It's called Beaver Creek 2.0... it's a remake of the great Halo & Halo 2 classic Beaver Creek. It's not 100% identical to the original - and for good reason. I have seen a number of remakes of Beaver Creek and I see too much emphasis on making the creek and lower levels of the bases. Where you make the ultimate sacrifice by having to set up a giant box out of structure pieces just beneath the water line on Forge World. You end up going neck deep in water when under the bases. It just doesn't feel like Beaver Creek. Our goal was pretty clear from the beginning... to make a map with as many similarities as possible without going overboard. Some sacrifices had to be made but we feel the end result is something special that sets it apart from the rest of the remakes we've seen. This map was created by T000L & Legend of Zero. I also put together a great video of a CTF match on this great map. Here is the link: YouTube - Halo Reach Beaver Creek 2.0 REMAKE *MUST SEE*
The bases look really accurate, as a matter of fact the whole thing does, but why not do it on one of the beach/water way areas from Paradiseo? then you could have an actual creek lol.
Well we tried that and we ended up running out of rocks to build with. Since beaver creek has rock walls on all sides we figured that we wouldn't go that route. So we went for a Beaver Creek "in the future" look. A dried up creek, grass overgrown, the old lower level openings filled in with dirt and rocks over the years. It just seemed to work really well once we decided to go that route. It just sucks you can't "tunnel" in forge... and where are SOME TREES?!?!? LOL
OMG that is my biggest problem with halo reach. no trees in forge. it makes absolutely no sense to me, ive been complaining about that since the game came out haha. but as for the map. looks great. i like the idea how u said its from the future, and i i dont have a beaver creek remake yet so this can be it! i have a prisoner remake if you wanna check it out
It would be way to hard on the engine, that's why they took out the ability to spawn trees, but there are trees in other places in forge world.
Such a nice map! Luuuuuv how you didn't make the ground/floor metal to make a crappy ditch in the middle. Good work man! I thumbed up C:
i think this map looks like a lot of fun...even though its not a true remake 100% sometimes its sweet take and idea and tweak it a little. You did that well here. PS i too hate the stupid metal floors just so you can have a ditch with water...hurts my eyes.
Thanks guys I REALLY appreciate your comments and support. It looks like most agree that trying to do the creek in the middle just ends up killin that feeling of playing on Beaver Creek. I consider this an equivalent to bungie's remake of Blood Gulch in Halo 2. Some things were lost in the process, like the cave with water on one side for example. But then you had the two story bases too. Overall though it still had that Blood Gulch feel to it, which is THE most important to us. Thanks again guys. T000L
Okay seriously bro i looked/played on the map and its is mos def epic win sauce. I get the future feeling now, i love how you used the railings to make it look like an underground entrance full of dirt, although the bases seem a little bit bigger i know for a fact that doing that just makes it better/cheaper so you could do the walls etc. I really love this and although it doesn't have a creek its still really really really amazing great job bro.
Wow I think the only difference is a little change in the bases and the creek is gone. Thats the only really major thing about this map. But I love it. Its really fun. Gets me out of boredom going to a remake. Or and almost remake. Great map.
I made a couple of tweaks to the layout of the map when playing an infection gametype. I updated the file on my fileshare. Let me know what you think.
No definitely dude. I think the creek idea would be better. Combine your bases with the creek setting of one of the remakes I downloaded earlier, and it's just great. The creek was what made Beaver Creek stand out aesthetically, and I think it's a mistake to leave that out in this version personally I would have been fine with some coliseum walls in exchange for water.
This is a worthy predecessor, but i think you need to change the grav lifts on the sides of the bases to jumps, grav lifts just make it to easy.
I respect your criticism on the creek situation but I wouldn't go as far as calling it a "mistake" when that fact is you just can't simulate a creek with metal coliseum walls. I agree that the creek is what really defined the map. That being said I don't see how you can justify changing the ENTIRE ground level of a map (and in some cases the walls) from dirt, grass, and rock to metal floors so that you can add a stream of water for visual appeal. It's just not believable... and quite frankly the map becomes bland and boring on the eyes when you are looking at metal everywhere you turn, but again that is just our opinion. So that's why we went with the idea of the creek being dried up, the grassy areas of the map are all overgrown already, and the base sub levels were filled up over time. What did the creek add to the map? Visual appeal don't you think? It didn't really add anything that really altered the flow/layout of the map. That's why we couldn't justify going from dirt and rock (which made up 80% of the map) to metallic ground levels/walls.
You misunderstand me. I wasn't talking about using the coliseum walls to recreate water, that would just be stupid. I was talking about using an area with a strip of water in exchange for using coliseum walls to support the rock walls. It wouldn't be the same wall-in style but the creek would be present. I don't feel the flow or layout of the map was affected no, but I don't think it can be justly called Beaver Creek when it is lacking the visual trademark of the map. It's a nice design, it just feels as though it would be more proper with a creek running through it.
There just isn't a good area for it. There is one spot on the far side of the island that has a creek but it's too rocky around the sides. There are shallow areas on the opposite side of the island but they are more like a river than a creek.
I've seen great positioning that fills in the Creek job nicely. I'm just saying, I think the map has always worked with the water aesthetic and I think it could have complimented your base design wonderfully.
You say you've seen plenty... can you provide a screenshot or a link to a specific map that you are referring to? I'd be interested to see where and how they were able to pull it off. Added after 1 Day 20 Hours: I downloaded at least 5 different versions and they are all built completely over water with coliseum walls on all sides or use the glass covers (which look friggin ridiculous) to simulate a creek.
The only problem i have with the map is, in the old beaver and battle creek, the blue and red base are not identical. The blue base should have the collums in the middle of the front of the base and not at each side.