, it is really common and tries to be avoided. How it works is, an objects consists of (just the basics)
    1. pixels
    2. textures
    3. barriers
    When you get 2 object's textures really close to each other the game can't variate which one is dominate, so its like looking through a crystal, whenever you move your seeing a different texture. What some game creators do to avoid this when making games is they will place a coating over the textures, therefore you do not see Z-fighting. In this case though, your not making a game your just map editing, so they did not bother adding a coating. Glad you like the map, enjoy!!!

    Added after 1:

    I thought about it. . . but that would take away the fun, LOL! Enjoy!!!
    #4 king arthur 11, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  5. ClassicJokester

    ClassicJokester Forerunner

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    Ooooooh, nice job. I really liked Distortion, and this is a well done angled map. Well, at least better than the one I tried to make, at least. I like playing on these, mostly because I don't have a problem with the angle, and so the "shifts" in gravity don't phase me, thus letting me get tons o' kills while everyone is busy throwing up.
  6. Theomus

    Theomus Forerunner

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    I've encountered an early issue. When you switch for another weapon, that weapon you're switching out sticks in mid air. It blocks you and you can't pick it back up. Something to look into, and thanks for the info on the z-fighting, didn't know about it
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wow, nice layout. I myself did a version on foundry like... a year ago? and I was thinking about making a new one.

    I think I'll do it anyways, I always enjoy a challenge :p

    Also, I don't really understand the layout of the map from the pictures. Could you add more of a description on the layout, gameplay, etc..?
  8. king arthur 11

    king arthur 11 Forerunner
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    Alright so being that this whole map is on a 45 degree angle, none of the weapons will stay where you place them unless you put them on phased or fixed mode, but when you do that if pick up and drop the weapon it will either reset back to spawn or stay floating in the air, and you cant pick it up. I have been trying to figure out why and can't, so i'm thinking its just a glitch in the game, I hope they fix it in the next update. Back to the point, I can't get the weapons to float unless I place them on fixed or phased. If theirs something I don't know about weapon placement on Reach feel free to help me out, thanks.

    So some of you have been asking for more picks and info on the map, I don't really want to give more than what I have already given, cause I want you guys to figure it out, explore the map, and look at the details, for example the blue lines you see in all the crevasse's are made with stunt ramps.

    Added after 2 Hours 52 minutes:

    Yeah Yeah!!! I spent all night looking for ways to make weapon's float without phasing or fixing them, and I did. Cannon Man Heavy, just turn it so the bottom of it is right behind the wall, and place the weapon right in the center of it. I tried it with the other cannon's, the gravity lift, and it didn't work. Another way is to use the invisible barrier of a strut, but it only works in corner's, and you really have to fiddle with it so you can't stand on it.
    #8 king arthur 11, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  9. magicmike5462

    magicmike5462 Forerunner

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    With the weapons, i think if you just highlight them after you placed them on fixed and then just press x and change them to normal they stay where you put them.
  10. Heavens Revenge

    Heavens Revenge Ancient
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  11. N7R

    N7R Forerunner

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    Keeping this map for sure. It's pretty trippy feeling like I'm walking on the walls. Reminds me of that Halo 3 map called the Cube lol
  12. NukeGeneral

    NukeGeneral Forerunner

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    This was a really cool map. Had to use the grenade launcher to actually figure out which way gravity was working. It makes for an interesting firefight when grenades arent bouncing where you think they would. Then again it does make for some very interesting grenade tosses. Overall I like the concept and its definitely a map to play on for fun. 8/10
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Bleagh - cool idea and REALLY cool screenshots, but it makes me a little queasy just looking at it! Gotta say though it's way different from most of the maps you see.
  14. king arthur 11

    king arthur 11 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I tried it and it doesn't work, sorry.
  15. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    Awesome idea and it looks cool but I can't play on it. When I play I get really confused as if I switched my look inversion. It hurts my brain and I can't see it ever being actually fun to play on... but it looks cool!
  16. king arthur 11

    king arthur 11 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah man, but after a while, and when you have actually made one you kinda just get use to it and understand how it works.
  17. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    I expected this map to be disorienting but once you get some elevation it really isn't. If the sight lines were shorter it would be more disorienting. This Map will likely play doubles to 4v4 really well but it is kind of small. Good concept and astetic work, though. Check out my map, Vertichron 34 ( : Halo Reach : File Details), if you want to see this map on steroids.

    I will definately play some customs on this map, though.
  18. king arthur 11

    king arthur 11 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Kinda glad you mention that, cause I made this map for gameplay purposes, I wanted it to somewhat have that disorienting feeling, but I really wanted it to play well. A lot of distortion style maps are distorted yeah, but they have bad forging and I could never see my self playing a legit game on them.
  19. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    This convinced me to download your map and give it a go. Most people think you can just tilt some walls 45 degrees, throw them together, and "Bam" you have a disorienting map. It sounds like you actually put some thought and design into this so I'm going to give it a proper look through and then I'll come back with a more detailed response.

    I like your thoughts on using those man cannons to hold weapons in place. It's true that you should really avoid Fixed and Phased physics on weapons if you want the map to be playable. When I made Distortion I made sure to put all my weapons in places where they could "lean" on the walls so that they wouldn't slide down. I don't know if there are any reasonable locations you could do that, but it's worth thinking about.

    Heh, I can see in the second pic that you had to angle the ramp to be less than 45 degrees! Those things are a pain, aren't they?

    Will edit with better response after look through.

    P.S. Fixed your pic layout. You had them side by side, which was stretching out the thread width something horrific! The pics are going down the page now instead.
  20. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    Yeah, this map defiantely plays well as a 2v2 where as mine plays teams of 2 but even better, teams of 4 or more. Ours are definately the best 2 Halo Reach distortion style maps out there though. those other ones just suck period. Yours is definately easier to learn than mine though. We should make a bunch more maps like ours so we can have playlists for these types of maps.
    #20 DissYraiN, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010

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