Since no one decided to Battle me on this one, I decided to just show off my Work. Cnc please, Note that it is suppose to look like a Diorama. ORIGINAL: AFTER MY WORK: Looks Like A Toy, Huh?
Not too shabby, I'm assuming all you did was brighten it and blur the background? Also, did you take the pic or was it something you just found?
Found it. Plus the way i did the Blurs/Brightness (not really brightness, used something else.) Made it look like a toy to me and I was like hey... LOL. Lets see what i can do with vehicles. Or better yet a warthog?
I don't get it. I thought a diorama was like a mini 3d modeled scene. Even the blurring you did isn't amazing to be honest.
I guess I wouldn't consider this release worthy so much, it's a WIP imo. You really could have done more. Text, some effects. Only you have meh blurring and some saturation. :\
I don't understand how this is a diorama either, but, nice try. Maybe working with something else would be easier...
maximum correctness achieved. no one wanted to bettle with you cos diorama effect is boooooring. its not exactly creative.
I see where you were going at this, but brightness doesn't alway work. Try messing with the exposures and maybe put inverted colors on overlay. Also, when you blur the background for depth, try doing it this way for better and perfect results: 1. Zoom your canvas until you see pixels. 2. Select the pen tool and connect the 'dots' around the part you do not want blurred. 3. After you go around the entire partition, right click and click create selection. 4. Invert the selection 5. Filter>Blur>Lens Blur 6. Experiment with the rotation and radius. [This is for Photoshop]
Your mom wasn't amazing to be honest. And I could have sworn she was paid for that ****. I'll probably be the only who will laugh at my joke. As Mischgasm will post another one of his "perfect" self posts. Or make a ridiculously sarcastic remark. And then go "Haha, oh wow" again. Like a pro. Only the sad part is, she wasn't all that "wow" to me. So I'll shall be the one to finish it before the flame ever began. Misch, "Yr mom." AS for the actual topic. Sometimes using less effects to make bigger changes is awesome. Some people don't seem to see the value of it here, and proceed to spam their work with c4d's. Let's hear a big "We're pro!" from all you noobies out there! Honestly, I like it. I find it quite astonishing that you were able to make it look like that without topaz, or anything else, but rather simple effects such as brightening, and blurring.
I believe getting ****ed is a good thing. Unless you considered it bad Misch, then I feel sorry for you. But I guess your right; To each their own. ;D
I don't think you even realize how retarded you are. I'm not going to talk about it farther because this thread isn't about Fragman's E-*****.
This is not called the 'diorama effect'. It's called 'tilt shift'. It's basically selectively blurring the top and bottoms of the photo (among other parts) to make the size of the focal appear miniature. Google 'tilt shift photoshop'. Tons of great tutorials.
Indeed it isn't. In fact, you weren't even supposed to reply to my first post, as it has absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic. Now I do whatever the hell I want, but since you're running around trying to say that someone is trolling indirectly, or pointing out how much someones ***** is bigger than yours, and you getting jealous and complaining about it, I suggest you don't spam in the first place. As it shows that you have, indeed, a very small e-*****. Follow the rules *****. I never said you could talk back to me like that. Haaaaa, I missed these days. C'mon Misch, feed me.