Weird problems when you aren't the host.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Graybes, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    In the current map I am making, found here

    I am having something weird happening when I test it with my friend. One of us(the person who isn't host) is seeing the soccer ball move in a weird manner...It almost like the soccer ball's weight is not centered when it moves.

    Is this a connection thing? A forge thing? I really don't want all my work to be for nothing if everyone except the host sees a ball glitching around the map.
  2. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    It is probably just a host thing.. try with more people also to make sure.
  3. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    I tried it with more people and only one person saw the ball moving correctly...This is really a bad problem and shouldn't be happening and sorta ruins the flow of the game because it just doesn't look natural. Do you think this is something Bungie could patch?
  4. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    Not exactly, it could be just connection, you or your friend doesn't have "great" connection. What I would do is delete the soccer ball, and re-forge it back into where you had it. Then take the same friend and see if it still happens, if it still happens, take a different friend and see if it happens then, if it still happens, it is either host problems or connection issues.
  5. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I've heard that there are issues with the soccer ball, and that a golf ball plays better, but I can't confirm that.
  6. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    You are 100% correct. After a play testing session of Smashball, with everyone except one person(the host) saying they were seeing the ball move erratically, I went into forge and tested out the golf ball. It does not do the same thing as the soccer ball. There is definitely something bugged with the soccer ball and I really want to report this issue to Bungie. Does anyone know of the best way to report this too them because the golf ball plays a lot differently than the soccer ball. The golf ball flies a lot further and travels a lot faster.

    Here is a rendered video of the soccer ball problem!
    The Soccer Ball Problem

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