Ridge ~ Conquest

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SmartAlec13, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Ridge ~ Conquest
    Forgeworld ~ Competative ~ Conquest (territories) ~ 6-12 players

    -Added FX Nova+NexGen+Purple = Mist/Fog/Bleak
    -Deleted all paths, remade them MUCH smoother
    -Moved many weapons so they are more eyecatching
    -Added DMR and Healthpack to Redside
    -Made paths by Redspawn smoother

    Conquest (for those that don't know) is a popular variant of Territories. Conquest is played on skinny, one path maps that force the 2 teams to advance forward gaining ground (capturing territories) and eventually clashing in the center territory. Think of reverse tug'o'war. Creating conquest maps is a complicated process, but it yields some of the most creative and intelligent maps. to find out more, go to reachingperfection.com, and download the variant linked in this thread.


    So Ridge. It is a map made for the gametype Conquest (see above). It takes place on the ridges and edgings of the "Pillar". It is not symmetrical, but it is still pretty balanced. It fits the conquest standards, 5 territories, and only the following weapons...
    -3 DMRs
    -Plasma Rifle
    -2 Plasma Pistols

    The map is assymetrical, with Redspawn at top and Bluespawn at bottom. Conquest uses 4 kinds of rooms/territories in maps. Spawn, Transition, Holdout, Center. This meaning both teams spawn at Spawn. Lets start there.

    Nothing special down in the Blue Spawn. Just bluepeople, spawnin.


    This is the next territory/room, called the Transition. The Transition is the longest territory, and houses most of the weapons. This is Blue Transition.


    This is the Holdout territory. It is the closest to the center, and this is where the teams hand out a lot. Health pack(s) and possibly another weapon are usually found here. This is usually the smallest territory. This is Blue Holdout


    And this is the Center. The Center is where the teams clash and fight.


    And then from there it just goes in reverse towards Redspawn.




    So there is Ridge. Its a fun map, and for any fans of conquest you will love it.

    Give it a DL, rating, ect. Spread the word; Conquest is back!
    #1 SmartAlec13, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I am looking at the map, and I would love to be able to judge it in an actual lobby of players, but I do not have sufficient associates to handle this task. Accept my humble apologies for that but what I can do is judge your map on a aesthetic and potentially give you an accurate representation of my depiction of the re-tuned pillar. While I do find it ingenious for you to have united the pillar into a single round circular formation, I would just like to mention that it is not pleasant to view at all. I doubt this would matter in the actual game, but this is where we seem to strike at another problem...

    The main problem in this field of battle is the size, and the complete lack of accessible cover, and locations of travel. The map is too small to adjust grenades for the most part, and would be overkill, the territories are overlapping one another which proves that space is over-all, lacking and in need, I would recommend adding bridges and side paths to increase the space and perhaps give it a more unique perspective.

    This is solely my opinion remember that I did not play or test the forge, thus I would of course love it if you took that into account. But it is you too judge how it should be. I hope you enjoyed my review, have a good day and happy forging.
  3. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I see you may be new to conquest. Sorry if I am wrong for assuming this.

    Conquest, if you read the small blue paragraph at the beginning or went to the website mentioned, is a linear territories game in which the territories cover the whole, skinny map. The map is made up of "rooms" where teams push forward and collide with the enemy. It is meant to be like reverse tug'o'war. I reccomend going to reachingperfection.com if you want to read more.

    So let me address the issues. Its not that I do not accept criticism, but that because you are not familiar with the variant, you may not understand the map design.

    -The maps Size- Conquest maps are meant to be small. The territories (covering the whole map) should be big enough to where you can walk at a constant speed and capture the territory by the time you walk all the way through it.

    -Side paths- These go against the point of conquest. If the point is to have the whole red team push against the whole blue team, then having one red guy off on a side path flanking the enemy defeats the purpose. So if this was a regular map, hell yes sidepaths. Conquest map, that is a big no-no.

    -Grenades- Although there were grenades in the Halo3 Official Conquest, they have been removed from the official Reach version. Because the maps are so small, they can hit multiple targets at once, making them a power weapon. So grenades, along with most weapons, have been removed. In fact the weapons allowed in conquest are... Pistol, DMR, Nifle, AR, Spiker, PlasmaRifle, PlasmaRepeater, PlasmaPistol. There arent any armorabilities, vehicles or grenades.

    -Uglyness- Thanks :p. Yeah it isnt the beautifull and gracefull forunner tech you are used to seeing on forgeworld. Actually, that is my intention. To make it just a bunch of rocks. There arent that many amounts of rocks you can use, so I had to make important parts (center) flat and the less important parts (backs of the bases) bumpy.

    Thank you though, for the thought out criticism. It is appreciated.
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Just gonna warn you mate, don't put reachingperfection in your sig or mention it round here, you may get infracted.

    I have't checked it out yet, but as someone who does understand Conquest, I must mention that it is very basic. That is mostly dues to the location you have used, but it is something to keep in mind for future maps.

    Overall, pretty good work, just try create some pretty stuff next... XD
  5. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I have seen others with the same sig. I do not think it will be a problem.

    And yeah, it is pretty simple. I do plan to make more conquest maps, prettier ones too. This was just a first map, to see what I could do with a bunch of rocks and cliffs.
  6. aaa92

    aaa92 Forerunner

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    like the idea but it seems a bit cramped, even though it is a conquest map. But i havent played a game on it yet so who knows. Has anyone played conquest on this map yet?
  7. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I have gotten a few playtests, from both random friends and conquest lovers (GodlyPerfection, ect). I didnt get any comments on the size of the map. The only criticism I received was about the weapons not being visible enough, and some of the territories not overlapping. I fixed both of these problems.
  8. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    SmartAlec, I was told by a moderator the specifics of what one can and can't say about RP. Sigging RP is one of the things I could not do.
  9. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Well I made editations (at the reccomendation of GodlyPerfection and Urban Myth). These include
    -Healthpack added to Red holdout
    -DMR at red Holdout moved to red Transition
    -Paths smoothed out a ton
  10. FlimFlam69

    FlimFlam69 Forerunner

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    So here is a thought... What about making it more of a spiral? So Red team (for example) would start at the top of the spiral and work their way down, and Blue team would work their way up?
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i lol'd.

    creating a conquest map is actually the easiest thing to do in forge.
    its just a center area with 2 symetical/asymetrical tunnels connecting to the starting spawn. random geometric layout insert map here plop down some territories BAM done.

    But i digress, this map.

    It reminds me of the conquest maps we all had the genius idea to create hanging off the cliff of Standoff in H3. The idea itself is genius, conquest on a cliffside? c'mon. awesome, right?

    But we found that having the open air on the edge of the cliff kind of ruined the conquest style of play. Perhaps in Reach this may be different? But i doubt it, sure the gametype has been redesigned, but the gameplay remains fundamentally the same.

    Unfortunately this just doesnt look like its going to play very well.
    I hope that i can be proven wrong, and i dont mean to be a ****. Just sayin.


    clearly, you have barely touched the budget available to you at all.

    I think you could greatly improve this map by enclosing it.
    Doing this will not only improve gameplay, but also aesthetics.
    #11 Titmar, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  12. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I mean I could make it enclosed using wall peices and Forerunner stuff like that. But part of my goal was to only use "Natural" peices. I think it plays pretty well, seeing as although there are no walls, you are still confined to the skinny path because of fear for falling off the cliff.

    BTW, more editations. These are some major aesthetic changes, weapon placement, smoothing/overhaul of all the paths. So I will be posting new pictures soon.

    I would, but I am out of "Natural" peices, which I aim to create this map with. Not to mention that would make the map a very long map, especially for conquest. The length from Blue/red to the center is already a pretty good distance compared to the average conquest map.
    #12 SmartAlec13, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  13. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    First of all, I loved conquest in halo 3, so I had to check this out. Overall, it looks like a decent map for conquest. I do have a few issues, though.

    I don't know if this has changed between the official H3 Conquest and Reach Conquest, but aren't the rooms supposed to have a 90 degree turn to reach the next one? And aren't territories supposed to be touching, not overlapping? Also, no grenades now? That's just weird to me. I'm used to having a few grenades here and there, not spawning with them though. Bah, whatever, I'll have to check on the 'new' conquest and try to build something with it.

    I like the place you picked for making a conquest map, though. And since this is the first conquest map I've seen so far, I'll definitely give it a download and playtest it
  14. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    The new conquest is a little different. There are no more grenades in the new conquest. Technically it was never required to ahve 90 degree turns for every territory. Although it is required to have 2 general changes of direction. This map is long enough so it works.

    And originally my territories werent overlapping. I had used large circles , since the map is a circle. But I was told they looked fugly. They kinda did. I figured that Overlap is not as big as a problem as Gaps.

    Thanks for the download. There are already 2 official archived reach conquest maps. This will hopefully be the 3rd.

    Added after 1:

    I have now edited the thread with new updated pictures. As you can see, the map is much different from before, especially in aesthetics. The FX used is Nova+NexGen+Purple, forming a Bleak/Foggy/Mist FX. I have also redone all of the paths, and the Bluespawn is now a cave. The weapons are no longer on the ground, and are at eyecatching level and position, easy to grab. A healthpack has also been added to RedHoldout/Center. This will soon be archived in the Official Reach Conquest Archive, after more playtesting. So keep it up with the (constructive) criticism.
    #14 SmartAlec13, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010

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