Was owning with the sword on Reflection and lo and behold, this happens.... Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
That happened to me on Zealot sorta... Lunged for a guy, he evaded out, my guy lunged a bit to far into a lift. With momentum of the lunge + the lift = Suicide into ceiling.
if you got a bit of a better angle on this, would it be possible for me to use it in my community montage? i will put your name in the corner. if you wanted to be in it, just get a new clip with a bit of a lower angle.
I'll see if I can find it. It might have got deleted from temporary files as I only recorded that one part. I'll check though. EDIT: *facepalm* just realised that I might as well record a better angle from the same clip xD
Don't worry, I will create a new clip with a better angle by using the clip I already have. It will be up on Bnet by the end of the day, but I may need someone to render it.
I've done the same thing, lol, although mine was at the top, as seen here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details