Download Wanna guess how I did it? Forge, Set Player Color to Black, spawn Flame Grenades, toss them at your head with a guest account.
You waited until approximitly 4:36 AM (+41 seconds) then seperated the nylon by infusing the red burrito with the epoxy glue? Or did you just get someone to throw a firebomb at your head?
Yes, because otherwise, white is easy to see. I use a custom color value to hide my text. Here's text when colored white: ABCDEFG123456 And here's the same text hidden with my color: ABCDEFG123456
haha very nice. could you please teach me howto post them right b/c mine is the same as yours and any1 elses but it got locked and i read the rules and made sure it was all right a third time and still cant find the problem...
You need to embed your pics, not hotlink the image from Bungie. Read the rules. And yes, it was necessary. Otherwise, it would be too obvious that I was in Forge mode.
ha i thought u wer nuts wen u ramdonly said press ctrl A but ther we go, just saying it is kinda ovious but cool
Wow. I can't even believe people fell for that. It's obvious he used a flame nade or a flamethrower and ''srpinkled'' some on himself. And btw, to use flaming helmet, you obviously have to work for bungie or have done something special, and you need to be using the special type of E.O.D. body armor, which he isn't.
wow, i can't believe you took this so seriously. honestly, it was just a bit of fun with a cool effect, where's the harm in that? you sir, need to liven up a little.
Ctrl+A for epic winz. Indeed. No crap I don't work for Bungie. I'd be a lot more arrogant towards you guys, just because I have Recon and you don't. I just thought it was funny that people for that.