Herp Derp, I made a mistake. The slipspace generator oppened up the slip space hole from the smaller ship, and it encompased the center of the carrier. There-in, the entire intact corvette they carried the slip space drive in to the carrier is still intact there-in Jorge is alive.
i have to fight for every inch in legendary. my ammo gets burned through quickly and i usually move at a snails pace. it sucks
That's Legendary for ya... and I know what you mean; ODST's Legendary was simple, I buzzed through it in 8 hours... Reach has taken me 7-8 hours already and I'm on Pillar of Autumn. What I don't get is why Jun escapes with Halsey... Don't bite my head off whoever knows the answer but; I thought Chief was the last SPARTAN alive... WTF? Reach didn't take too long before CE (few months, give or take) and Reach's Campaign lasted about 3-4 days in total, but I felt so left out in the dark when Bungie didn't say what happened to Chief after he Cyro-Froze himself in 3, but now THIS??? I'm gettin ticked off... can someone please explain to me what happens after Jun and Halsey leave? I'm thinking they got raided by a Covvy ship and they died or something... captured, I don't know. Answer?
What happened is the Jun escorted Halsey to Castle Base. What happened in the book though is that Halsey arrived alone. Then again, the books are being re-released so...
Halsey is alive; read the books. John isn't the only Spartan left; read GoO. There are others, we just don't really know where.